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13. (losing all power)

12. Where is this?

11. A devil in disguise

10. Well, sometimes its GOOD to tr

9. A helping hand

8. Walk Outside and Meet some pla

7. my MAP

6. Entering Starting Point

5. Shocked

4. Enter – Epic City

3. Beginners Luck

2. Let's try this out

1. The Future of Gaming

Wade into the pool

on 2002-10-02 06:28:36

1223 hits, 52 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Animal Anthro FTM FTP MTF Magic Size Super Unaware

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I moved over to the pool feeling a force in his voice, a voice from the devil as it were with all the charm, cunning, and total power of destruction to me if I didnt obey. I walked slowly but directly to the pool but thinking as I did.

If I were able to stall and get my feet under me as it were I might be able to figure out what he has done and get out from under this and find my girlfriend. Hmmm...this seems resonable.

"Now remove your clothing Misty" Rylen spoke not loud but the voice shook me to the core of my being. I complied which brought him a smile. I thought it best to lure him into thinking all was going according to his plan.

I saw myself in the reflection of a beautiful mirror off to the side of the pool. I was gorgeous (all things considered): lovely hair, a fit trim body apart from my breasts that only in my wildest dreams I would hold and masturbate to. My ass was proportional and, while I wasnt terribly fond of it at first glance, I was somehow feeling a bit tingly over thoughts that were scorching through my body and mind. Rylen grinned and began to speak again noticing how I hesitated.

"Oh you will learn to love your body and accept your fate with time. Now step into the pool and cleanse yourself. You now belong to me. There is no intervention that will save you. Only my benevolence can help you through your transformation." He spoke with both a directness and charm that made stepping into the pool so much easier.

I took the first step. The water seemed so silvery and transluscent. The look of it was like liquid metal that was slimy and seemed to soak into my skin. As I descended into the depths of it I saw Rylen as I looked back over my shoulder. He was grinning an evil look as he stepped closer to the pool that I was descending into. I stopped when I reached my neck and I was kneeling down into the pool. I felt a tinge of fear but was not at the point yet where I could see an opening with which to escape.

"Good, now lower your head like a good llittle girl and this will be all over soon." It all seemed so simple then. Llittle did I know what was happening to me.

A thousand sparkles of prismatic light filled my vision. All of my life seemed to pass before me. A panicked feeling filled my bosom and I jumped out of the pool into the air above me. Rylen was at his MAP laughing and nodding.

"Well well, looks like this endevor will pay off after all. I have to say that you have been most cooperative and I do appreciate it. I need to inform you that that pool you have stepped into has allowed me to download all of your information. Personal information that is. I will have one of my trusted minions going to your real life home now. There he will pick your body up and transport it to a place where it will be sustained on life support indefinately. It will be pampered and cared after for as long as I have desire to have you. I have taken all "reality checks" off your system and you are for all intensive purposes now in the game....forever!" The smile to his face was almost too calm. I couldnt believe what he was saying to me! The words were like a bad dream of so enormous proportions that I was in shock. I moved out of the pool and sat down on the floor dripping with this silvery liquid. My life seemed to drain out of me as the color in my face must have been doing.

Rylen moved over to the wall taking advantage of my state. I knew all he said was true the longer I pondered. My confusion and shock became fear as addrenline started to pump through me. As I looked up to Rylen, that devil, he placed a collar around my neck and locked it into place. My frail hands could not stop this man with a chiseled build. As a started to stand I felt the collar and his hands laid upon my sholders.

"Misty, you are no longer in control of anything. You have two choices as I see it: fight this and be miserable and maybe live, or learn to embrace your life here taking the enjoyment out of it where your master gives it to you and life in happiness. Either way you WILL do what I say and order. Dont test my resolve!"

The fear in me turned to tears. For even though I still had will in me to survive and escape this madness, I still had no idea what to do nor where to turn for help. My heart was breaking and a little of my will. Rylen smiled but seemed to want to comfort me even though the was his evil plan that he thrust upon me.

"There there Misty." He helped me to lay my head on his shoulder. He patted my back as if he was the one to console me or help me out of this horror. Maybe it was due to my shock that I felt need to be comforted. I laid my head on his armored body as he reached up an stroked my hair. I sniffled a little as my breathing seemed to help calm me one step at a time.

"Now this is what I will do. You probably feel hungry at the moment. That is why I will have a servant come in a feed you. Your new body and your existence here will cause many strange reactions to things in the next few days. You will be fed and clothed and made ready for things. In the mean time I need you to realize that I am here to help. You will see that the pleasure you feel shortly will more than make up for any fear you may feel." He always seemed to be so convincing. My fear and his fatherly way made it all seem fine.

He left the room. I was not alone long before the door opened and sure enough a female servant came through the door. She was dressed in a simple red robe and looked lovely with her almost crimson hair flowing down her right shoulder. She had a plate of food that she sat at a table and motioned me to come to her. I did, feeling a bit embarrased in my nakedness even if I was a gorgeous female at the moment.

"I am D...Misty" it came out as I tried to say anything else.

"Oh it is a true pleasure Misty. I am Aerilyn. I am your servant here in this world. I am your spiritual advisor as well. Dont hesitate to tell me anything you wish. Right now eat and you will feel better." She said softly and calmly.

I was hungry. The look of the food made my mouth water. A thick steak and thick french fries filled the plate. There were all kinds of other deserts and salads and drinks on the tray. I picked up a goblet filled with wine and smiled to Aerilyn.

"Here's to hoping the next hour will be better than the last!" I said with a smile. I felt that somehow I was going to make it. No matter how much the freaky idea of someone taking my body from my own house was, there was a way to escape. He just had to find it.

"Oh that is funny. Now eat up and I will tell you things you will need to know Misty" She smiled as she spoke. I took a sip of the wine and enjoyed the fruity taste. I nodded and moved to take a fry and take a bite. The fry was perfect in everyway down to the soft golden brown frying left it in. It was perfectly salted and melted into his mouth as he sipped the wine as well.

"Now you are not a prisoner now as much as you are a slave. When you entered into the world you gave yourself over to Rylen by foolishly following a patern that Rylen entered. He immediately had the tools set in place to capture you. The thing you have to realize which this food will help you do....." I felt wozy as she spoke to me. My breasts seem to feel more heavy and my heart seemed to pound in my chest more. " that you are now on the path to becoming a real female slave in everyway. There is nothing that will save you. You have drugs in your food that will help you in the next few hours of your training in which time everything that you will need to know to please Lord Rylen will be taught to you. Now, try to eat up which will help you."

She smiled and helped me to eat and drink up all I could. I felt like somehow my inner self was being swallowed up by some darkness somewhere.

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