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28. Getting Some Answers

27. Family Time

26. Lisa's New Talents

25. Jon's New Toy

24. Wish Granted

23. The Return Home

22. Jon Stays for "Detention"

21. New Surroundings

20. Jon Enjoys the Show

19. Zoe, Athena, and Sarah get clo

18. Unintended consequences

17. Zoe gets Jealous

16. Karyn slips into something mor

15. Karyn wishes for her greatest

14. First things first

13. Jon is curious

12. A little fun...

11. Jon Continues

10. Idle hands...

9. Urinating

Lisa is Let in on the Secret

on 2010-01-12 12:06:52

2797 hits, 135 views, 1 upvotes.

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"Jon, I don't know what's going on! My parents, my brother, they're they're " Lisa stammered. "Shh, shh, I want you to relax so you can tell me what's going on," Jon instructed. Lisa took a deep breath and composed herself as Jon commanded, but she was still visibly upset. "They're gone, Jon. I went home like you wanted and there was a different family living there. I asked where my family was and they told me they had moved with all of the money they had received from the alteration."

"'The alteration'? What 'alteration'?" Jon asked. "I don't know. But my family is gone, Jon, and I don't know where they are!" Tears ran down Lisa's face, but she remained standing at attention before Jon, held in place by his command for her to give an explanation. Jon felt his heart sink. Careless wishing had forever altered another life. "Lisa, until I tell you otherwise, I want you to be quiet, stay right where you are, and not think about any of this."

As soon as Jon spoke the command, Lisa face took on an empty expression, her eyes seemed to glass over, and she collapsed to the floor. Jon rushed forward to see what had happened to her, only to find she had changed herself into a real doll: a life-sized, silicone doll. She had become exactly what Jon had wanted. She wouldn't be moving, she'd remain quiet, and she wouldn't be thinking about anything until Jon ordered her to change back. Jon first thought about changing her back, but seeing the still wet tears on her silicone face, he decided to let her remain like that until he could think some things out.

Jon paced back and forth in his room, trying to figure out what to do. Every time he saw Lisa on the floor, he would lose his train of thought and focus only on his guilt. After a couple minutes, he realized he was letting Lisa, doll or not, just lay on the floor in the middle of the room. Walking over to her, he stared into her eyes for a moment, expecting her to blink or say something, but no signs of life shown through. Sighing, he picked her up, surprised to find that she was just as heavy as if she were normal, and gently laying her on his bed. He stood a moment staring at her, thinking of the new situation he had gotten himself into. "I need to get out of this room," he thought.

Jon didn't want to go far and leave the house, he felt like he would be abandoning Lisa, but he still needed some privacy, which left only one option: the bathroom. Recalling all of the sexual encounters he had over the day, he felt a shower would really hit the spot and maybe making him feel at least a little cleaner. Removing his clothes, he began to hear Karyn's voice. "Shit, I can't get alone even when I shower," he thought. Deciding it was best to ignore her; Jon continued to undress until he stood naked. "Jon, what's going on? I head a lot of yelling, and then I thought I heard crying. What's- Oh! Hey, Lisa!" Karyn shouted, seeing Lisa's still form on the bed. "Lisa? Hey, Lisa? Are you- Wait Wait, is she ? Oh, Jon! That's so cool! Does she know what's going on? This is so cool! I can't wait to get in her like that! Hey wait! Where are you going?" Karyn yelled as Jon began to put on his bathrobe. "Quiet!" he said in a stern voice. Karyn got a hurt look on her face as Jon wrapped the towel over her and tied his belt. Even thought the bathroom was practically right outside his door, Jon still felt exposed having Karyn hanging between his legs as he walked down the hall with only a robe on. He had been scared about running into Zoe, but the load music blasting from her room meant it would be hours before she came out. At least some things hadn't changed.

Jon entered the bathroom and locked the door behind him. He walked over to the tub and started running the water, finding the sound to be soothing and already helping to calm his nerves. The water also awoke another feeling in Jon. Standing up, he turned to the toilet and opened his robe. Karyn was hanging upside-down between his legs, but still rotated to look at him. "Jon? Are you-" Cutting her off, Jon rotated her so she was facing down, held her firmly, and released. The urine flew out of her mouth in a steady stream like it would normally, and Jon couldn't help himself but to look at Karyn face as he relieved himself. She had a calm, almost impatient expression on her face, like this was no big deal and she had been expecting it. As the stream died, Karyn seemed to take a deep breath, opened her mouth again and expelled the finally few drips from inside of her. Jon flushed the toilet and walked over to the tub to check the water temperature. "Will you please talk to me, Jon? I've never seen you like this," Karyn pleaded. "I need to think, Karyn. I need a few minutes alone," Jon responded. A curious expression covered her miniature face. "But you are alone." Jon looked at her in surprise. "Um, you're here," he said in a sarcastic tone. "Um, I'm your dick," she responded in the same tone. "Of course I'm here. So are your hair and nose and legs. What's your point?" Jon felt his guilt rising again. "So, you don't even see yourself as a person?" he asked bitterly. "Jon," she said in a calming voice, "I'm your penis. I'm your penis. How could I be a person?" Tears started to well up in Jon's eyes. "Hey, don't cry Jon. Why are you upset? I'm not. You've always treated me well. Come on, what's got you so upset?"

"It's the stone!" Jon hissed, trying to keep his voice down. "Ever since I got it, it's only screwed things up!" Karyn look at him with sympathy. "What has it screwed up Jon? The only wished made with it made me bigger, sent you to school, then changed Lisa and she did that to herself." Jon gritted his teeth. "NO! It also it " he looked down at her. How could he tell her the truth about her, Zoe, and the rest? "It did something to Lisa's family. That's why she's back here now." Kayrn thought a moment. "You could make a wish to find out what happened," she offered. "I'm nervous about using it again," he responded. "Jon, if you make a careful wish, it will be ok. I think you'll feel better. I'll help you think of the right wording." Jon took a deep breath and wiped the tears away. "Thanks, Karyn."

"There is one more thing, Jon," she said. "What is it?" She took a deep breath and sighed. "I think you should let Lisa remember the stone." Jon opened his mouth but Karyn continued. "She did this to herself because she did not know what the stone was, so this would help to avoid any mistakes in the future. It would also help her to understand what has happened to her and her family. And, she could watch the stone for you when you didn't want to carry it. Just order her to never be allowed to use it without your permission." Jon looked at her a moment and a small smile grew on his face. "Damn, even as my dick she's smarter than me," he thought. "Ok, I'll fill her in about the stone. But first, let's get cleaned up." Karyn returned the smile. "Sounds good."

After showering, which almost turned into a round of masturbating if Karyn had gotten her way, Jon returned to his room and stood in his open bathrobe looking at the still Lisa, holding the stone in his hand. "Yeah, I think that wish would be fine and not screw anything up," Karyn said. "Ok. I wish to know how in this version of reality Lisa's family left while not forgetting anything about any of the previous versions of reality I have experience." Jon felt Karyn give a slight nod as the information flowed into his mind. "Well?" she asked. Jon took a deep breath. "Lisa, you can return to the way you were before you froze." It was like watching sped up film of winter thawing into spring as Lisa's skin took on a more fleshy texture, her chest slowly moving as she took in gentle breaths, and finally began to blink her eyes. Slowly, she sat up on the bed. "Hello, Master," she said, her voice still filled with sadness. Jon sat down on the bed next to her. "Lisa, this is important. See this?" he asked, holding up the stone. "Yes, Master."

"You are never to touch or move this unless I command you or it is to keep it away from someone other than me unless I give them permission to touch it. Also, if you ever do hold this, you are not allowed to talk, unless I also allow it. Understand?" She nodded obediently. "I understand, Master." Jon put the stone down on his nightstand. "I know what happened to your family." Her face lit up. "But first, I want you to remember what I ordered you to forget about the stone." Lisa closed her eyes, seemed to meditate a moment, and snapped them open. "It grants wishes, Master! That is how I became your personal sex toy. But what about my family?" Jon explained about the way the stone changed reality. "In this reality, you volunteered yourself to be turned into the first of a new type of ultimate sex toy. There was a contest held to promote the new line. You were the first place prize and I won you. However, because it was so difficult to change you, you're the only one the company made before they stopped the model. Since you were now considered a thing, your parents got the money you were to be paid and moved away so they would not have to keep seeing what had happened to you. This is how the stone was able to make you be allowed to change, be the only person who could, and also be considered my property." Lisa sat stunned for a moment. "That is quite a stretch, Master," she finally said. "I know, but if you're not careful, the stone does a lot of weird things. Listen, I'll try to think of a way to reverse this and get you back to normal." She smiled at him and hugged him. "Thank you. Master, but right now, I would like to stay yours. I remember even before the wish, and I made it because I truly did want to be yours. I am content, Master."

Jon felt better now that he had told Lisa the truth, but he still felt depressed and unsure about everything else that had happened. Looking at the clock, Jon realized how late it was. He gave Lisa a kiss. "Let's get ready for bed." Jon took off his bathrobe and started to reach for his sleepwear when he felt Lisa's arms wrap around him from behind. He turned around and found her completely naked with a big grin on her face. Gently, she pulled him to the bed and they crawled in together and pressed their bodies up against each other, Karyn nestled between them. "Tomorrow's going to be another interesting day," he thought as he drifted off.

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