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20. Josie gets a grip on Karl

19. Michelle gets some help situat

18. Karl picks Josie!

17. So this is how geeks party?

16. But ifrst they have to get pas

15. Josie and Michelle Enter the N

14. Now that they've both put out

13. James, Josie, and Michelle Thr

12. Lights. Camera. Action!

11. And they get to be porn stars

10. James returns with party favor

9. All dressed, but where to go?

8. Prep time

7. The return of the Pizza Guy

6. Sausage and Mushroom

5. Watchin' the porno

4. Girl's night

3. Stoned cold sexy

2. A Fraternity Boy

1. Altered Fates

Josie gets a grip on Karl - and vice vera.

on 2017-05-28 22:34:39

1505 hits, 75 views, 0 upvotes.

Animal Aware FTM Herm MC Magic Part Swap Part Theft SciFi TF

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Josie laughed, hoped it didn't sound forced, and took another swallow of her drink. To be fair, he was kind of funny, but also Karl had mixed the second one stronger, which prompted a small, self-amused smile on her part. He obviously didn't realize it wasn't necessary to get her drunk to get her in bed.

James had told Josie to make Karl happy - - and that was what she was going to do. Josie would do anything to get her body back. After all, how bad could it be? She had already let James put his dick in her, and Josie, however new she was to this whole chick thing, decided that if she was any judge, Karl would be way more gentle with her than James had been.

"Woo - this one has a little chest hair, Karl," Josie gave him a little wink. She had always loved it when girls had winked at her back before she had become something guys would wink at. "Don't get me too drunk!"

"If you hang out with James I've got a feeling you can handle your liquor," Karl rolled his eyes and gave a small smile of his own. The prematurely balding shopkeeper causally leaned back against the bar and tossed back a shot. He almost looked cool.

Josie noted that Karl wasn't gangly like Omar and wasn't stout like Chet. He was kind of like the alpha-geek - - or would have been if James hadn't upgraded himself with the medallion.

"What's this?" Some kind of tribal tattoo wrapping around Karl's arm had caught Josie's eye. She surprised herself by running a curious hand over it and then leaving her hand there, clasping his arm, but shrugged internally. Is she was going to do this, she might as well step up her game. The second surprise was when she discovered the lower bicep sporting the ink was toned and tight, though not bulky with heavy muscle.

"Elvish," Karl smirked down at her. His eyes roved her face and body in a decidedly confident manner that the old Joe would never have associated with some comic book punk. She knew he was teasing her, challenging her to understand the reference. "One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all - - "

"And in the darkness bind them?" Josie purred back with a little challenge in her voice. Joe had dated a girl back in high school with a thing for Lord of the Rings, which she had never thought would come in handy as Josie, "You into bondage, Karl?"

She punctuated things by squeezing that surprisingly solid arm. It was hard to tell from the combination of all the drugs humming in her bloodstream, but Josie decided she was fucking KILLING this femme fatale thing. Karl looked away briefly and covered his reaction with a nervous swig of the beer he was using to chase his shots. "Uh, I dunno, are you?"

"I'll be into whatever you want me to be," Josie faltered slightly, trying to mask it with a smile.

The fact of the matter was no matter how buzzed she was right now, she wasn't really into ANY of this. Yes, James had fucked her, and the combination of weed and ecstasy had made it feel so much better than she had thought possible, but even if he hadn't used violence James had essentially forced her to do it - - just like she was being forced to do this now. She kept telling herself it didn't matter because she had already given it up to James, but she was scared to fuck another guy and so soon. Josie looked up, realized Karl was closely watching her face, and quailed inside.

She could also tell she was losing Karl, something passing behind his warm brown eyes, eyes grown the tiniest bit distant. Josie wasn't sure how she knew, feminine intuition or whatever, but she made a desperate, and clumsy, move. Reaching back behind the bar from where she was leaning on it with her newly accquired tits on display, Josie tried to slide her hand down from Karl's arm to underneath the waistband of his pants.

"Hey, no," Karl balked and half stepped away, catching her hand in his, though not roughly. A second later he brought it up to his lips and kissed it in this courtly way, "Look, Josie, I get that James "brought you for me," whatever that means, and I don't know why you went along with it, but if you aren't into me - - or at least not tonight or whatever, we can just have another drink and just, y'know, talk?"

"Just talk, huh?" Josie chuckled, unable to help herself. How many times had she said that and ended up getting laid later? "Y'know, if I was going to do anything, you're pretty smooth for - -"

"How's it going you two?" James said in a too loud, too jovial voice from across the room. The delivery guy laughed, marching a tolerant, but somewhat sulky looking Michelle over to the bar from behind in a half-conga style, hands on her hips and bumping her ass with his crotch to keep her moving. "Let's do some shots!"

Josie shifted in mid-sentence, talking in a breathless rush to smooth over any awkwardness before James made it into earshot, hoping against hope she didn't seem to desperate, "I do like you, Karl! Really, I'm sorry if I came on too strong, I just - - I'm not myself tonight. Can I - - can I try again?"

Without waiting for an answer the bosomy brunette, leaning forward, hands propped on the bar, inexpertly stretched herself up a little higher to touch Karl's lips with her own. This time he didn't shy away. She had only meant it to be a brief, firm kiss on the lips before hopping back down. Karl had other ideas. His hands came down behind her elbows on the bar and held her there, prolonging the kiss.

James whooped and even Michelle laughed. Chet and Bree cheered from the couch. Josie felt her porcelain skin blushing furiously even as she surrendered to the kiss. Inspired by the sudden display Chet went for it and kissed Bree. Bree gasped in shock before half shrugging and deciding to go with it. Soon the two friends were making out. James spun a wide-eyed Michelle around and, instinctively, she knew what this guy who held her fate, and her true form, in his hands wanted. She leaned forward, pressing her breasts into his chiseled chest, and kissed him hard. A second later they were on the other couch making out as well.

"Wow, there must be something in the air tonight, huh?" Omar swallowed and licked suddenly dry lips. Ashley watched from the doorway with him, but only she was scowling, specifically at the red-haired bimbo sloppily frenching with her ex-boyfriend. She briefly looked up at the stooped, yet still towering Omar, "Yeah, stupidity."

"Well, you feel like doing something stupid too?" Omar blinked down at her hopefully.

"Ha! You wish," Ashley shook her head, "You know what? The hell with James and the hell with this. Are you too stoned to drive me home, Omar?"

"Not yet."

"Well, do me a favor and drive me home, okay?" Ashley held up one black-lacquered fingernail, "And that's all you do, okay?"

Omar sighed, "Sure."

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