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3. Mrs. Harris Has a Fancy New Va

2. The Ripple In Reedsburg

1. You Are What You Wish

Mrs. Harris Has a Fancy New Vagina

on 2020-01-13 06:09:08

1815 hits, 174 views, 2 upvotes.

Anthro Aware Body Swap FTP Inanimate Musc Myth

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My wife and I have been married for almost 15 years, although it didn't seem that long. Time flies when you are focused on other things, it seems. I met my lovely wife Anna in 2003, at a frat party of all places. I didn't think I had a shot at picking up the hot redhead with perfect tits and long flowing red hair, but I was too drunk to realize I shouldn't be hitting on her. And before I knew it, I was hitting on her. Much to my surprise she found me funny and interesting and before I knew it we were dating, as in officially. We ended up getting married in the Summer of 2005.

We had always meant to start a family, but we had wanted to get our careers and home in order first. Well, 15 years later we had everything in order, but found to our dismay her reproductive organs were now out of order. We had waited too long, and mother nature decided to give my wife early onset menopause. She was 38 years old, and so I guess we shouldn't have been terribly surprised. We had been warned waiting past 35 to have kids was a major risk. And now we had paid the price.

I had expected we would look into adoption, but instead my wife came to me with a rather odd proposal: she wanted to get a total reproductive organ transplant.

When she had told me I was too stunned to say anything other than "A...WHAT?!?"

She just sighed and said "Look, I know this sounds crazy but the guys at Aphea Medical Research are top notch. If they say it's possible, then it's possible."

I shook my head. "I, don't know, it sounds risky. There could be all kinds of complications and..."

"Stop right there" my wife said with a firm tone. "I already asked about all that, they gave me 100% assurance this is new transplant tech, and the organs would be just as attached to me as my current parts are now. I'd feel everything, and everything would work normally. They even have this thing they call immuno training that would make taking the normal transplant drugs unnecessary. My new parts would be totally me, as if they'd always been there!"

As I looked in my wife's eyes, I knew there was no talking her out of it. I had been with her for over 15 years after all, and I knew her well. Asking me was about this was just a formality.

I resigned with a heavy "hmmmm", then asked her "So, how long do they expect to wait before they get viable donor organs?"

She just smiled as she knew she had won and said "They already have a volunteer lined up!"

"Wait, what? A volunteer? I thought you'd be getting donor organs from like a car crash victim or something."

She just laughed. "Oh no, nothing so morbid. A 20 year old woman who is interning at Aphea volunteered to swap with me. I actually met her, and I think she was as excited as I was."

I raised my eyebrow in disbelief. "She have a nearly 40 year old vagina?"

My wife rolled her eyes. "Well, I think the cash payment and additional scholarship was what she was really excited about. But besides that, she said she had no interest in having kids or getting married. She just wanted to focus on getting her PhD, and having a career. Her youthful sex drive is a distraction to her I guess."

I thought for a bit, then asked "So...if you have her parts put into you, won't you be having her children, not yours?"

"Well, they'd be genetically her eggs, so technically yes. But, we are looking into adoption or surrogacy anyway at this point. Instead of paying some woman to carry a kid who does who knows what during pregnancy, we can have me carry it with full control over everything."

We talked some more, but it was clear this was happening whether I wanted it to or not.

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