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11. Getting Ready For Her Date

10. A bittersweet meeting

9. Templates: Jon reads the note

8. 'Templates: How things got the

7. Templates: How things got the

6. Templates: How things got the

5. Running into Karyn

4. A Sarah

3. Jon and Karyn's changes: Templ

2. The Aftermath: One Year Later

1. You Are What You Wish

Getting Ready For Her Date.

on 2019-11-05 03:55:07

1621 hits, 166 views, 4 upvotes.

Aware MC MTF Magic NBM Omni Part Swap SciFi Unaware

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(Hey all! This my first time writing on the site, so please give me some feedback!!! I hope to write longer and more chapter based branches, but I wanted to start on this one, as I'm a HUGE fan of it's idea!)

Karyn wipes her eyes, the what seamed to be tears now long gone. With a final smile, she blinks a few times. Breathing in....and out. The way she stood, her hip slightly cocked with her left hand up in the air like some spoiled brat, her other on her cocked hip. The short skirt of the cheer uniform showing her long tan legs, however Jon couldn't bring himself to look. Sure he was a perv, but this...this was not the time. Without a word Karyn walks away, leaving Jon alone. Again. Jon coughs a bit, his emotions getting the better of him. "Dammit...stupid fucking rock!" He hits the wall with the side of his hand, causing a loud bang. It had been so long since they were able to talk like that, and he missed it. He missed the nerdy tomboy who'd play video games with him. He missed the red headed ginger who'd walk to school with him. He missed his best friend, the girl he never got the courage to ask out. Sure he could try it, though it would only lead to something he didn't want to see, how would a bitchy cheerleader react to a Jon asking her out? He wipes his now red eyes, fighting back tears. He was still just a kid after all, who had lost seemingly his world....

Thirty minutes later Karyn walks back into her house, her hips swaying sexily, the strut she had learned to perfect feeling all but natural now. "Karyn sweetie is that you?" Her mother calls from the kitchen, as a sigh comes over the young girl's face. She couldn't even relax or let this up at home, without it resulting in a huge argument. She had gone weeks without breaking character, another day was just the same. "Yes mom it's me, not like staying for long." She calls out, hurrying upstairs to avoid any further discussion. On the way up the stairs however she runs into her dad, as he smiles. "Welcome home angel." He says, as Karyn smiles and hugs him. "Thank ya daddy~" Before pulling away and getting a kiss on her cheek. They lock eyes for a few moments, before awkwardly splitting ways, Karyn going up to her bedroom while her father continues downstairs. Her father didn't take her role very well, the announcement hit him rather hard, as Karyn was literally the son he never had. He obeyed the rules, and was ultimately the deciding factor that convinced Karyn to just accept it, but deep down he hated the thing his daughter had become, and knew she did to.

Karyn enters her bedroom and shuts her door, stretching a tad. The camera in the top right corner of the pastel pink walls beeping as it turns on. Some men had installed a camera to watch her back when she was having trouble...becoming who she was now. This signaled if she tried doing anything she shouldn't. Say watch the wrong t.v. show or even the way she sat on her bed. Her room had drastically changed since the previous year. Her old smaller bed was now a full queen sized, with pink bed sheets and shiny pink blankets, with several stuffed animals and pillows. Her t.v. was now a 50' inch flat screen, that only received channels that Sarah herself watched regularly. Her old gaming PC and desk was now a beautiful makeup stand, that Karyn had spent many hours at, dolling herself up for various things. Her closet however was the biggest change. The now walk in closet had immediately been built into her room as a add on, as it was big enough for a full body mirror, four racks of clothes, and even a area for her many shoes!

Karyn sighs, stepping in the closet and closing the door behind her, the only peace she got in her room from the damn camera! Though she kept the act up, just in case. Sliding her skirt down slowly, she picks it up and sets it gently to the side, before doing the same with her top. Her breast jiggle a tad as she does this, her bra more for showing off cleavage rather than full on support. Yet another feeling she had gotten used to. Looking around, she takes another deep breath. In....and out. Oh this one was cute! Tom would so love this one~! Picking up a light pink halter top, she set's it to the side, before taking five different pairs of skinny jeans, and four different pairs of heels. One by one she brings them out and sets them neatly on her bed, making sure not to wrinkle them. She learnt that lesson early on, never again would it happen.

After nearly ten minutes of trying on the jeans, looking at her own butt in the mirror, trying to find the pair that would show her ass off the most. Her phone buzzes. Picking it up, she finds here text have bombed her phone. With a giggle she begins texting away. Responding to plans made by fellow cheer squad members, some nerd that use to be one her friends that now does her homework in fear of Tom giving him a pummeling, and Tom himself. "Hey babe, ready for tn? ;)" He sent, as Karyn gives a forced giggle, that any would believe to be a real one. "Gttn rdy now bb, u can pick me up!!!" she responds, with several emojis. She gives a sigh,! She looks back down at her phone, Tom's dick now in plain view. She nearly sighs, but instead giggles, licking her lips. "Just u wait 4 tn ;)" she send, before raising the halter up a tad to flash half of her nipple, and snapping a half body selfie, making sure to wink and stick her tongue out. Send. She sets her phone down before fixing her halter, the pink top hanging off of her left shoulder to reveal her bra strap, her cleavage perky and sexy as always. Her tan and toned midriff on full view, as very few of her tops covered her midriff at all! Her dark skinny jeans hugged her ass sexily, her strut bound to get even more attention than it already does. Finally her white 4' heeled boots, that hugged her calf cutely, she had bought these not a week ago! They were the cutest ones after all~! She takes her headband out of her hair and sits on her bed, taking her hairbrush out of her drawer, nearly slipping up and cringing as she bumps the vibrator she had to use every few nights. Though she manages to ignore it once more and begins to brush her hair.

Stroke....stroke.... 'Dumb and Blissful' Stroke.....stroke..... 'Just another date Kar-bear. Nothing to be nervous about' Stroke.....stroke....'Is my makeup o- no of course it's ok! I know what I'm doing' KNOCK KNOCK! She almost jumps out of her skin, before quickly putting the pink headband back in her hair, making sure it was perfect. Hurrying over to the door, the heels not effecting her movement whatsoever she opens it, finding her mother standing there with a big smile. "Oh my god Karyn you look beautiful!" Karyn smiles, she knew how she looked, like a Barbie doll. "Thank ya mommy~! Tom is like on his way over to pick me up and stuff." She says, noting how much she actually says 'like'. She didn't have that bad of a accent did she? No it couldn't be that bad. Her mother smiles and hugs her lightly. "That's nice to hear dear, Tom is a good boy. Just make sure if you stay out to late to text and let me know. Ok?" Karyn rolls her eyes and scoffs a bit, crossing her arms under her breast, never over. Covering your cleavage is like putting your makeup on without lipgloss. You don't do it. "Yeah whatever mommy." She says, nudging her mom out of the room, gaining a sigh as she shuts the door. She walks back over to her bed and lays chest down, her legs in the air gently kicking back and fourth as she texts Sarah over what she was wearing for tonight~.

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