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12. Jon has a girlfriend

11. Time for dance

10. New rules, same school

9. The walk to school

8. Getting ready for school

7. Breakfast

6. Lavender Shock

5. A restless night

4. Nothing happened...yet...

3. A wish for something interesti

2. Heading Home

1. You Are What You Wish

Boys Dress Like Girls: Enter The Girlfriend

avatar on 2019-08-27 13:42:09

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“Hey Jonni-boy!” It was Sugar Moss, smiling as she came up beside Jonni and put an arm around his shoulders. Apparently, in this world, Jonni had a girlfriend, which was new to him. Back in the pre-wish world, Jonni had never had a girlfriend. Of course, he had a crush on Karyn, but he had never been able to work up the courage to ask her out, and now, it seemed that he had lost that chance.

“Oh, hey there, Sugar,” Jonni hesitated. The experience of having a girlfriend was new to him and the arm around his shoulders pulling him close to Sugar was making him feel uncomfortable. It was almost like she was invading his privacy. Jon squirmed a little and Sugar noticed.

“Are you okay, babe?” she asked, concerned for her boyfriend. “You seem a today.”

Jonni glanced at her. How could he explain what he was feeling without making him sound like a madman (or was that now madwoman)? Did Sugar even know about the stone?

“I’m...fine…” he lied. To tell the truth, Jonni wasn’t even sure how he felt. On the one hand, Sugar’s arm around his shoulders felt uncomfortable, but as they walked, Jonni started to get used to the sensation, and it was actually… kind of nice. Jonni looked around at the other students as they made their way down the hallway.

He noticed that, particularly with the couples, a lot of girls had their arms around their boyfriends just like Sugar did. He guessed that, in this world, the women were the dominant ones in the relationship, just like they seemed to be with everything else. It was almost as if men had taken the place of women in the role of the weaker sex, although there seemed to be a lot more equality than before.

Jon tilted his head towards Sugar and noticed that she was actually a little taller than him, so he had to look up slightly. That'll take some getting used to. He smiled awkwardly at her.

“I, uh, I just need to get my books for English,” he told her which, in itself, was true. Sugar nodded and led him to where his locker was. Jonni dialed in his combination, while Sugar leaned against the locker next door watching him longingly.

Sugar giggled a little. “You’re so cute when you concentrate like that," she commented. Jonni let out a little frustrated noise. Suddenly, to both Sugar and Jonni’s surprise, Jonni was pushed into his locker.

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