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3. New location

2. Testing it out Together

1. You Are What You Wish

Karyn doesn't notice

on 2005-07-15 14:34:37

2034 hits, 70 views, 0 upvotes.

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Karyn entered the room.

"Well," said Jon, smugly, "What's changed?"

Karyn looked round the room. Jon was unchanged, she was sure of that. And also the room. She looked out of the window. Same view from the window, a white beach and Caribbean sea.

"Nothing?" Karyn asked.

"Nope," said Jon.

Eventually Karyn had to give up.

Jon showed Karyn towards the window. "I moved the entire town to Barbados!"

Karyn frowned. "But we've always lived in Barbados."

Jon held up the rock and shook it. "No we didn't. I made the wish. Before, we lived in Alabama."

"I've never lived in Alabama" protested Karyn.

"I wish that Karyn could see a hologram of this room two minutes ago." A picture appeared in front of Karyn. She could see herself leave the room and heard Jon make the wish.

"That's fantastic. I'd swear we always lived here." said Karyn. "Come on now, my turn."

"Okay, okay, anything for a quiet life." Jon left the room and Karyn held the rock in her hands. "I wish...."

Jon was outside, trying to hear the wish, but Karyn's voice was just too low. Suddenly the door opened and Karyn stood there. "Come on in. What's different then?"

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