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3. Nothing particularly new

2. The Good Life

1. You Are What You Wish

Oh, come on, like you weren't expecting it.

on 2007-05-08 02:43:27

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"I wish I was..."

At that moment, Jon's mother knocked on his door. "Jon, there's a girl on the phone for you!" His mother sounded excited. Jon stared at the door with a perplexed look on his face.

"A girl? Who would call me this early in the morning? Uh, just leave it by the door, Mom, I'll grab it in a second."

Jon hopped out of bed, wrapping the sheet around himself, and walked to his door. Were the sheets always pink? Jon thought to himself. He opened the door slightly, grabbed the phone, and ducked back into his room. He held the phone up to his ear and tentatively said, "Hello?"

"Hello? Is Jon there?"

"Speaking. Who is this?"

"It's Linda!" Linda was a friend of Jon's from a year or two ago, who had moved away.

"Linda! Hey!"

"Jon, is something wrong with you? Your voice sounds kinda funny." Without waiting for a response, she continued. "Well, I just called to see what you were doing today! I'm in town!" Again, without waiting for a response, she continued. "I'm gonna be at your house in an hour!" She hung up, leaving Jon in a slightly stunned state.

"Wow, she hasn't changed."

Unfortunately, we can't say the same for Jon, because as he tried to put down the phone, the sheet slipped, and he saw that...

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