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3. The box

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1. You Are What You Wish

The box

on 2005-07-01 04:04:05

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the mysterious box. Jon looked the box over; upon it laid a thin film of dust. He hardly hesitated to open the box and find out its contents. Inside Jon found ten small rings, each a bright distinctive color. Each ring was ornately carved with a single word on each.

First there were seven rings lined up. There was a red ring with the word "Slutty" carved on it. Next to it was an orange ring that had "Naivety" engraved in it. There was a yellow one with "Bimbo" and a green one with "Snobbish". Jon continued to look as he fingered the rings; he came to an indigo ring carved with the word "Subservient" then a dark blue ring with "Embarrassed" carved into its surface. Finally he came to a purple ring that had the word "Obsessed" carved into its surface.

Below those rings there were two more rings, One ring was pure white and carved with the word "Prudish" on it, the other ring pure black carved with the word "Aggressive".

Below those two, one more ring lay, and white and black ring colored like a yin yang symbol with the words "Role Reversal" on it.

"Wow," Jon said, "these are indeed interesting." He scooped all of the rings up and put them in a small pouch, sliding the pouch in his pocket. Jon couldn't wait to see how these rings worked so he picked up the stone and said, "I wish that it was tomorrow morning and Karyn and I were at school 20 minutes before it starts." Jon felt disoriented but when he looked up he was met with a nice sight.

"Jon are you ok? You look like your dizzy or something." He heard Karyns familiar voice say. She was wearing a lavender tank top and white Capri pants; paired with her new 'assets' she looked stunning. "Well, Jon, I have to run to my locker and then print this paper on a disk that there, so I hope you don't mind but I'm going to run."

"Yeah sure Karyn, its fine I'll meet up with you at lunch, have a good day!"

Just as Karyn walked away Jon looked around for some person to try a ring out on when he heard "Nice PJ's Jon did your mom buy them for you?" Sarah, she was a perfect target for Jon to test out his new toys on, so he slipped his hand into the pouch and slid a ring onto his finger.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Jon, I feel so bad about how I just treated you." Jon looked up and saw that Sarah was blushing. "You must have a good reason to be in pajamas, but that's yours you don't have to explain yourself to anyone." He looked down and saw that the dark blue ring adorned his hand.

"Its ok Sarah, don't be embarrassed." "Thanks, I'll consider your feelings next time " Just then Jon popped the ring back into his pouch. "Next time I make fun of your little PJ's, Hey Jon! Tomorrow wear the ones with the little footies." Sarah said back with her normal smart-ass tone.

"Wow, this ring worked one over on her." Just then, Jon slid his hand back into his pouch and pulled out two rings. A black one and a red ring were on display on his hand.

"But footies or not, I have never seen a man fill out pajamas like that." Sarah said as she strutted over to Jon shaking her ass in her mini skirt along the way. "Maybe you can wear them to my bed sometime" As Sarah was coming on to Jon she grabbed Jon's penis rather forcefully and then pulled him into her and kissed him passionately and long. Much to the amusement of the onlookers as Sarah and Jon began to draw a crowd.

Sarah finally broke the kiss and grabbed Jon by the collar and began to walk away. "C'mon baby, I'm not done with you yet."

Just as they were leaving the first bell rang and school began. "Damn it" Jon said, "I guess we will have to continue this later ok Sarah?"

"Whatever you want cowboy" She said as she patted Jon on the ass and gave him another kiss to remember her by.

"Wow" Jon thought, "I am going to have to remember red and black." Jon then slipped the two rings back into his pouch and began to walk inside to his first class of the day.

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