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3. A Different take.

2. confronted by a bully

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon needs to be more specific...

on 2005-08-21 23:12:20

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First part ripped off of original thread. Sorry.

As Jon was walking home he turned to walk down an alley he normally walked through. Before he started down it, though, he lookd cautiously. Blake Garner, one of the schools meanest bullies had begun hanging out in the area. Jon slowly started walking and just as he got to the half way point he was startled by a harsh chuckle."Going somewhere, Runt?" Jon paled as he heard the harsh voice from behind him, even as two other large boys stepped in front of him.Panicking, Jon slipped his hand into his pocket to grab the stone but was stopped by a meaty hand closing around the front of his shirt and smashing him against a wall.

"Ah! If it isn't Little Jon. You didn't do very well on my homework last week did you geak?" The leader, a boy named Roy Goslin, spoke.

"I... I'm sorry Roy. I'm not all that good at history." Jon stammered, still hanging by his collar.

"Aw, that's too bad Little Jon. I guess me n' my friends are gunna have to educate you then eh?" Roy said, cracking his knuckles. It was at that moment that Jon realized that he still had his hand jammed in his pocket, touching the stone. What could he wish for that would get him out of this? He couldn't do anything to Roy or his friends, as they were in hearing range and would know what had happened. Then he thought of something. If he wished for a way to get rid of the bullies on his own...

Thinking for a moment, he remembered all the hours of Martial arts Anime he had read. If he could fight them off...

His train of thought was cut off by the bully slamming him into the wall again. He had to do this fast. "I wish I could do all the moves of an Anime Martial Artist." He said.

Roy laughed. "Yeh, I bet you do."

Jon's mind was filled with new knowledge and he coud feel that the rock had also altered him physicaly to be able to perform the moves he now knew. He was still as skinny as ever but he could feel his body, tense and ready to obey any commands the brain gave it with much beter reflexes. Grabbing the arm that suspended him in the air, Jon flipped Roy using a judo weight reversal manouver. The bully slammed into the wall, falling unconcious. Running at one of the other two, he yelled a very odd fraze. "Cachu Tensian Amaguriken!" and his fists accelerated in a massive punch fest. Having reduced the other two bullies to groaning heaps of humanity, Jon smirked smugly.

"That was cool." His self congradulating was interrupted by the sky opening up in a sudden summer storm. He didn't particularely mind... until something weird happened.

The stone had seeked out the closest Martial Arts Anime or Manga in order to give Jon his new power. The problem for jon was that it was a copy of "Ranma 1/2" and as all Anime ataku... accept for Jon apparently, know. Ranma had a rather odd curse.

That's why Jon found HERSELF standing in the rain, red hair dripping onto the ground. "What the hell?" She asked, whincing at her new high pitched voice. "What did the stone DO to me anyway?"

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