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8. It's Jon's turn...

7. Karyn's wishes about herself a

6. Petite

5. Karyn gets even closer to what

4. It's not quite what he wanted.

3. Mistress/Slave

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

…Slave becomes slave-girl.

on 2011-03-28 19:09:19

3304 hits, 227 views, 4 upvotes.

Age Anthro MC MTF Part Swap SciFi Super Unaware

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Tearing his eyes from the fate that awaited him if he didn't get the rock back, Jon

sat back down on his heels, hands clasped behind his back and eyes on the carpet at Karyn's feet. Jon could see the wishing stone, scant feet from where he knelt, but a shiver had run through his mind, and now he couldn't move a muscle. With a sinking feeling, Jon knew that the first of her many wishes about him had been granted, and he was now a passenger in a body that now obeyed Karyn's will, rather than his own.

Karyn felt great. Powerful. His changes done, full control of his body returned to him. He struck a double bicep pose, laughing out loud at the swollen peaks of his muscles. His girlish grin looking somewhat out-of-place on his masculine face, he turned his dark eyes on Jon. His slave looked so small, kneeling there at his feet, and was getting smaller. Karyn mentally kicked himself; he'd been so caught up reveling in his own changes that he'd nearly missed the show!

Jon's initial changes were nearly done. Inwardly, he was railing against them; trying to clutch at his body to keep this from swelling or that from shrinking, to get to the stone, even to beg Karyn to end this, but none of that showed. He knelt quietly on the floor as he became a she, only able to watch parts of the change from his peripheral vision, since not even his eyes would obey him. He knew his hair was growing a bit, and, from the few strands that fell into his field of view, they looked to be the same light brown color that Zoe's had been before she entered her 'goth' phase. His breasts swelled, forming slight bumps on his chest, small enough that he could watch over them as his penis pulled into himself and reformed into her new vagina. Now, and possibly irrevocably, a girl, Jon couldn't even take solace that the worst part was over, because it wasn't. Karyn's wish-list still had a long way to go.

Karyn looked down on the new girl, marveling at how small she looked. He wondered just how their heights would compare were she standing, and, to both of their surprise, Jon rose to her feet with little grace, her eyes still submissively downcast. The top of the petite, 4'10" girl's head barely reached Karyn's chest, while Jon wouldn't have to duck much at all to kiss the tip of Karyn's bobbing cock. And, speaking of chests

Jon had already been nude, so, when her nipples began to plump up and poke out from her small breasts, they both had a good view. Jon gasped as her new, sensitive flesh quested out, the open air causing them to swell and harden, until each poked straight out like little sausages, larger than the thumbs of her petite hands. Then, as if her oversized nipples had been stones dropped into a pool of calm water, her areola rippled out from them, widening in concentric circles and darkening in color. When they stopped, their specified six-inch diameter covered the entirety of her breasts and overflowed them slightly, their dark pink color standing out vividly. Karyn knew that nipples that dark would show through thin or light-colored tops, and immediately resolved to ensure that Jon wore nothing else.

Rather than fading, the tingling in her chest intensified, and Karyn's next wish echoed through Jon's head. '_I wish Jon would have proper, extremely soft but not saggy breasts to go with her nipples. Size? I just want them to be big enough to be really uncomfortable for his new body.' The boy trapped in the slave-girl's head shouted and pleaded against the magic. Jon wasn't supposed to have breasts at all, and the slight A-cups that her short body came with were enough to make her male mind uncomfortable. Unfortunately for Jon, her body was female and naturally submissive, and so it would take quite a lot to make it 'really uncomfortable.'

And so they grew. Like dough rising to overflow a pan, and just as soft, they grew. Watching them, Karyn squealed in delight, an odd sound in her new baritone. Jon's areola went from overflowing to fully covering, like the icing on a cupcake, and then seemed to float like lily pads on rising water. Unbidden, Jon's body straightened up, pressing her arms more tightly together behind her back to thrust her chest out for her master's viewing pleasure. Her breasts had gained enough size and softness already that the small motion produced a slight jiggle, which sent her magnified nipples dancing.

And, still they grew, passing sizes that would've been eye-catching on a girl of average height. Jon became more aware of their weight tugging on her chest and shoulders, and they were starting to become physically uncomfortable, rather than just causing her mental distress. The magic of Karyn's wish was relentless, however, and 'slightly uncomfortable' just wasn't going to cut it. Her breasts continued to balloon, staying mostly round in spite of their softness, due to Karyn's stipulation that they not sag. Her six-inch-wide areola were reduced to tiny pink islands floating on oceans of pale white flesh, seeming almost small in proportion when the tingling finally left Jon's chest.

Karyn was delighted, and Jon was mortified. Just standing there, her tits overfilled her chest, pressing together to form cleavage without a bra ('which is good,' Karyn thought, 'since I doubt I'll let her wear one') and rounding out past the sides. Someone standing behind the poor girl would be able to see her tits, and it seemed unlikely that she'd be able to ever move her arms without brushing up against them. Jon was acutely aware of the new tension in her back muscles as they struggled to cope with her new additions, and she had to resign herself to the fact that her demure, downcast gaze would mostly be filled with her own boobs from now on. Karyn was just aware that her slave's extremely soft tits seemed to jiggle with every slight movement, and it was having a powerful effect on her new cock.

The magic of the rock didn't wait to be impressed with its handiwork upstairs, but instead moved lower and implacably began with the next task. Jon experienced a pinching around her midsection, and the breath blew out of her. That was her waist contracting, she could only assume, since her mammoth rack blocked all view of her lower body. Karyn pulled his eyes from that rack, and actually had to take a step back to see what was going on underneath it. To his disappointment, Jon's waist only pulled in slightly; Karyn's practiced feminine eye judged it going from 23" to 20'. He could only assume that the magic of the rock didn't go farther so that Jon still had enough strength in her waist to support her top-heavy torso. A frown crossing his face, Karyn entertained the idea of correcting that and further reducing his slave's new waist, but then her hips began to swell, distracting him.

Only Jon knew how hard her body was struggling to maintain the humiliating 'on display' pose for her master while her hips and legs were re-configuring their positions. The only outward indication of her strain was a constant quivering of her bosom. It wasn't the most comfortable process, having bone and

"Turn around," Karyn commanded, suddenly.

Jon wanted to tell him to go to Hell, but, of course, could not. Instead, she turned slowly on the spot, arms finally unclasping and being held out for balance, as her ponderous breasts and still-changing pelvis threatened her stability. The popping sounds her hips made as she forced them into motion in mid-transformation were the first sounds she'd made since accidentally wishing herself to this dimension where she was Karyn's slave. No longer facing Karyn, Jon's eyes finally rose from the floor, and she tried to distract herself from the feeling of her lower body being squeezed and molded by taking in the differences in the room.

Mostly, the difference was in how the people in Karyn's posters were dressed. Leather for the guys and latex for the girls were the most common. Within the limited field of vision of his disobedient eyes, Jon didn't see all that much in the way of BDSM tools either Karyn kept them somewhere else, or her parents hadn't approved of her dominatrix lifestyle and had forbidden her from having any.

Karyn plopped down on his bed, wincing at the effect of his careless impact had on his new testicles. Rubbing them led to his hand, almost on its own, slipping up to stroke his shaft as he watched Jon's hips widen and swell. She already had a heart-shaped ass going on, and it was just getting more and more extreme. His slave's hips were starting to resemble the blades of a double-headed axe "“ round and dangerous. When the exterior changes finally settled down, Karyn estimated that Jon had ended up with measurements in the neighborhood of 37-20-30, although he hadn't the slightest clue what cup size could hold those monster melons.

Karyn snorted in amusement when he noticed that Jon's hips were so wide, the slave-girl couldn't actually close her thighs all the way. He thought he could see slight movement between them, which would be Jon's sweet pussy doubling in size so that it would barely be able to accommodate Karyn's manhood. He gave his new cock a friendly squeeze, and grunted in surprise at how good it felt. Then Jon wobbled unsteadily, and Karyn was off the bed and around in front of her. He didn't want to miss the rest.

'At least my insides stopped squirming,' Jon thought as the hated tingles ran down her legs to her feet. Again, the feeling of compression, and again, she couldn't see what was happening due to her own chest. She wobbled again as her feet shrank, setting off a corresponding, more vigorous wobble in her soft breasts. At least it was almost over

Karyn recognized the tautness in Jon's leg muscles and their slight tremors. That was how it looked when a girl was first learning to stand in high heels, and picked a pair that was too much for her. But little Jon was barefoot! As Karyn's wish had specified, the slave's feet were small enough to make maintaining her balance forever a little bit difficult. Karyn couldn't wait to see her try to manage in heels. With the stone, he knew, he didn't have to wait, but counseled himself to patience. Give Jon a little time to get used to how things were before changing the game again

Jon's face was tingling, kicking off yet another round of swelling and shrinking. She couldn't see it, but she was now a pale, green-eyed beauty; a picture of naive innocence, just the kind of girl who could easily be taken advantage of. All but her lips, which were so plump and full that it looked as if she were begging to be kissed. They were the kinds of lips that no man could look at without imagining his dick sliding between them. Her skin paled, making her areola and nipples stand out all the more vividly, and a heavy dusting of freckles bloomed on her face, enhancing the picture of girlish innocence that her body denied. Suddenly, a fountain of flame-red hair erupted from her scalp, washing away her thin brown hair in a rush of silky waves. Her amazing hair practically glowed, looking almost liquid as it hung down to tickle the middle of Jon's plump buttocks.

Karyn took in the vision he had made Jon into. She stood, eyes once again downcast and hands clasped behind her, the picture of submission. Barely 4'10, with breasts almost twice the size of her head, capped with hard nipples protruding out two full inches. Nipples that cut a constant dance through the air as those huge, soft breasts jiggled a perpetual counterpoint to Jon's fight for balance with her tiny feet in her strange new body. Her hips were wider than her shoulders, and almost twice as wide as her waist. Karyn couldn't wait to see those hips in motion. Just the thought of it was almost more than his new cock could take.

Inside her head, Jon could do nothing but struggle futilely as Karyn stooped to recover the wishing rock from the carpet. In his strong baritone, her new master spoke.

"So, Jon-girl, what should I do with my new toy first?"

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