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3. Trading Faces

2. Outsmarted by the stone

1. You Are What You Wish

Trading Faces

on 2005-01-15 03:52:32

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"Jon, what just " as Karyn said that, a bright flash hit us both, and next thing I knew, my body was saying, "Happened?", but it was defiantly not me saying it. The facial expressions of my face quickly changed from concern to confusion.

"Karyn?" I asked in a higher, foreign although familiar voice. "Is that you?"

"Jon? What happened? Why are you me, and what " my former voice trialed off.

I started to understand what happened to cause this change. I desired Karyn, and ended up in her body. But the only way for me to be in her body, was if she was in my body. I am now Karyn, blonde hair, big boobs and tight clothes, just like she was before. And I could tell from the tent in my former jeans, she was still dealing with the desire for this body that I started.

"Karyn, err, Jon, I think I know what happened, but we need to get to my, umm, I mean your place and get the stone to see if we can't fix it," I said to her, err him, way to confusing for me.

I looked down and tried to take in a inventory of myself, and was not really surprised to see what I expected to see. I could see I was wearing a tight pink shirt with a low cut neckline. I could see the top of the cups of my pink satin bra holding up my large chest. I could see my blonde hair resting on my shoulders, and pulling down on my head. Looking further down, I could see my very tight blue jeans, and some slight heeled boots. I was Karyn, and she was me, we had to fix this but how? We had to get home fast to sort this all out, and cover ourselves not going to school.

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