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15. The Stone's History Part Two

14. All in the Family

13. The Worst Yet

12. Afternoon Delight

11. The Stone's History Part I....

10. Fun with Authority

9. Cheerleader's A La Natural

8. Jon's got the power

7. Barbi...

6. Meet Claudia...

5. The Morning After

4. Cock-y Attitude

3. Natural Selection

2. Righteous God

1. You Are What You Wish

The Stone's History Part II...

on 2005-08-01 13:53:31

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Jon wandered into his room, half exhausted from all the day's work. For some reason, he felt depleted, as if his very essence had been eaten away. He had fixed part of this when he had transformed those bullies, but it had not been enough.

Jon took the rock out of its interdimensional pocket and rolled it over in his hands. There was always a way of finding out why he felt the way he did. "I wish I know why I felt so miserable right now," he said, and the rock glowed in response. Jon closed his eyes and digested the information as it washed over him, and then opened his eyes in shock.

It turns out that the stone was an ancient Moche ritual artifact, one that was used in religious ceremonies and kept sacred for hundreds of years. The rock was fueled by masculine energy, literally the masculine essence. Since the stone was so old, it had a huge reservoir of energy from which to draw, and every time the stone was used to transform a man into a woman, the stone's power grew.

Jon on the other, hand had essentially been using himself to do the last few changes to reality, and though the stone had given him some residual energy from being kept so close to him, he was exhausted because, having no other source of power, his own masculine essence was starting to be eaten up. And since he had used his own powers to change the bullies, he had essentially absorbed their limited masculine energies. Of course, they were ten year old brats, so they didn't have much to give.

Jon was then faced with a conundrum. How could he keep his own energy supply up? He could tap the rock's energy supply, but eventually it too would run dry, and he didn't want that to happen. He was having too much fun.

There had also been a nagging curiosity in the back of his mind. Deep down, Jon wanted to be known as a lover of women, and not just a lover but the best damn lover they could possibly have.Jon smiled to himself as he thought, he could solve both problems with wish. He'd have to be careful how it was worded though. He took out a piece of paper and began to write on it, crossing some things off and adding things in as he did. Finally, he grasped the rock close, stood before a mirror, and read off of the piece of paper.

"I wish that whenever I said the words "Feed Me", that I would transform into a succubus, a woman that, while having sex with men, absorbed all of their essence from them and deposited it into a reservoir that I could draw from when I use my own magical powers. I also wish that this woman's appearence was subject to my own thoughts and desires of what a woman should look like, and that the woman I become had access to all the magical powers that I have. I wish that despite becoming this woman, I will never forget that I am really Jon, and that after feeding, I can say the words "Full am I" and I will transform back into the form which I currently am, with no change except that I will have access to that reservoir of masculine energies. I wish that no one thinks it odd that I will suddenly transform into a woman at any given time, and that they will treat me normally when I am in that form. Nor will they think abything different when I transform back into Jon."

The stole glowed white and burned itself on Jon's hand. Jon winced in pain as reality was re-written to handle the wish, and after a few moments, Jon turned back and saw that the rock had cooled off, and that it had stopped glowing.

"I think it worked," Jon said, "I guess there's only one way to find out." Jon stripped off all of his clothes and stood in front of the mirror. He took a deep breath and uttered the words "Feed me."

What followed next was an intriguing sensation all over Jon's body. He saw that the change was slow at first, but rapidly sped up. It started with whatever was left of his body hair, including his pubic hair, withdrew into him. Next, the muscles he had wished for the night before practically melted away, leaving his body with a feminine softness.

His nails grew out about an inch in legnth and painted themselves a nice red color. He shrunk down considerably in height, losing more than a foot in height as he was reduced to a paltry 4'11''. His broad shoulders shrunk down, and next his adams apple disappeared into his pretty little neck. His face softened considerably, losing their masculine edges and becoming the epitome of feminine beauty, with wide bright blue eyes, a cute little nose, and large lips with a naturally ruby red tint to them.

He watched as his legs lengthened, seeming to go on forever down to his cute little feet, with toenails painted a matching red color. He saw his spiky masculine hair cascade down his back, becoming lighter with each passing moment, stopping just above his ass. Speaking of his posterior, it exploded outward, becoming just round enough without looking like he had too much junk in the trunk so to speak. His hips widened out, and his waist collapsed a bit. Finally, his chest sprung forward first with expanded nipples, and then with rather large breasts, expanding outward to a well-endowed double D size. Lastly, his cock, which he had taken pride in, withdrew into himself, becoming a well lubricated feminine slit.

Jon took stock of his, now her, appearence, and whistled at the well-done job. She then cracked an award winning smile, and went back to change clothes. Sadly, she had forgotten to change her wardrobe to match her new body.

"We can fix that," Jon said holding the rock, before jumping back, startled by the sexy soprano voice that had sprung from her lips. Clearing her throat, Jon held the rock close and wished.

"I wish that whenever I became female, my wardrobe would change to match my new body, and that my car would change into a Lambourghini convertible. I also wish that as a woman, I was actually 21 years old, not 16, and that when I change back to a man, my wardrobe, age and car change back to the way they were just before I turned myself into a woman." There was another flash of light, and Jon then looked over to see a fully stocked closet. Jon thought to herself to try something, and altered her appearence so that her breasts expanded even further, becoming a custom-made L-cup. Sure enough, she saw a bra that was on the floor increase in size to match her new bosom. Jon smiled, it was time to feed, and to experience things that she had never thought possible.

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