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5. The Hallways

4. Mysterious Stranger

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

The Hallways

avatar on 2019-06-28 17:27:50

1387 hits, 106 views, 2 upvotes.

Body Swap Part Theft SciFi Size

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As the floor beneath him drew closer, Jon closed his eyes, and tensed up bracing for his enevitable splattering.

"Uh, Jon" a young man's voice softly spoke, "you can open your eyes you know."

Slowly regaining focus on his surroundings, he saw the cloaked figure standing before him, the shadowy aura gone, and the hood dropped, revealing the face of a handsome man in his mid twenties, with combed back silver hair and piercing blue eyes.
"Who are-" began Jon, the man interrupting him and pointing to the floor below Jon with a small cough.
Looking down to his feet Jon saw he was in fact still floating above the dark marble tile work, though coming to this realisation he was suddenly dropped.
Stumbling as he landed, Jon just managed to keep his balance. "Who are you?"

The man smiled, "Follow me, Jon. I'll explain on the way.", turning he started on his way down a long, seemingly endless corridor, lined with tall pillars of the same dark marble as the floor.
Looking up to where he'd fallen from, Jon just saw an endless sky of stars, the tops of the pillars and the walls between them had no clear boundary to where the sky started. Turning his attention back down he hurried back to follow the man.

"So, Jon" the man began, "My name is Isaac, but uh, just call me Zack I guess".
"Where are we?" asked Jon, "is this purgatory? Have I died?"
"Haha, oh my no." Zach chuckled, the two of them walking past a set of large golden doors, "No, you're not dead, and this isn't purgatory"
"So where are we?"
Jon's jaw dropped. "Wait WHAT?!"

"Haha, you're face" Zack chuckled again, "Nah, this isn't Heaven, I'm just messing with ya, well, maybe it's Heaven-adjacent, but that'd take too long to explain. Come on, in here"
Zack opened a set of expensive looking wooden doors, revealing a large library. Stepping inside he picked up a large deep-red book from a case and set it on a table in the centre of the room.
Flicking it open, Zack found a page about the stone. Pointing it out to Jon, "Look familiar?"

"That's the wishing stone!" beamed Jon.
"Yes, one of God's little toys for us humans. And the reason I've brought you here." Zack pulled out a chair and sat down, motioning Jon to do the same.
"I'm sure you've asked yourself this same question, but have you wondered why your grandfather is dead?"
"He didn't face God's wrath did he?"
"Jon, try not to jump to conclusions." sighed Zack. "No, but his death was a mistake, not part of The Plan."
"So what you're saying is, he shouldn't have died if he could just wish not to?"
"Exactly" Zack smiled. "Someone is interfering, and we need you to stop them."
"Then why don't we just wish for it" Jon pondered.
"There are rules, Jon. God has decided the only way to fix this properly is with a do-over"

Jon looked at Zack puzzled, "What do you mean by 'a do-over'?"
"You'll figure it out" Zack smiled. "You just need to remember one thing: Find your grandfather."
"OK but-"
"No buts, Jon. Just one thing, find your grandfather"
"OK" hesitated Jon.
"Oh, and one more thing" Zack grinned, "I need you to wake up."

"Wait what do you-" Jon spoke into his bedroom. "Goddamit"

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