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9. Body Swapper App: Take more of

8. Body Swapper App: Take the res

7. Body Swapper App: Nothing, she

6. Body Swapper App: Take somethi

5. Body Swapper App: Swap with Ja

4. Body Swapper App: Legs

3. Body Swapper App: Body Part Sw

2. Body Swapper App: The Beginnin

1. The Drafting Board

Body Swapper App: Take more of Erika

avatar on 2019-09-17 15:48:37

1277 hits, 114 views, 1 upvotes.

Age FTM Omni Part Theft SciFi Unaware

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(Originally by Quicksilver)

You decide that your male torso doesn't look quite right with your totally female legs, groin, ass, breasts, and arms. You decide to take Erica's torso as well. You make the selection on the app, carefully leaving Jasmine's breasts in place, and drag.
You are engulfed in a warm tingly sensation from your neck to your waist. Your torso gets skinnier and shorter. Your stomach is sucked way in, in fact your whole torso is pulled in. It feels like your rib-cage is being squeezed. It isn't painful, but it is intense. It doesn't take long before you most of Erika's body. You have Jasmine's breasts and arms. The skin tones don't quite match up, but they are close enough that it doesn't jump out.

Then only thing that isn't female is your head. It looks quite funny sitting atop this fantastic nude female body.

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