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68. Retreating to the Bedroom

67. Zoe's Guest

66. The House is Clean but Jon Fee

65. Kitchen Fun

64. Two the Kitchen

63. Moving Along

62. Next on the List...

61. Trying a New Power

60. Wishing around the house

59. Walking the Dog

58. And Upward

57. Onward...

56. Down We Go

55. Giant Party Equals...

54. Wakey Wakey

53. The Party Dies Down

52. Fallout From Zoe's Orgy

51. The More the Merrier

50. Wishing Continues

49. Next Round

Karyn's Night

on 2012-11-22 06:11:18

2086 hits, 107 views, 1 upvotes.

Age Animal Anthro Aware FTP NBM Part Theft Super

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Jon quickly headed down the hallway, into the foyer, and rush up the stairs. He was glad Zoe and Athena were happy with each other, but Athena's new form was not his type. Jon opened the door to his room and stepped inside, quickly closing the door behind him. "This is just getting too weird," he said aloud. "What is, Master?" Jon jumped slightly as Lisa's voice called out from the bathroom. Jon stepped into the room and found Lisa, still in her French maid uniform, cleaning up after Erin's bath. "Nothing, it's not important. Is the uh 'pool' ready for another bath?" Lisa nodded with satisfaction. "Oh yes, Master. It was the first thing I cleaned so you would not need to wait." Jon smiled and walked up to her, giving her a quick kiss. "Thanks, Lisa. I would like to be alone while I bathe. You know, relax a little."

"Of course, Master," she responded with a curtsy and started for the door. "Oh, and change out of the maid uniform," he called after her. Lisa returned to the door, her top already undone. "As you wish, Master; but I would always be more than happy to wear it again for you," she said as she slipped it off, revealing her nude body underneath. She bent over, making a show of her impressive cleavage for him, before picking up the uniform and closing the bathroom door.

Jon stripped off his shirt, throwing it next to the door. He knew Lisa would pick up his clothes and have them washed without him even needing to say a word. It was great having an ultimate sex toy, but even better having one who was the ultimate maid. Jon unbuttoned and lowered his pants, followed by his underwear. Karyn hung limply between his legs, her head dangling down towards the floor. He was a bit surprised she was not awake yet, but then again she did have a very active night.

Jon stepped out of his pants and kicked them over to join the shirt by the door. He walked over to the massive pool and dipped his toe in. The water was very warm, just the way he liked it. Between his recent interactions with Jennifer and then Athena, a bath was just the thing he needed to try and feel a little cleaner. However, nature was calling first. Jon walked over to the toilet and raised the lid and looked inside, incredibly relieved to see there was not a face at the bottom of this bowl. A shudder ran through Jon again, but it quickly passed, and he took Karyn in hand. Jon reached to the front of her length and pulled back her long blonde hair away from her face to keep it clear. She was still asleep, her face calm and serine. Jon gently aimed her down, and released the pressure inside him.

Karyn's mouth opened on its own as the stream of urine started flowing out. A moment later, her eyes fluttered open as she started to awaken. Realizing what was happening, Karyn simply opened her mouth wider and straightened her neck, helping the urine to flow easier as if it were only natural for her. Jon watcher her as her eyes calmly look around the room, taking in the sights as she waited for the task at hand to finish. Jon realized she must spend so much time in the dark space of his pants that even being taken out to be used to take a piss must be like a sight seeing vacation. Karyn looked up, noticing Jon's stare and the corners of her mouth lifted up slightly as she smiled while still trying to keep her mouth open for the task as hand. A couple moments later, the stream started to die down and Jon tilted her lower. The last few drops dripping out of her mouth Jon released her length.

"Morning, Jon," she said happily, twisting her back in a stretch. "Morning? It's early afternoon," he replied as he flushed the toilet. "Morning, noon, night, it's not like it matters much to me," she said causally. "However, last night was fucking wild," she continued. "I can't remember a time where you used me so much in a single night. It was incredible!" Jon looked down at her, a wide smile on her face as she became semi-erect. "I well I actually don't remember any of it," Jon confessed. "What?!" Karyn cried out. "Jon, it was amazing! I was in so many pussies I could not tell who was who. As soon as I was pulled out of one, there was immediately another, and another, or a mouth, and then at the end, there was that perfect ass," she said dreamily. "Wait, what?!" Jon cried out. "Yeah, it was so awesome. I was inside of one of the girls, like I said, I couldn't tell which, it was all kind of a blur. There was another one who was sucking on our balls, and damn was she good with her tongue. So, this girl I'm inside of is riding me hard when all of the sudden she stops. I am waiting for her to start up again when she instead started to lift off of me. I was going to start pouting when I look up and see this hot asshole hovering right over me. I don't even have the time to say anything before it begins to lower on to me."

Jon watched as Karyn continued her story. She was fully erect by now, so much pre-cum flowing out of her mouth she had to slurp it back in and swallow it as she talked. Even then, her face was coated with it. "And, you liked it?" Jon asked. She looked up at him, a perplexed look on her face. "Well, yeah! I mean, what cock wouldn't like being in a sexy girl's tight back door!" Jon shook his head, amused. It was always a touch odd to him each time Karyn would enthusiastically refer to herself as a penis. "So then what happened?" Karyn closed her eyes and licked up the clear fluid near her mouth. "She slowly pulled me into her, her asshole puckering around me as I was going further and further in. I ended up filling her but I was not fully inside of her. It was a little disappoint but then someone started to lick at my pussy. Well, that drove you over the edge because you started pounding her so hard even I could hear her screaming! 'Oh, yes! Oh, yes! Pound my ass, Jon! Fill my tight ass!" Jon wrapped his hand around Karyn. No only was her account incredibly arousing, but hearing a girl who he had such a massive crush on for years calling to him by name to fuck her ass was almost more than he could bear.

"Then what?" he asked, slowly stroking her. Karyn moaned and continued. "What else? I blew my load into her ass! Even as I did she just kept squeezing down on me. It was the last thing I remember before I passed out, it was just too much. The next time I woke up, I was already back in your pants. You were sitting down, and it sounded like you might have been eating. So, I just went back to sleep. Please, Jon, don't leave me so turned on," she pleaded.

Jon released his grip then tuned towards the door. "Lisa," he called. The door swung open and Lisa stepped in, still naked. Karyn released a sexy moan as the girl came into view. "You didn't tell me what other clothes to change into," she stated. Jon didn't say a word, instead only commandingly pointed at Karyn standing proudly between his legs. Lisa immediately crossed the room, dropped to her knees, and took Karyn's full length into her mouth and down her throat. Jon gasped and reached down, placing his hands on the back of Lisa's head while pressing his hips forward. He ran his fingers through her golden hair as she continued to milk Karyn with her throat. It did not take Jon long to cum, Lisa eagerly sucking down his load. Slowly, she pulled back, Karyn's body sliding out of her mouth. Karyn hung between his legs, covered in cum and saliva, a dazed expression on her face as she began to soften. Lisa stood up and moved closer to Jon, her breasts pressed firmly into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, feeling her soft flesh, and rested his head on hers, the sweet smell of her hair enveloping him. "Will there be anything else, Master?" she ask, reaching down to grip Karyn firmly, causing the penis-girl to gasp in pleasure. "Not right now," Jon panted. Lisa smiled broadly, pleased that she had done such a good job. She released Karyn and brought the hand to her mouth, licking off the lingering drops of her master's cum. Jon lowered his arms, releasing her. She moved up, giving him a tender kiss on the cheek before stepping out of the bathroom, again closing the door.

Jon stumbled back a couple steps, almost falling into the enormous bathtub. He turned around and proceeded down the steps, the water quickly rising up to his waist. He looked under the clear water at Karyn. She was now asleep again, the powerful orgasm robbing her of her strength. Jon moved to the wall of the pool and sat down, the his head alone breaking the surface of the water. The image made him remember Erin as he had seen her in the tube earlier. He looked down and saw Karyn twitch as he remembered the torso-less girl. As Jon looked at Karyn, he thought about using his new ability with her. As he thought about it, his blood ran cold. What if she was miserable like this? What if she was happy? The "what ifs" began to pile up until a wave of calmness passed over him. She already said she was enjoying herself for the time being. He'd deal with things later. Jon took a deep breath and tilted his head back. It had been a busy day, full of interesting sights, and there was still more to do. At least for now, he was enjoying a few minutes to himself. Karyn shifted slightly, snuggling up to Jon's leg as she slept. Or at least, as alone as he could get these days.

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