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3. Interrogated

2. The Mystery Unfolds

1. You Are What You Wish


on 2005-01-26 13:53:00

758 hits, 11 views, 0 upvotes.

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There's almost nothing worse to follow up losing a relative to murder than to be put on the list of suspects right away but that's just what happened to me when Karyn broke under pressure and admitted to a detective that I'd gotten my inheritance already. Yeah, already, and the Will hadn't even been read yet! Go figure.

"Tell us about this box you received," Detective Edwards asked me as I sat in an interrogation room downtown.

"I told you before, I don't know what you're talking about," I lied.

"We've been over this before. Now Karyn said there was a letter. Why won't you cooperate and hand it over. This could be evidence we need to help solve this case," he said snuffing out a cigerette in an ashtray on the table and sitting back and folding his arms, waiting for me to say something different this time around.

"She wasn't.... She wasn't supposed to tell anyone about that," I admitted finally.

"Now we're getting somewhere. So then you two had a deal, did you?"

"No. Nothing like that. It's hard to explain... Maybe if you saw the note. No, that's no good either."

"Look, Jon, you can't withhold evidence, no matter how... supernatural."

"So then... you know?"

"I know what Karyn told me, yes," he replied. "She said there was a magical stone in the box you received. Now I don't believe in magic or anything but whatever the case may be I have to have that box, stone and letter. You understand don't you? The murderer probably wrote that letter himself. We can analyze the handwriting. Check for fingerprints... DNA.... You know. Now why don't you be a good citizen and tell me where it is."

It was extremely tempting not to but I'd been stuck in this interrogation room all afternoon and I was getting tired of this routine.

"The mill," I revealed. "The one out by the creek. You'll find it in there in an old orange crate."

"Good," he said signaling someone behind the one-way mirror behind me to go and check. "Now wasn't that easy?"

"Almost too easy," I muttered angrily under my breath, though he couldn't hear it.

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