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6. Jon gets to school

5. He tells Karyn, who gets angry

4. Jon prepares

3. School of Hot Lesbians

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Transgenders Assemble

on 2020-01-07 04:42:47

2154 hits, 186 views, 8 upvotes.

Animal Anthro Aware Herm MC Myth NBM TF Unaware

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As Jon approached the school, he noticed a higher than usual security presence. The school employed three male security guards, last time he checked. One of them almost never showed up on campus, and the other two each came on different days. However, now, he saw five different guards milling about at the entrance, all of them women, all of them unusually attractive in a kind of stern, almost-dominatrix fashion. They looked around at the students and made little notes in notepads like reporters chasing a story. Strange...

He walked through the entrance and saw one more sexy female guard watching the doorway. She made a note in her pad as he passed, and he had the distinct impression she was studying him and sizing him up.

Goosebumps pricked up on his skin. This had something to do with the fantasy. He was sure of it. But how? He hadn't wished for sexy guards.

Puzzling it over, he went to his locker and was just getting his books in order when an announcement sounded over the P.A. system.

"Attention all students," Principal Duke intoned. He sounded as bored as he always did during the morning announcements. "Please come to the gym immediately for an important assembly. Participation is mandatory."

Jon gulped. This was definitely the wish taking effect.

Around him, students meandered toward the gym, ignorant of the changes awaiting them today. However, he knew what was coming and found it hard to move, paralyzed with apprehension.


He turned and saw one of the sexy guards glaring at him. "Y- yeah?"

"Move your butt," she growled. "Trust me, you don't want to miss this."

He blinked. He still didn't get what was up with the guards, but he started moving. He followed the other students to the gym and took a seat on the bleacher.

The guards followed the crowds from the rear, herding everyone like cattle inside. Once everyone was in, they stood alertly at the entrances. He had a sneaking suspicion that they would stop anyone who tried to leave.

Principal Duke stood on a small podium set up in the center of the gym and spoke into the microphone in the same bored tone. "Today is an exciting day. It is the day you all experience your sexual awakening as young women on the cusp of adulthood."

"He means men and women, right?" wondered a boy somewhere near Jon.

No. Jon knew that wasn't what he meant.

"You may recall a mandatory injection last week," Principal Duke said. "We told you it was an emergency flu vaccination."

Jon remembered it... Was that what really happened, or did the stone give him a false memory now that he was living in the fantasy?

"We were adamant that every single one of your parents or guardians sign a release form, and we explained to them exactly what would transpire. All of them thought it was an excellent idea. But it wasn't a vaccination."

The crowd murmured in confusion.

"Here to explain it is famed sexologist Dr. Jennifer Stone. Please, a round of applause, if you will." Principal Duke stepped back and clapped as a busty woman in a low-cut blouse and short skirt approached the microphone.

The crowd reluctantly clapped. Everyone just wanted to know what the hell was going on.

"Thank you, Principal Duke, for that lovely introduction," Dr. Stone said in a thick accent Jon couldn't place. "Students, you all have been injected with a special blend of nanites and artificial hormones designed for a singular purpose: to transform your bodies into the purest form of sexuality, that of the sapphic woman, so you may experience pleasure beyond anything you have previously known and prepare you for adulthood. The second you all arrived here, I activated the nanites. In little under five hours' time, you shall attain your new forms. Over the next month, we will train you to maximize your potential as sexual beings, and then you will return to your original bodies with the sexual experience necessary to excel in life."

The crowd erupted in cries of "Wait, what?" and "She has to be joking!" and "We're going to be lesbians?"

Dr. Stone smiled. "There will, of course, be an adjustment period. I will stay for the duration of your experience as the new sexual education teacher. I welcome any and all questions you may have. My door is always open."

"This is crazy!" a boy shouted. "I'm out of here!" He ran for the door.

The nearest guard grabbed him and kneed him in the gut, causing him to bend over in pain. She shoved him down on the floor and sat on his back, twisting his arms into a secure hold.

"I'm afraid that leaving is not an option," Dr. Stone said. "Attendance is mandatory for a reason. The nanites need just a bit longer to work their magic, and then you may leave to enjoy a school day with a few special changes."

Magic. That was exactly what was going on. Dr. Stone? Really? Jon rolled his eyes.

Suddenly, his breasts tingled. First, it was the left one. Then, it was the right one. It flowed from the nipples and spread through the rest of the breasts. It was starting.

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