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24. Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This

23. Internet unleashed: Jon's chan

22. Unknowing

21. Happy Birthday

20. Dinner Time

19. The Other Mothers

18. We're All OK...Relatively

17. A Helping Hand

16. First Wave

15. The Internet Is Unleashed Upon

14. Athena Has the Stone

13. Meet the Parents

12. Stimulus

11. All In the Family

10. Women AND Men Have Breasts

9. Athena Uses the Stone to "Help

8. Jon get's them

7. No, They Don't Know About the

6. Karyn and...Athena?!

5. My Two Girlfriends

Internet Unleashed: Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This

on 2014-02-07 16:44:21

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Athena went to bed Friday night but couldn't sleep. She tried masturbating (she had been doing that a lot lately) but even that couldn't settle her nerves. Since her wish she had seen a lot of sexy transformations but at the same time had seen and heard about some pretty horrible ones. People on the internet sure had strange ideas about what was sexy. While a lot of it excited her, some of it terrified and sickened her. Her "out" wish was always in the back of her mind, and a few times after seeing a particularly tragic transformation she had thought about using it. All she had to do was say "fiddlesticks" and she could go back. Well, that had been the intent of the wish when she made it anyway.

Tomorrow her boyfriend Jon would change. She had already stolen his wishing stone, made him forget about it, and then wished for a world altering event that had transformed his family. Soon, it would transform him as well. Athena had no control over what would happen to Jon, and since her big wish was in the past, she couldn't even wish for him to get something good. While the thought of Jon becoming a humantaur or growing even more boobs turned Athena on, the thought of him becoming an amputee or a couch scared her a bit. Sure she had her "out" wish if the worst case happened, but given the chaotic nature of the wishing stone, there was no guarantee it would work.

Athena must have finally succumbed to sleep because before she even realized it her alarm was going off. It was Saturday, 8am. After getting dressed and having breakfast Athena went to Jon's house where she found Karyn already there trying to console their mutual boyfriend.

When Athena walked up to them she just gave a sympathetic look and said, "So, happy birthday Jon. Do you know what time you were born 18 years ago today?"

Jon replied, "My birth certificate lists 1:27pm as a time. I should change somewhere around then."

Athena shot a smile at Karyn who gave a sly smile back and then said, "Well, until then Athena and I have to give you your present."

"Present?" Jon asked.

Athena told him, "Yeah, you know, we decided to get you what every guy wants to get on his birthday. And if you don't change until after 1, that gives us plenty of time to make sure BOTH Karyn and I can give you a nice birthday present."

Jon picked up on what his girlfriends had "got" him. It actually was a very nice gesture and he figured he might not be equipped to receive that kind of "gift" later today. Jon led his girlfriends up to his room and over the next couple hours they both gave him his birthday gift. First Athena gave him one, then after he had some time to recover Karyn gave him one as well. The three then hung out in his room acting as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Athena and Karyn even agreed to watch Jon's favorite movie "Total Recall" with him...AGAIN. Although even Jon had to admit during the three breasted prostitute scene that she didn't look as "exotic" as she had in the past. There were several women in town now who had three boobs, some women had even more than that. In fact, nowadays a woman who only had a few extra breasts was LUCKY compared to the shapes some women had morphed into.

A short while after the movie the three of them were talking when Karyn suddenly noticed the time and blurted out "Jon, it's 1:15!"

Jon gave big hugs to his girlfriends and they all held each other as the clock continued to tick forward. Soon it was 1:27, then it was 1:35, and eventually it ticked past 1:45. Jon remained unchanged.

Around 2pm Jon just shrugged and told his girlfriends, "Well, whatever I got, it isn't very physical or I'm going to be changing over time or something. I guess this is a good thing I guess?"

Karyn put on a plastic smile and said, "Maybe the changes that started a few days ago have finally stopped?"

Both Athena and Jon gave a sarcastic stare at Karyn for her annoying optimism. Nobody in the room, surely not even Karyn thought they were THAT lucky. Jon even went to the bathroom and checked himself over closely but didn't see any changes. They would all just have to wait and see what had happened to Jon. Athena considered wishing to know what happened to her boyfriend, but decided it would be more exciting to find out naturally.

They didn't have to wait very long though; around 3pm Karyn spilled Mountain Dew on her shirt. Karyn just stood up and exclaimed, "Fuck! Jon, I'm going to have to soak this. Can I borrow one of your shirts for the rest of today?"

And before he even had a chance to answer, she stood up and removed her shirt, revealing her boobs to both Jon and Athena. It was then that Jon noticed something was wrong. While he still greatly enjoyed the sight of his girlfriend's breasts, the tingling in his groin he should have felt wasn't there. Instead he felt a tingling in his breasts?

As Jon was pondering his strange sensations his arousal was giving him, Athena pointed at his shirt and said, "Jon! You're lactating!"

Jon looked down and saw two wet spots had formed around his nipples. He quickly tore off his shirt and man bra to reveal that milk was indeed dripping slowly from his suddenly engorged nipples.

As the girls stared dumbly at their boyfriends leaking nipples they could almost SEE his breasts swelling as they became swollen with milk.

After only a couple minutes Jon said, "oh shit, the pressure it's starting to hurt!"

"We need to get your milk out somehow!" Karyn suggested.

"No duh!" Jon said with sarcasm, "How are we going to do that? I don't exactly keep a breast pump or milking equipment in my room!"

"Well, I'll , um, suck it out, I guess." Karyn replaied.

Jon was a bit hesitant to let his girlfriend drink his suddenly magically lactating breasts, but the pressure he felt made him say, "Ok".

Karyn wrapped her lips around Jon's nipple and began to suckle. Right away she noticed not only was Jon's milk oddly delicious, but it was having a strange effect on her. Karyn felt a glowing warmth and tingle emanating from her groin. It was like sexual arousal, but far more intense! Karyn continued to suckle at Jon's teat and the pleasure within her continued to build. Soon Karyn had to pause her slurping at Jon's tit for a second as she suddenly had the biggest and most powerful orgasm of her life!

Both Jon and Athena noticed Karyn's body shudder and Athena asked her, "What was that?"

"I I just came!" Karyn stammered.

"I wanna try!" Athena blurted as she knelt down and took Jon's other engorged mammary in her mouth. Soon she found the same sexual high building within her.

Seeing his girlfriends aroused and having orgasms combined with the sucking on his nipples was arousing Jon greatly, but his groin remained curiously still and numb. Jon reached his hand into his pants to feel that his penis was still limp, even though he was quite aroused!

Athena let the nipple she was sucking on pop out of her mouth to ask Jon, "What is it Jon? Is something wrong?"

Jon just had a confused look as he quietly said to her, "I feel my hand on my dick but, it doesn't feel sexual or anything."

Athena just thought for a sec then shot back, "Well, it's probably just worn out from what we did earlier."

Athena then went back to suckling on Jon's oddly erotic milk. Athena lost count of how many times she came, the whole experience had kind of melted into a state of surreal bliss. She had never imagined anything could be so..GOOD! She glanced over at Karyn and saw she was in the same sort of delirious sexual high. Athena also saw Karyn had removed her shorts and panties because her juices had begun to soak into her panties. Athena soon removed her own undergarments to prevent her feminine arousal from soaking through as well. Jon was a bit worried about his still limp penis, but the pressure in his boobs left him little choice at the moment but to just watch both of his nude girlfriends moaning and orgasming in obvious sexual bliss even though all he was really doing was sitting there.

When Jon's boobs were finally emptied the girls got dressed and then excused themselves to go back to their homes for dinner, although they were rather full from the milk they had consumed. Jon just nodded in a state of bewilderment as he put his bra and shirt back on. Jon had just sexually pleased both his girlfriends more than he ever had been able to before and he hadn't even touched them. He had found the whole experience very arousing, but his dick remained soft and sexually numb as ever. It was rather frustrating.

As soon as the girls were outside and out of Jon's hearing range Karyn turned to Athena and said, "Oh my GOD Athena, we are the luckiest girls on the planet! Jon's milk is like sexual pleasure in liquid form! That was hands down the best sex of my entire life AND IT WASN'T EVEN TECHNICALLY SEX!!"

Athena had to agree with Karyn, but still felt a little bad. "Yeah, it was amazing but, you don't mind that Jon's penis doesn't work anymore?"

Karyn blushed a bit, but still said, "Well, not to be mean but fuck his penis! Shit, just drinking Jon's milk was the best sex of my life! As long as his boobs keep making that sweet sexual nectar I don't need penises anymore! Even the biggest and most skilled penis couldn't give me an orgasm like the ones I just had. And I had like FIFTEEN of them!"

Athena was a bit alarmed at Karyn's demeanor, she was already acting like she was addicted to Jon's sex milk.

Over the next couple weeks the full extent of Jon's transformation became clear. Whenever he was sexually aroused he would start lactating, but his penis was completely defunct. Even a stolen Viagra from his dad's medicine cabinet failed to rouse Jon's member. In essence, Jon was "cursed" to give women crazy sexual bliss whenever he became aroused, but he could receive no sexual release himself.

While Athena felt a little guilty getting off on Jon's milk while he got nothing in return, Karyn was clearly NOT bound by the same internal moral conflict. She had no qualms at all teasing and rubbing her naked body over Jon to arouse him just so she could drink his sweet sex nectar. Karyn had even suggested they start "milking" Jon and selling his sex juice for $100 a bottle! She had even suggested a name for Jon's sex milk, "Sweet Dreams".

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