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3. Share the stone with the body

2. Body Sharing

1. You Are What You Wish

Share the stone with the body

on 2005-12-28 18:25:37

1652 hits, 66 views, 0 upvotes.

Age FTM MTF NBM Part Swap SciFi Super

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Karyn strutted over to the mirror and posed. "You know, I always thought you had a nice bod Jon. Now I know WE do."

"KARYN! are you insane?! Wishes can't be undone!" Yelled Jon through the same mouth.

"Oh shut up Jon. This could be fun" said Karyn. "Here, I wish that Jon wouldn't hate the idea of sharing a body with me. There, are you better?"

"Almost. I wish that whenever we have the stone, we have to alternate using it. Meaning, I just made a wish, so I can't make another one until you do, then you can't do another wish until I do again."

Karyn shrugged Jon's sholders, "Fair enough."

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