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19. "I wish I had a very good excu

18. Karyn Go Home

17. A bit more control

16. Karyn needs time to think

15. "I think we're alone now"

14. Freedom of Speech

13. Switch Places

12. Jon's Guilt

11. Thought invades a hormone-addl

10. Idle hands...

9. Urinating

8. Mother Nature

7. What happened to Karyn?

6. Zoe

5. The female penis

4. chick for a dick

3. my penis?

2. wish interrupted

1. You Are What You Wish

Well, that is a good excuse...

on 2013-08-15 03:03:04

1495 hits, 105 views, 0 upvotes.

Age FTP Inanimate MTF Musc Part Swap

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Even so long after her mindblowing climax, the aftershocks were still reverberating all throughout Karyn's body. She didn't know how or why she felt such an amazing amount of pleasure, was it because of Jon being her sex? or was it just the the thought of him being part of her body that caused such a tremendous feeling. She decided not to dwell on it and just chalk it up to magic from the stone.

After an experience like that she felt dazed, she didn't feel like getting up from the bed all day, even though she knew she would have to. She rubbed her belly and brought her hands up to her breasts and kneaded them gently. She used her other hand to finger the wishing stone.

"Wow, I wish I had a really good excuse not to go to school today" Karyn mumbled while fondling herself. God knows how Jon feels right now, if her own feelings were anything to go by it must feel like heaven.

For Jon it certainly felt like bliss, his mind was completely numb and even though Karen was no longer wearing a bra, he might as well have been blind. Karens nipples were still rock hard and her areola were swollen and puffy making his vision strangely pigeonholed. Jon could only feel Karen's upper and lower torso and nothing else, making him feel as if he only had a head, his eyes her breasts and his mouth her pussy. The only other feeling he had was his penis, which confused him greatly only because Karen was still his penis and he was attached to Karen. He could feel Karen's entire body heat up as if it were his own penis and her neck and head stiffen up as she moaned in climax.

Jon could do nothing but wait out the sensations that were going through his center even stronger then Karyn was feeling right now. He could sense her emotions in a way as well, so he could tell she was extremely content at the moment as she fondled his eyes, sigh....her breasts.

Jon was conflicted, he was angry at being used by Karen even though he got alot more out of it than her he would say. He was angry at being muted by her wish for him to be allowed to talk only when she said so, making him feel like nothing more than self aware parts of her body. He was in awe of the feelings he experienced with Karyn, wondering if this counted as sex, although when the person is using you as means to masturbate because you are currently their genitals is probably just masturbation anyway. Whatever the case he couldn't deny how good it felt. He wondered when Karyn was going to let him talk again, so they could discuss a proper way of restoring both of them to their original bodies when he heard Karyn make her wish.

Jon sighed deeply, the wishing rock was a fickle thing. Already it had literally turned Jons entire world upside down just from a few absent minded words, who knows what the stone would interpret this wish as.

As soon as Karyn made her wish there was a bright blinding white light that obscured her vision, she made to cover her eyes. Jon was not so lucky, seeing as breasts didn't blink he was forced to watch the brillant display and it took a while before his vision returned and he wouldn't see large purple dots all over the place.

Karyn waited to uncover her eyes until the coast was clear. And stood up, fully recovered from her sexual coma. When she did she looked down at her body. Her breasts were red from all the rubbing, her nipples still semi-hard, and her cunt was swollen and puffy from all the activity. Jon must be feeling weird right now.

"Jon...You can talk now" she tried seeing if that worked. Right away she could feel a twitching in her crotch as her pubic mound began to move subtly up and down as if it was breathing, her labia moving in odd ways and her clit wiggling around. Jon seemed to be testing the entire range of his movement now that he was given some sense of control, however the effect it had on Karyn became evident when Jon's "mouth" began to drool ever so slightly.

"Jon please calm down...ooooh" Karyn moaned lowly.

"Sowwy...bub It feels goob to moob abain" Jon slurred, "Hey why boo I soumb fummy?" Jon asked as Karyn's vagina pulsed with every word.

"Umm sorry Jon seems like your umm...mouth is a little swollen and...wet from when know" Karyn blushed as she was trying to comprehend the absurdity of the situation. Talking to her crotch who happened to be a boy she really liked after having used him to masturbate herself with.

"Oh..." was the only other thing Jon said. Karyn was feeling awkward she didn't really know what to say in this situation, she felt her pussy breath a heavy very odd feeling.

"Can you umm...clean me up? I'm still a bit messy" Jon said slowly as to not arouse them further. Karyn felt mortified. After all she's done today, and to Jon as well, she couldn't help but feel embarressed about him asking to clean herself after she just basically molested herself with him in her body.

Silently she made her way to her bedroom dresser, her large breasts swaying to and fro and causing Jon nothing but an annoyance. She pulled out a hand towel and proceeded to dry her lower body of her fluids. Karyn was startled when her pussy practically grabbed at the towel at one point to dry the inside of it's "mouth"

"Thats much better" Jon said.

"Look Jon I..." She was interrupted as Jon spoke. "What the heck is that?" confused, Karyn asked Jon what he was talking about.

"Sorry, it's not like I can point but behind you, I can see into the mirror in front of you and well...what is that thing in your window"

Sure enough Karyn turned around and stared at her window, or what used to be her window. In it's place was now a large vent with a lot of flashing lights.

"What the heck?" Karyn asked dumbfounded. She walked over to the vent and inspected it. It looked very high tech and it seemed to be bolted into the wall.

she decided to look around the rest of her room for any other oddities, Jon could do nothing but jiggle along for the ride.

Karyn found some other strange items, her ceiling fan was replaced with lights with what looked like something you would find in an operating room. There was a pile of metal poles and plastic pads under her bed, her door was replaced with what looked like a reinforced metal door with no handle and a what looked like an intercom in the middle.

"Karyn...what is going on?" Jon asked worried.

"I dont know Jon" She looked around for her discarded clothes, strangely enough she couldn't find a single article of clothing. She found many towels and plain sheets, but not a stitch of her clothes. Her closet was empty, her dresser was filled with nothing but towels and hand towels. Even her shoes were missing.

Karyn took one of the long plain white towels from her dresser and wrapped it around her self.

"HEY!" Jon shouted, causing Karyn to stumble from the sensation that it caused. It took her a moment to realize why he shouted.

"Sorry Jon, but I got figure out what's going on, and I'm not running around naked even if you cant see" Karyn argued. Jon just grumbled while he could argue, it was pointless, he was merely a passenger in karyn's body and at least he could talk again.

Karyn approached the large metal door to her room and tried to find a means to open it, like the vent it was also bolted to the wall. Giving up she turned to the intercom in the middle. She pushed the green talk button and heard a click from a speaker.

"Yes hello Karyn, do you need anything" a female voice echoed through the speaker.

"Who is this!? what is going on? why cant I leave my room!" Karyn shouted into the speaker in a stress.

"Oh dear, sorry I forgot you just woke up after the initial incident, please turn to your computer monitor and I'll debrief you." The female voice responded with a click. Incident? Karyn muttered.

over at her desk she looked at her computer and saw a flashing dialogue box appear.

"Let me see!" Jon shouted, Karyn didn't see any point in wearing the towel since she couldn't leave her room and dropped it to the floor. She sat in her desk chair and clicked "Accept transmission" in the box.

"Good morning!" A cheerful brunette woman appeared in a webcam, she looked fairly young for her age and was wearing a labcoat.

"Sorry for the system shock of being locked in your room, but safety first!" she chirped. "If you want to talk, just push the space bar on the keyboard"

Karyn's eyes widened, she could see her? Karyn did her best to cover herself with her hands, Jon's shout was muffled as Karyn closed her thighs quite tightly.

"Hey now, no need to be modest, we're both women. Besides all of your old clothing had to be burned for safety reasons you see, so you'll be in the buff until overall examinations are concluded." the woman ratted off.

Karyn relaxed but kept her legs shut tight, and pressed the space bar.

"What examinations, what is going on here?" she asked scared.

"Oh Dear, did you forget already?" The doctor frowned and picked up a notepad, "Patient suffers short term memory loss" she muttered. "Well then I'm sorry if this will be a shock to you but I'll explain." The woman picked up a file and opened it. Looking through it she turned back to the camera.

"Well from our reports, it seems during a Lab project you were doing at school you and your lab partner a mister....Jon Madison, created an unknown compound that shattered the test tubes and coated both him and you. This caused an strange reaction in your bodies as the rest of the class seemed to recall that both of your clothes dissolved and Jon Madison seemingly melted into your body, causing you to black out in shock and everyone to flee the room in terror, The CDC was called and immediately set up a quarantine before anyone was to go back into the room. from the CDC's first responders reports it appears that Jon Madison was fully absorbed into your body and was able to see and comunicate via your body's genitals" she stated in a monotone drone.

Karyn was shocked, the stone created this, she knew it. This truly was a good excuse not to go to school today.

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