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14. Helping out the New Girl

13. Female Problems

12. The School day begins

11. The Search comes to an end.

10. A Friendly Face

9. Where Tom had went to.

8. The Office

7. Arrival

6. New Friends

5. The walk to bus

4. Monday Morning

3. The Day after the party before

2. Remembering Saturday Night

1. The Drafting Board

Uniform Swap: Helping out the New Girl

avatar on 2019-11-26 16:06:31

1015 hits, 72 views, 2 upvotes.

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Susan sat in her maths class wondering why Tom had run off the way he had. He had made it all the way to school dressed as he was. Why had he waited until she had gone into Miss Lyons’s office to disappear. She thought to herself if he did not want to wear her uniform all he had to do was to tell their mom that morning before they left the house. She wouldn’t have liked it, but she would have understood Susan thought.

Just then Jody walked into the class and took her usual seat next to her friend. Soon the two girls were exchanging gossip as usual and thoughts of Tom all but left Susan’s mind. She would deal with him when she got home that afternoon. Jody told Susan all about the two new girls she had taken to their first classes of the day.

“Yeah Jane was chatty enough, but Tammy was barely said anything on her way to class.” “She is probably just shy. I mean changing schools in the middle of the school year is a lot to deal with.” Susan explained to her friend. “Your probably right. Maybe we can try and make it a bit easier for her. I mean we are meant to be seniors after all.” Jody replied to her friend.

“Why not. Do you know when her lunch is?” Susan asked Jody. “Not sure but I am sure we can find out from Mrs Mahoney. She would tell us if we told her what we were trying to do” Jody told Susan. With that and a small cough from their teacher the two girls turned to pay attention to the lesson. Well as much as two teenage girls paid attention to a maths lesion anyway.

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