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71. Jon Checks His Email

70. Plans for Lisa

69. Next on the List

68. Retreating to the Bedroom

67. Zoe's Guest

66. The House is Clean but Jon Fee

65. Kitchen Fun

64. Two the Kitchen

63. Moving Along

62. Next on the List...

61. Trying a New Power

60. Wishing around the house

59. Walking the Dog

58. And Upward

57. Onward...

56. Down We Go

55. Giant Party Equals...

54. Wakey Wakey

53. The Party Dies Down

52. Fallout From Zoe's Orgy

Jon's Personal Computer

on 2012-11-29 21:58:45

2100 hits, 120 views, 2 upvotes.

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Jon returned to his office and sat down in the high-back, leather chair positioned behind his large wooden desk. Vicki, the former cheerleader now computer, kneeled on the desk before him. Her glossy plastic skin was shining as the ceiling lights reflected off of it, giving her an artificial appearance while her beautiful and incredibly realistic body and face still reminded him she had once been a normal human. Jon grinned widely, ready to see what she was capable of.

"V.I.C.-E., power on," Jon commanded. The same glowing, neon blue light returned to Vicki's eyes as she brought herself back to full power. "Voice analysis: match. Logging you in. Welcome, User." Jon leaned forward in his chair. Her nude form, even in plastic, was still appealing, and her new synthesized voice was almost exotic in a way. "V.I.C.-E., what are your primary tasks?"

"My model is designed to optimize your entertainment, User. I am connected to all sound, entertainment, and media networks in your house as well as many more online. I can access any songs, videos or written publications you request. I am also equipped with all standard software, including writing documents, editing images, a variety of games, and many more. I also maintain your email for you. How may I be of service, User?"

Jon sat back in the soft leather chair, taking all of it in. She was the ultimate computer. This was so cool! "V.I.C.-E., let's start with my email." The screen in Vicki's belly blinked to life and displayed his email account, only it was more packed than he had ever seen before. "User, you have not checked your account in 5 days. It currently contains 647 emails from 491 different senders. How would you like me to sort them?" Jon looked at the long list of emails. It was going to take forever to read all of them. "Um what are my options?"

"I can organize your messages by date, sender, presence of any attachments, and size. I am also able to scan all emails, find patterns of content, and sort by those as well. However, the time this process takes to complete varies on the amount of data which must be sorted." Jon groaned. He was just getting started and already he needed to let her run some crummy program for who-know-how-long just to get through his email. "Fine, run a search for content and alert me when you're done," he said, standing up.

"Of course, User. Alert, User: email content scan complete. Are you ready to proceed?" Jon stared at her. "Wait, what?! Already?" The synthesized voice replied, "Of course, User. This model is capable of high speed program execution and data acquisition and is capable of processing power of approximately thirty petaflops. I would be required to run more than a trillion functions a second before any lag would be noticeable by human standards." Jon slumped back into the chair behind him. He did not have a mind for technology to begin with, and her explaination went well over his head. "Uh V.I.C.-E., can you open a new window and do an internet search for 'petaflops' for me?" A new window opened on the screen before him. Jon could see one of the articles estimated the human brain's approximate processing power to be above thirty petaflops. Vicki has retained all of the abilities of a human brain, turned into computer form, Jon marveled to himself.

Jon reached down and placed his hand on V.I.C.-E.'s mouse. As he moved the pointer across the screen, he remembered just where the mouse was plugged into and looked back down to see the cord for it and the keyboard snaking up into V.I.C.-E.'s lower lips. Jon wondered if she received any sort of pleasure from him using her hardware. V.I.C.-E. seemed to take notice of his pause. "User, you may also interact with my touch screen interface, verbally direct me to perform specific operations, or direct me to follow your movements with my cameras. These interface modes can be much more efficient than a standard interface. Additionally, this will free up my USB ports so any memory drives and similar devices can be inserted into them." Jon shrugged. "Um, sure. Why not?" Jon was transfixed as V.I.C.-E. raised her right arm. Her motions were sharp and precise, reminding Jon of what people looked like when the did "the robot". This was no impression, however, as her movements were accompanied by the whirl of motors within her arm and shoulder. Jon watched as her arm moved to the center of her body, reached down below her screen, and spread her artificial vagina. Her left arm then followed a similar path and reached down to between her legs, gripping the cords running into herself, and pulled them out. "Devices: removed," she announced, her arms returning to her sides. He tentatively reached forward and hooked his fingers into her. As he reached in about four inches, he felt his fingers brush against six rectangular openings. Her USB ports. Jon withdrew his fingers and shook his head, deciding it was time to move on. "V.I.C.-E., close the web search page and go back to my emails. What are the most common themes you found?". The screen refreshed an his email account now had new folders in his email account.

"The most prominent messages are from female requesting, what most refer to as, 'hooking up.' Many have included times and dates which they are available, while others have left open invitations. I have observed, User, many of these dates have already expired. Would you like me to send them the automated response?" Jon looked away from her screen and up to her face. "The automated response? What automated response?"

V.I.C.-E. opened her mouth, and began to speak with Jon's voice. "Hey, sorry we didn't have time to meet up. Things have been crazy for me, but let me know when you can meet up later on and I'd love to see you." Jon stared at her. It had sounded like he was talking to himself. "How did you do that?" he asked. "You have arranged my settings so I read any messages with the sender voiceprint," she replied in her own electronic voice. Jon laughed. He was going to need to open an email or two just to see who else she could sound like. "Sure, send the automated response. Would it be possible for you to make a list of the girls and which times they did want to meet up?" V.I.C.-E.'s eyes blinked once. "Process done, User. Would you like me to add attachments to this document?"

"What do you mean?" The screen in V.I.C.-E.'s stomach erupted with dozens of images of girls from his school in various states of undress and poses. "Many senders included images of a provocative nature along with their invitations for sexual relations. How would you like me to archive them?" Jon looked at how many tabs were open. Jon silently cursed himself. If he had checked his email sooner, he could only imagine how much more sex he may have gotten in the past few days. "Move the attached photos to the document and group them with their sender. Oh, and if any of them included requests or descriptions of any specific acts they wanted to do, include those too."

"Done, User." Jon smiled. "Ok, delete those emails and move on. What's next?" The screen flashed as the files of naked girls closed and the file marked "Meetings" was deleted. "The second most prevalent content was people congratulating you on a successful party last night. Many of your classmates and their guests wished to thank you." Jon smiled. He was on top of the world. "V.I.C.-E., record me and send this as a reply: Hey, I'm glad you had a great time last night. I will let you know when the next party is going to be. If you have any photos of last night, send them my way. I'd love to see what everyone was up to during the party."

"Audio recording: complete. Conversion to text: complete. Messages sent, User." Jon slapped his hand on the desk. Having V.I.C.-E. made all of his computer tasks so much easier, as well as more provocative. "Ok, erase those messages and move on. What's next?" The folder deleted and the next one moved up. "The next folder is SPAM, User." Jon groaned. "Just delete it." The folder deleted like the others. "Only three messages left, User. They all contain matters of business."

"Business?" Jon pondered out loud. "V.I.C.-E., open the first email." On the screen, an email opened. As Jon leaned in to read, V.I.C.-E. spoke up above him in a bubbly, ditzy voice, her face suddenly smiling and showing much more natural expressions. "Hey, Jonny! You were so, totally right. Not only did I make more money last night than I do in three at the club, but I also had a really fun time! Thanks for hiring me on for the night. Next time you can make it to the club, I'll give you a private show and maybe a little more ;)" Jon looked up and saw that V.I.C.-E. actually winked at him when she reached the emoticon. He looked back to the screen as she continued. "Hope to see you soon! Kisses and more. Honey." Jon sat back, a confused look on his face. "Honey? Who's Honey?"

"Honey is the stage name of the stripper Hannah Miles. You hired her as entertainment for your party last night," V.I.C.-E. informed him in her own voice. Jon smiled, remembering the sight he had encountered briefly the night before. Shy Hannah Miles, the school book worm, was now a stacked bombshell who definitely knew her way around a stripper pole. He would need to get in and see her soon. "V.I.C.-E., leave this email. I don't want to forget about it, but I want to surprise Honey when I see her," Jon mused. "What is the next email?"

"The next two emails concern the seizure of your house and property," V.I.C.-E. said calmly. "WHAT?!" Jon shouted as the emails opened. V.I.C.-E. started to read the first of the messages. but Jon quickly told her to stop so he could not be distracted. The emails were from collection agencies claiming he was personally responsible for the cost, taxes, and up keep on his house and he was incredibly behind on the unbelievably high payments. Jon groaned as he remembered when he had made the wish to alter the house. He had referred to it as "my house." The house now belonged to Jon, and he was responsible for it. Jon shot out of his chair like a bullet and ran into the next room.

Jon ran past his bed and back into the walk-in closet, making sure V.I.C.-E. did not hear him. Again, he placed his hand into his bathrobe pocked and wrapped it around the stone. "I wish I had a bank account with a high balance which came from legal means. I wish this bank account will always have enough money in it to cover whatever expenses I may need."


Jon ran back into his office and sat back in front of the computer-girl. "V.I.C.-E., show me all 'business' emails and bring up my bank account." The screen brought up the previous emails, only now they were monthly statements showing his accounts were paid in full. Jon sighed and looked to the new window which showed his bank account. Jon gasped. He had never seen so much money, and it was all his! He raised his arms over his head in triumph. He looked up at V.I.C.-E., her gaze staring straight ahead, oblivious to his celebrating.

"V.I.C.-E.," Jon said in a cheerful voice, relieved he had dodge such a huge bullet, "what are some of the other preferences I have made in your settings?" A new window replaced his email account, displaying a long list of preferences. Jon reached forward and pressed his finger against her "screen". Her stomach felt smooth like plastic, but was also warm to the touch like flesh. Jon ran his finger down and watched as the screen began to scroll down with it, showing a long list of preferences. He took note that many of the preferences would not even be possible with a normal computer. "Personality?" he said out loud as the word scrolled by. The word flashed and a new window opened. "You currently have my personality set at 'neutral', User." Jon looked over some of the other options.


Jon stopped. "Bimbo?" The word flashed and Jon watched as V.I.C.-E.'s eyes color changed and took on a bubblegum-pink glow. "Like, totally, User! In this mode, I am like, so totally happy to do whatever you want. It's pretty cool!" Jon laughed and scrolled down some more.


Jon tapped on the word. The glow in V.I.C.-E.'s eyes became a deep red. "Oh," her synthesized voice moaned, "is someone being a bad boy, User?" The whirl of motors filled the room as V.I.C.-E. tilted her head to look down at him and raised her arms to her chest and cupped her plastic breasts. "Should I do a web search for something a little steamier?" she hissed with a wink.

Jon scrolled back up and returned her to "Neutral" before pressing the back button. V.I.C.-E. lowered her arms and looked straight ahead as her eyes returned to the familiar neon blue. Scrolling further down, Jon spotted a tab which read "Stimulating Data Transfer/Interface" which was flipped to the "Off" position. "V.I.C.-E., what is this?" he asked, tapping on the option. "That mode activates my erogenous zones so I receive stimulation any time I am transferring data as well as when you make physical contact with devices connected with me" she answered. "So, the more operations you run and the more I use things plugged into you, like the mouse, the more it gets you off?"

"Correct, User." Jon smiled and immediately clicked the tab to on. If Vicki was going to be V.I.C.-E., there was no reason she shouldn't be enjoying it. Maybe I should plug the mouse back in, he mused. Jon's eyes snapped open. "V.I.C.-E., what is the time?" A digital clock appeared on her stomach. It was already 4:45, a little over an hour away from his ride with Emma. He would need to check more of her settings later. Jon stood up and started to step away from the desk, but a thought entered his mind. He looked at his computer-girl and said, "V.I.C.-E., organize any photos from the party last night as they are sent in. Cross compare the people in them with the girls who wanted to hook up with me and add the pictures to their files." V.I.C.-E. let out a robotic moan as windows with various girls' faces opened on her stomach. "Process started, User. Twenty four photos have already been sent to your email and counting." He would need to check them when he got back.

Jon was halfway to the door when he stopped and returned to the desk. He stood in front of V.I.C.-E., face to face with her kneeling form. "V.I.C.-E., honestly, how do you feel about being my computer." The flow of data on the screen paused. "I am proud to be the highest level of computer technology current available." Jon waited a moment to see if there was anything more, but V.I.C.-E. remained silent. "Vicki, the cheerleader Vicki, honestly, what's it like being my computer."

Vicki moved, her motions were now fluid and organic as she looked down at her body and reached her hands up and placed them on her stomach, covering her screen. "It's really weird being a computer. I feel hollow. Like I am partly empty, but I feel all of these things moving inside of me. And I feel like I'm not all here, but everywhere. I feel like I am connected to the world and this body is just a shell I reside in. I can hear through any microphones, see through any cameras, and access any information which are hooked up to the internet. I can talk to other computers. It's almost like taking to an infant, they are so much 'simpler' than I am. It's a little unsettling to think I am only an appliance and not a real person anymore."

"So, you can access any other computer out there?" Jon asked. "As long as it is hooked up to the internet and if I have enough time, yes." Jon smiled, thinking he could have fun with that later. "How do you feel about your current situation?" She looked up at him. Jon realized her eye color had changed to a pure white light. "It's incredible. I am more than what I was. There is so much data, so much I didn't know. I am all over the world and nowhere at the same time. It's indescribable. I would never have had this with my old body. I don't know if I would want to stay this way forever, but for now, I I want more." Jon listened on, Vicki's voice filled with wonder. She was experiencing another world, one which no human could ever experience. For the time, she was happy, and Jon almost envied her.

"V.I.C.-E., continue with the current operations." Jon watched as Vicki melted away, her eyes returning to neon blue, her posture and facial expression returned to V.I.C.-E. The data flow resumed on her screen and she starred forward, like he had not even asked her anything. Jon turned around and walked out of the room. He had a date to get ready for.

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