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3. The Next Morning

2. poor john

1. You Are What You Wish

School Is Exciting

on 2006-11-04 23:06:35

879 hits, 16 views, 0 upvotes.

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There was a knock at his door.

Abrubtly, Jon woke up and looked at the clock.

6:17 AM

That sudden sadness hit him again like a ton of bricks. Was he always going to feel this way? How much could he really take? No one should have this much sadness.

He opened the door. It was Karyn. She smiled. "Hi, Jon. Ready to go to school?"

"I just got up."

"Well, you better get to it. I'm so excited. I can't wait to go."

"What's so exciting about school?"

Karyn got a confused look on her face. "We get to learn, Jon. And afterwards ... we get to do homework. Isn't that great?" She smiled.

Then Jon realized that this must be an effect of his wish. No one ever thought school was exciting. There's always a little bit of pain that came with "having to" go to school. But, thanks to Jon's wish, it wasn't like that anymore.

"Sure, Karyn. That's wonderful," he answered, not really meaning it. "Do you mind if I have the room to myself?"

"Okay, sure." She left his bedroom and waited in the hall.

Jon took out the wishing rock and decided whether he should make another wish.

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