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3. Part Two

2. Hearts Desire

1. You Are What You Wish

Wish of the Heart

on 2005-01-14 10:46:28

1493 hits, 62 views, 0 upvotes.

Age FTP Inanimate MTF Myth NBM Unaware

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Once he got back to his house, Karl checked that neither of his parents where home then raced up to his room and locked the door. Stripping off Karl stepped in front of his beat-up old mirror, barely giving his reflection a glance, knowing what he would see; a plain skinny boy who puberty had barely touched,a sight that frankly disgusted him, but this way he could appreciate the effects of his wish as soon as they occurred.

Closing his eyes tightly, for the first time ever Karl uttered the words that he had repeated over and over in his head for the last five years, but this time they were said aloud, and this time they made a difference; "I wish I was a girl."

Karl felt a moment of dizziness, then slowly, almost reluctantly opened his eyes. What he saw however delighted him, he was a girl. Not that there was a lot of difference in the reflection, he was just a female version of what he'd been before, a small plain girl barely touched by puberty, still it was enough to make him extactic, and he had the means right on hand to improve her situation, straight away.

Grasping the stone tightly, Kara now, considered her options. As Karl he had often entertained himself with the thought of what and who he would be if he got the chance to choose, and had thurally mapped out his chosen lifestyle and looks, so taking a deep breath Kara began "I wish I was a gorgeous, voluptuous, lesbian Goth-girl, with an aggressive but kind personalty an IQ of 250 and Double D breasts" the dizziness was much worse this time and when she looked in the mirror she saw...

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