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20. Dinner Time

19. The Other Mothers

18. We're All OK...Relatively

17. A Helping Hand

16. First Wave

15. The Internet Is Unleashed Upon

14. Athena Has the Stone

13. Meet the Parents

12. Stimulus

11. All In the Family

10. Women AND Men Have Breasts

9. Athena Uses the Stone to "Help

8. Jon get's them

7. No, They Don't Know About the

6. Karyn and...Athena?!

5. My Two Girlfriends

4. Polygamy

3. Perverted World

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Internet Unleashed: Dinner Time

on 2014-01-24 14:53:40

1555 hits, 97 views, 1 upvotes.

Age Anthro FTP Inanimate Musc Part Swap Part Theft Size TF Unaware

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Athena sat in her room holding the stone, wondering what to do next. Out her window she could see the giantess across town had moved up to the Green Oaks Estates water tower on the hill, it was away from the houses at least. She seemed to have calmed down and was apparently eating her dinner, a truckload of sweetcorn parked at her feet. She was still totally nude though, hopefully they figured out how to make clothes for her soon. Athena thought it must suck being naked and on full display to a town of 100,000 people! Athena wondered what it would be like to be that BIG. She imagined it must be be like feeling both powerful and vulnerable at the same time. On one hand she could smash whole buildings with ease, but on the other she was always out in public view, she depended on others for food and clothing now, and if she DID start smashing stuff she couldn't exactly hide if the army showed up with tanks or B2 bombers one day. She also thought back to the now giant woman's still normal sized husband she had seen at the mall. The poor guy wouldn't be able to be intimate with his giant wife without involving some sort of...spelunking now. In fact the woman would never be able to make love to a full person her own size unless she found another giant person out there somewhere.

As Athena was watching the giantess she also saw several strange creatures flying around the skies over town as well. On she assumed was probably their neighbor Ron the dragon, another looked to be an older man in a leisure suit with angel wings, and there was also a big grey bird that still had some human-like attributes to it.

Out the window Athena could also see across the street at the house on the corner were three men standing around a big brown bull in their front yard. It looked like one of those bulls from a rodeo, the kind with long horns that crazy people try to ride but always end up getting thrown off and stomped on. She wondered what her neighbors were doing with a rodeo bull in their yard at first, but then the men started hugging the bull and even kissing it and Athena realized that it must be their wife.

Athena heard her mom Trisha call out that dinner was ready. Even with the world going crazy everyone still had to eat, and Athena was definitely hungry. She was also glad her dinner wasn't a truckload of sweetcorn at least. When she got to the dining room she took her usual seat four chairs down on the left side. The family dining room was large and so was the table, they were a family of 16 after all. Athena's dad sat at the head of the table and he had Trisha and Julie on either side of him. There were some empty chairs of course, Yvonne, Jane, and Mary were all still in Vegas and Michael her oldest brother was off to college. Athena watched Tom waddle himself in and sit down. She then looked over at her dad and her moms watching Tom too and they looked a little nervous as his large womanly body settled down into the chair. The chair was solid wood, but still just wood. Luckily though, he didn't break the chair. Across the table Athena saw Tammy for the first time since hearing about her change in anatomy. She had on a heavy sweater even though it was warm outside. Athena thought Tom was crazy when he said she looked totally normal, her now limp but still fairly large penis nipples were actually fairly evident even under the heavy sweater. Well, it was clear she had SOMETHING odd stuffed in her bra, even if it wasn't clearly penises her parents would surely notice the strange bulges soon and start asking, especially if she ever got erections.

Also at the table were her other older siblings Fiona and Jeremy. Athena looked at them carefully but really couldn't tell any differences. Either they had a slower transformation going on or their change wasn't outwardly visible. Athena could tell her four younger siblings were quite upset, they had no idea what was going on. Dinner progressed awkwardly, no one was sure how to...address the events of the day. From time to time Athena would catch one of her parents or siblings staring at Tom shove food into his mouth as though he was starving. Even though he still had the same head he now had a 400 pound body to feed.

At one point Tom stopped eating and said with a mouthful of mashed potatoes, "What? Why is everybody looking at me? My new body makes me hungry, ok?"

Julie broke the awkward silence that followed by saying, "Well, has anybody heard what the cause of all the...strangeness is?"

Jeremy replied, "I've been watching the news and searching online, nobody has a clue. A lot of transformations seem to....defy science, so they are thinking now it must be some sort of alien technology or magic."

"Ugh, always with the aliens. I think that they have better things to do than...this" Athena's dad Randy said with obvious sarcasm.

Julie just shook her head and said, "Well until they figure it out we should try to stay indoors and be on the lookout. We should also keep the younger kids away from the windows and the TV, there are a lot of things they...really shouldn't be seeing. Take for example the giant woman over in Green Oaks. Tammy and I were watching her through the window while we were making dinner and she just....squatted and went to the bathroom right over by the water tower! I mean, sure, she kind of has to go outside now at her size, but, she could at least go over towards the woods by Eden Lake to do her bathroom business. Imagine if one of the kids had been looking out the window and saw a naked giant woman peeing a small river down th...."

Julie suddenly stopped talking and Athena could see she was staring at something. Athena followed her gaze over to Tammy's chest, which was now tenting up from slowly growing nipple cock erections! Athena's jaw dropped at seeing her sister's arousal on full display at the family dinner table. Athena didn't know which was more shocking, seeing her sister's nipple cocks or the fact they got aroused from her thinking about a giant woman peeing naked in public! Tammy herself still seemed lost in thought and hadn't really noticed her boob boners had broken free of their confines until she saw everyone staring and looked down at herself. She yelped and then put her arms over her chest and ran out of the room. Trisha went after her.

After dinner Athena saw her mom Julie doing dishes. She would just stand at the sink in the kitchen and stretch her arms into the dining room to grab dishes, wash them and then stretch over to the cabinet to put them away. Athena noticed Julie was different besides just the stretching. She seemed to have longer legs, her tummy was flat now and her boobs were bigger. Athena knew she didn't look like that earlier, so it was not part of her transformation. She must have stretched her body into a new shape on purpose. Maybe it was a subconscious thing or maybe she was thinking she now had to compete for Randy's affections with a wife who had 14 pussies and another that had 6 breasts. In any case, Randy was going to be more "stretched" himself in his husbandly duties than ever before. Athena had thought when her dad added his fifth wife he was taking on a lot. Even though he was a very strong lead keeping 5 women pleased is tough to do for any man. Now his wives all had strange sexual transformations as well! Keeping all five women satisfied emotionally and physically would be a challenge. The physical part especially, since his equipment is no longer physically connected to him.

Although....Athena wondered if maybe Randy would try to use his own transformation to his benefit. Maybe he could let one of his wives "play" with his detached equipment to satisfy her physical needs while at the same time he spent quality romantic and emotionally fulfilling time with the other wives? It might save time and he didn't technically need to be in the same room with someone to have sex with them anymore.... Athena shook her head to clear her thoughts. Thinking about her parent's sex life was disturbing, now more than ever.

When Athena went upstairs towards her room she heard sobbing coming from her older sister Fiona's room. Athena went inside to see what was the matter. She found her older sister laying on her bed with her face buried in a pillow sobbing.

"What's the matter Fiona?" Athena asked her softly.

A sobbing Fiona turned her head from the pillow and replied, "Well, for starters there's all this BULLSHIT going on. But then, I got into a big fight with Brad and now on top of THAT, everything at dinner tasted awful! It's bad enough I probably lost my boyfriend today over something I can't control, but I'm never going to be able to enjoy food again."

"I thought dinner was fine, what do you mean?" Athena asked her with obvious curiosity.

Fiona then sat up on the bed, faced Athena and said, "Ugh, everything tastes awful for ME because of THIS, OK?" Fiona then opened her mouth wide and Athena could see it was filled with a creamy white fluid.

"What..what is that?" Athena asked in amazed confusion.

Fiona's eyes filled with tears again and she replied with a sob, "It's fucking cum, ok? MALE cum! My mouth is filled with semen all the time now!"

Athena's eyes went wide and said, "What? How...does, I mean, how do you know it's male semen?"

"Sheez", Fiona said with an eye roll, "I won't go into details but I know from experience what a guy's semen tastes like, ok? And now my saliva glands seem to produce male cum instead of saliva! It's constantly in my mouth now and it's all I can taste anymore!"

Athena realized that with her change Fiona really would always have a mouth filled with semen. It would be like she had just given a blowjob and had a load shot in her mouth at all times!

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry sis", Athena said with sincerity, "I'm...I'm really sorry. But why did you get in a fight with Brad? You two always seemed happy together. I remember how giddy you both were when you got engaged! What changed, erm, I mean, besides the obvious change?"

"Ugh, first of all he refused to kiss me after he found out how I changed, he actually had the NERVE to say that me having male semen in my mouth was gross! It was pretty insulting considering how many times I've tasted HIS cum. But anyway, the really bad part is Brad's body changed too so he has a vagina now instead of a penis. He's not...a woman or anything, he just has female equipment now. I told him I was willing to stay with him, but he was still freaking out. I even said I still thought of him as a man in spite of his change, which is true...mostly. Although...I have to admit that with his new vagina along with those bigger than average for a man breasts he's always had, if he let his hair grow long...."

Athena's eyes went a bit wide at hearing that. She hadn't seen Brad since the wish that gave all men boobs. She tried to picture the big strong jock she remembered with big boobs and now a dainty little vagina between his legs.

Fiona continued, "So, yeah, can you believe even though I was still willing to stay with him with a pussy, he refused to even KISS me because of my cum mouth?"

"That is pretty lame of him, I have to admit", Athena said, "then what happened?"

"Well, I told him I didn't care if he was part woman now, I still loved him and...I really meant it! I mean yeah, I'm going to miss his penis obviously, but we were both still human, he still looks the same otherwise and I told him we'd find a way to make it work. Fuck, I even offered to eat his new pussy out! But then...he just said he didn't want to get knocked up, and that's when our fight started."

"Knocked up?" Athena asked, but then quickly regretted asking as she realized the obvious.

Fiona just rolled her eyes, opened her mouth and pointed at her load of male semen on her tongue and said, "Duh, I have MALE CUM in my mouth! If I have oral sex with Brad's new pussy I might get him pregnant!"

"Yeah, sorry," Athena replied sheepishly, "I wasn't thinking. Anyway, what did Brad say, what was the fight over?"

"Well, we had always planned on having kids after the wedding, it was something we both really wanted. But now that he can't get me pregnant anymore obviously I'd have to get HIM pregnant. But he said if he would be the one carrying the kids he said he didn't want to! I told him we should be GRATEFUL we could even still have biological children together, a lot of couples I know can't anymore. I even offered to get artificially inseminated and have the baby from a male donor we could raise together but, he just said he 'needed time to think'! The fucking idiot! He has a god damned uterus! What the hell does he think he's going to do with it? Ugh, this fucking sucks. I'm sure he's going to break up with me, and it's all over something so stupid!"

Athena assured her sister, "Don't worry sis, I'm SURE Brad will change his mind and realize he is lucky to be with you."

Of course with the stone still in her pocket, Athena's assurances were going to be very true on way or another....

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