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17. It's lunch time

16. Jonni's Turn

15. Makeup art class

14. Off to English

13. Dakota McKenzie

12. Jon has a girlfriend

11. Time for dance

10. New rules, same school

9. The walk to school

8. Getting ready for school

7. Breakfast

6. Lavender Shock

5. A restless night

4. Nothing happened...yet...

3. A wish for something interesti

2. Heading Home

1. You Are What You Wish

Boys Dress Like Girls: Dancer Overload

avatar on 2019-09-18 13:59:22

1291 hits, 102 views, 3 upvotes.

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The cafeteria looked normal at first sight, though as Jonni looked closer, he noticed that there were far more salads—and varieties of salads—than he ever recalled his school offering. I guess if the boys all dress like girls, they all eat like girls, he chuckled to himself. Jonni noticed that there were a few alternatives to salads, but he figured that, like everything else, they were low in calories, and given it was a cafeteria, low on taste. After ordering his kale salad, he went and found Sugar and Corinne along with a number of the other dancers.

“You’ve had a day, haven’t you?” Corinne sighed worryingly as Jonni approached.

Jonni nodded as he placed his tray on the table before sitting down, but not before smoothing his dress—something he now found necessary to do throughout the day and had noticed others doing as they sat. “You can put it that way. Am I glad to see you.” After all he had been experiencing, Jonni felt as though he needed a familiar face. Even if it was one that was more feminized than he was used to.

Corinne looked around before continuing. “Since he’s not at this table, I can confidently say that Dakota’s a bitch.”

Jonni nodded. Dakota reminded him of Sarah McMillan before his wish, but Dakota was worse. Jonni couldn’t remember seeing Sarah push any student into a locker before; Sarah was craftier than that.

“Can’t some people learn to let go?” Jonni wondered.

“Not if they have big egos and feel like they’ve lost out on every leadership opportunity,” a boy Jonni recognised from dance class as Jacki Belle added.

“Yeah, I don’t know why Ms. Cobb put him in charge today. Remember how badly he failed the last time Coach let him lead the dance team?” Jasmine Cooper asked as Jon took a forkful of salad.

“Oh my Goddess, he was awful,” Sugar added, as she put her arm around Jonni. “I guess Coach felt that because he looked pretty, that meant that he could lead.” Sugar shook her head. “But of course, we all know that looks aren’t everything. Isn’t that right, Jonni?”

Before Jonni could reply, Sugar cupped Jonni’s chin and pulled him into a deep kiss. A couple of the boys at the table squealed.

“Oh Jonni,” Brennalynn Coppersmith sighed. “Sugar is sooo romantic. I wish that I had a girlfriend just like her.” He gazed dreamily into Sugar’s eyes as she just smirked back and winked.

“Don’t worry, hun, I’m sure that you’ll find someone like me soon,” Sugar reassured him. “I mean, besides Jonni here, you’re probably the prettiest boy at the table.”

“Hey!” the other boys at the table grumbled. Sugar just laughed.

“I’m only teasing you guys, you’re all as pretty as each other.” The boys blushed in response and started giggling to one another as Sugar nudged Corinne and rolled her eyes, as if to say, Boys.

Jonni was stunned by this entire interaction. It was just getting too much. There were some things that he could handle, but this? He needed someone to talk to.

“Um, Corinne?” That name is still taking some time getting used to, Jonni thought, and he hoped that he was pronouncing it correctly. “Do you think that we could chat for a moment? In private?”

Corinne glanced at Sugar. Sugar was Jonni’s girlfriend, and sure, most of the time when Jonni needed to talk to someone, it would be with Sugar...unless it was important...and by the way Jonni phrased it, it sounded like it was.

“It’s about the you-know-what,” Jonni added, catching her eye.

Corinne tilted her head briefly, then relaxed her face, as if she suddenly understood. “Sure. Let’s go walk outside for a bit.” They took their trays and walked to the outside eating area.

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