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46. Mothering Molly

45. Matt's mother reacts

44. Matt's turn

43. Talking Rabbit

42. Sphinxes Talk (Take 2)

41. Finding the statue

40. The cost to the sphinx.

39. What have you done?

38. Back to the stone

37. The Old Woman

36. With friends like these...

35. Friends again?

34. Jon contemplates

33. David squares off with Matt...

32. David's first day back

31. The kind of girl...

30. Meanwhile...

29. Jon and the cat...

28. David and her mom talk abou cl

27. Shopping

Mothering Molly

on 2015-05-17 19:06:45

1072 hits, 57 views, 1 upvotes.

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Matt had been turned into a little angel girl...

... well... it 'could' have been worse? Her mother was looking over her grinning soaking her entire being into memory. She ran her hand over her gorgeous blond hair, looking 'over' unknowingly emphasising how small she was now. Her mother took out a small hand mirror. "Look at you!" She grinned again.

Matt peered over her reflection. She was... an adorable girl; innocent and very young. She couldn't have been more then eight or nine years old. This was not good at all, not from when she had been a male teenager and into something like this. Hovering behind her were those wings that made her look as an angel. With a thought, she could feel them move. Expression darkened, turning sullen. This is what she looked like... this was all people would see. "Mom... what... am I doing to do?"

Matt's mother shrugged. "Wait and see I suppose. Here let me show you something." She took out a photo album cheerfully from a shelf. "See here? This is the form I had for a few weeks when I had the virus back in the sixties" she laughed.

Matt stared at the picture. Her mother's skin was blue. She looked... there were also cute wings on her back. "You... you were a fairy?"

"Yep! Only six inches tall. What a month that was. I think the worst was when a bird decided I was something to place in its nest. People knew to look out for me after that. Ah- here's another picture of me." She turned the page with a bit of a blush. "I got turned into a boy here." She showed a picture of a seemingly ordinary little boy. "That happened when I was a teenager. I was stuck like that for six months," she rolled her eyes. The boy had a vaguely annoyed look. The only thing strange about him was the pointed ears, and eyes that seemed to shine a little too much.

Matt looked over the pictures, then at herself. "... and now I'm a little girl." She said sadly.

"An angel!" Matt's mother prodded to her grinning. "Believe me I've been through this quite a few times. Honestly the best thing in my experience is to do is just 'go' with it. So for until you get better, you'll be my little angel cutie," she giggled again patting her head.

Matt looked wide eyed. "But I'm not! I'm a boy!" Her wings flapped outward a little.

"Don't be silly Molly. Now let's get you some new clothes. You are going to look wonderful I promise!" Then she took a quick photo of Matt with a click of her smartphone.

"... what... did you do that for?" Matt looked terrified at the implications.

"For the family photo album of course! The nice thing about technology nowadays I can do this instantly too." A printer started to go and Matt's very shocked expression of being a little angel-girl was frozen in time... and stuck onto the album almost ceremoniously. "You'll have a laugh later on."

"But what if this is permanent? We have to find out that-"

"What good would that do sweetie? It won't affect that you have to be this for a while. Besides most cases are not permanent. I went through so many changes," she smiled a bit more shyly. "Ahem- in any case, you should feel lucky to have someone so experienced Molly."

"I'm not Molly!" She repeated. "Mom-"

"Now now," her mother looked to scold her with that 'grown up voice'.

For some reason, some instinct in Matt made him shirk away. She started to sniffle and cry. It was brief though, as her mother picked the little girl up and gave her a warm hug. "You'll feel better in a few days... I promise."

Clothes shopping for Molly was relatively easy- except for her wings, and the fact that everyone wanted to touch them. She wished she could hide them away... her mother had cut her hair at least to a more manageable size, but from the journey to the shops by car they had now dangled to her shoulders when before they were just above. Worse, she could swear they were still growing. Still she wasn't completely sure. Maybe she was imagining it.

Getting pants was easy. She was still human around her legs. But working out her torso was a difficult one. Just placing holes on a top didn't exactly work. In the end they gave her a robe, with a simple clasp running down the back. It was sealed by Velcro. The whole thing actually did feel quite comfortable. Having clothes that fit her made her feel a little better...

... though not by much.

Then Matt saw someone. She gasped. "Sally..." she whispered. It was the girl she had a crush on! The teenage girl was just shopping for dresses and was right there! So pretty and.. and...

"Is that someone you know?" Asked her mother.

Matt couldn't believe it. This was the worst time possible. They had to go quickly. "Just- we gotta go!" There's no way she could let Sally see her like this!

Sally wondered over curious at the new changed person. Like most girls she did stare a bit at the little angel girl. "Aw, that's cute." she smiled to Matt's mother.

"She's my little angel," winked Matt's mother. "Though she can be difficult... I believe I know your parents. Your name is Sally right?"

"Why yes!" The girl said surprised. "Oh- you're Matt's mother? Mrs Hallows?" He didn't really know him that well but... she did see him sometimes.

"That's me!" The woman said with a mirthful giggle. "Matt's told me so much about you..."

'Molly' started to try to get her mother to lean in closer. "Mom what are you doin'!" This was extremely uncomfortable, to not put too fine a point on it.

Mrs Hallows gave a little wink. "I'm helping you pumpkin. Now don't worry about a thing, Mummy will take care of it."

Molly fumed looking down. This couldn't get worse... Oh wait- yes it could.

"So where is Matt?" She asked glancing around.

"He's had to take a little trip so wont be around for a while. I'm afraid taking care of his 'little sister' on my own though is a bit difficult. Perhaps you could help babysit some day?"

"Oh I would love to!" Sally grinned looking at Molly happily.

Molly widened her eyes. "Mom... No... no no no... no..."

"Wonderful! I'll arrange a few times in the evening. You know how difficult it can be with kids."

"Here's my number," said Sally. "Um.. feel free to give that to Matt too." She said with a faint blush.

"I will try!"

"Mom What did you do!" Molly said wide eyed. "You can't make Sally my babysitter. There's no way I'm doin' that!"

"Would you rather I leave a little girl on her own in the house? Don't be silly."

"I'm Sixteen!"

"You're not even a teenager dear. I'll need what help I can get. This works out well. You know her, she will get to know the new you... besides, she seems nice and trustworthy."

"You don't understand!" Matt was looking exasperated.

"Hm, well I suppose I could ask David to baby sit you now now and then." She might as well get a handle on what motherhood could be like. You are certainly going to give her the full experience, if you start throwing a tantrum" she said shaking her head. "Come on sweetie in the car now- and I've bought a special seat just for you sweetie. You're like a princess in your own carriage!"

Molly's day was not going any better... Even David right now would be a better alternative.

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