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3. The Future

2. Time Travel!

1. You Are What You Wish


on 2005-03-26 22:51:28

2247 hits, 115 views, 0 upvotes.

Inanimate MTF Magic Myth Part Swap Part Theft Super

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"I wish for me and Jon to travel through time to two hundred years in the future."

Things shimmered around them. Karyn looked away from the stone at the moment she made the wish (right at a mountain). The mountain stayed in exactly the same position, and even the sun did (they must have been in the same part of the year). But you couldn't really make out the mountain. There were lights all around the area. Everything looked very industrialized, even more than it was when they left their own time. They heard a loud rumble coming from overhead. They looked up and saw a spaceship! It was flying over them.

"It's a spaceport!" Karyn said, excitedly.

"I thought you wanted to go into the past."

"I did, but I thought we could stop by the future first. I just thought you'd want to see it, since your into all that sci-fi stuff."

"Yeah, but this isn't sci-fi. This is real."

"Hey!" A voice yelled. "What are you two doing over there?!"

"What's he yelling about?" asked Karyn.

Jon looked at the ground and then back up at the sky. The spaceship they saw earlier was closer. It was making a landing. And Jon and Karyn were standing on the landing pad.

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