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8. Sex Ball: Try to think it thro

7. Having a Sex ball

6. Something completely different

5. Strange Changes

4. The Treatments Begin

3. Bizarre Punishment

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Sex Ball: Try to think it through

on 2013-09-11 01:43:40

1655 hits, 102 views, 7 upvotes.

Age Anthro MC MTF Part Swap SciFi Size TF

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Karyn watched as the peculiar form of her drastically changed oldest friend slowly rotated backwards, wincing a little at the thud her head made on the carpet. Dropping the empty box on the bed she knelt down next to the unconscious sex toy, looking at her closed eyes with a sigh, before reaching out and shaking her shoulder. "Jon. Jon! Wake up, this is no time to faint." She shook again, watching the girl's huge breasts, flattened a little under their own weight, wobble around under the shiny blue material of the top she was wearing.

"For god's sake, Jon," she muttered, then carefully picked the ball-girl up and placed her on the bed, stepping back and looking at her critically. She had gone completely limp, and her torso was nearly flat on the mattress, the point her waist met her ball sharply flexed upwards. "That doesn't look comfortable," Karyn mused, glancing around for a moment before grabbing one of Jon's pillows and gently lifting her waist to allow her to push the pillow underneath. Now she was lying at a less steep angle, which looked less awkward although still very strange.

Pulling the desk chair over to the side of the bed she sat down, while thinking with a snort that Jon certainly didn't have any need for the chair at the moment. The formerly red-haired girl leaned back in her chair and watched her friend's impressive chest rise and fall for a while. Growing curious she leaned forward again and gently ran her hand over the transformed Jon's ball, feeling it with interest. It was smooth to the touch, feeling exactly like a very high quality rubber. Becoming slightly bolder, she glanced at her friend's face for a moment before pressing harder, surprised despite herself when the surface of the ball flexed inwards.

It was clear there was nothing inside it but air, or at least some sort of gas, inflating it fairly rigidly. She was struck by the same thing Jon had been some hours earlier, that it was a lot like one of the exercise balls she used in the gym she went to. 'If she doesn't change back, perhaps she'd like to come to the gym with me and be the ball?' Karyn thought with a small smile, which widened when she had a sudden 'Caddyshack' flashback.

There was a soft moan, and she pulled her hand back, looking guiltily towards her friend's face. "Ugh. What happened?" Jon's newly feminine voice said quietly.

"You fainted," Karyn said with a grin. Jon stared at her for a moment, then looked at herself. She couldn't see the end of the bed past the mound of her ball.

"Damn. I was hoping it was a dream." She reached down and poked herself, looking both annoyed and confused when she flexed under her fingers. "This is really weird." A sudden look of panic crossed her face, and she asked, "Karyn, what the hell am I going to do?" She kept poking her ball, harder and harder, until her friend grabbed her hand.

"Jon. Look at me." Jon was still staring at herself, feeling one of her large breasts with her other hand. Karyn grabbed that one as well. "Look at me!" Almost reluctantly she did so. Karyn met her beautiful eyes with her own. "We'll figure it out. I'll help you, anything you need, I'm here for you."

Jon didn't say anything for a long time, but her eyes glistened with unshed tears. Everything was wrong. One question after another frantically ran through her mind. Why had she made such a stupid wish? What had been going through her head? Why hadn't she even remembered making the wish? How could she exist like this? And most importantly, where was the stone, the only way to get back to normal? Karyn slid off the chair and knelt beside the bed, hugging her changed friend as she cried for a while, everything that had happened hitting her all at once.

Eventually she recovered enough to rub her eyes with her hands. "Fuck. This is so wrong." Slapping her ball viciously she winced at the pain, and made Karyn start at the weird hollow noise it produced. "I can't spend the rest of my life like this." She looked at her friend. "I'm a goddam sex toy, for fuck's sake! What am I going to do?"

"What are we going to do. We, Jon, not you." The half-girl half-ball creature on the bed looked at her with gratitude, and nodded slowly.

"OK. We, then. How do we sort this out, without the stone?" Karyn shrugged.

"Simple, we get it back. Somehow." Jon stared at her for a moment then laughed sharply.

"Oh, right. Stupid me, I should have thought of that!" She frowned. "How? We have no idea where it is, or who took it. Or when? I mean, it was there when I went to sleep at about ten last night, but that means it's been gone for about twenty hours already."

"Someone must have taken it, it didn't vanish all by itself." They stared at each other for a moment, the same thought hitting them both. The thing was magic, it quite possibly could have disappeared all by itself. After a few seconds, Karyn shook her head. "OK, so maybe it did. But there's nothing we can do about that one way or the other, so we should work on the basis that someone took it. The first question is who?"

Jon thought for a while. "I suppose the obvious thing would be someone in the house. But I don't like thinking anyone in my family would steal something from me."

"Perhaps it wasn't taken? Maybe it fell out of the box somehow, or you dropped it and just thought you put it back?" Her face alight with the sudden idea, Karyn jumped up and started carefully searching the area around the table, then under the bed. She ended up practically turning the entire room inside out but found nothing. "Damn. It's definitely not here. So, either it spontaneously evaporated, teleported itself away, or someone took it. The only one of these things we have a hope of solving is the last one, so let's assume that's what happened."

Jon watched her tidy up the mess she'd made searching the room. "OK, let's do that. It still leaves us with the problem of who took it. And why, I guess." Karyn nodded absently, another thought having struck her. She crossed to the window and looked at it carefully.

"No, it's still locked from the inside. Doesn't look like it's been opened in weeks from the dust."

"Someone could have come in that way, then left again and used the stone to wish it looked like it had never been opened," Jon suggested, playing devil's advocate. Karyn sent her a long-suffering glance.

"Yes, true. But again, if so we have no way of knowing, so it's useless speculation." She sat down next to her friend again and thought for a moment, then began ticking points off on her fingers.

"Right. Point one, you made what has got to be one of the, if you'll pardon me saying so, stupidest wishes in history." Jon looked aggrieved but couldn't deny it.

"Point two, somehow you got changed into this thing, and even thought at the time that it was something that was supposed to happen. That certainly suggests the stone was involved, although if so why do all of us, and the people at the lab, know something is wrong?"

"Point three, the stone is now missing, and depending on when it was taken, or vanished, or whatever happened, could well have been used to make all of this come into being."

"Point four, assuming that it wasn't some weird magical disappearance we have no hope of solving, someone took it."

"Point five, either it was someone in the house, or it wasn't. If it was an inside job, we might be able to find out who it was and get it back, assuming it wasn't taken by someone who knows what it is. If it was someone from outside..." She ran down at that point. Jon completed the thought for her.

"If it was someone from outside, we may never find it." Karyn sighed and nodded.

"No. If they knew what it was and took it on purpose, I have no idea what we could do, even if we could work out how. It's too powerful. If it was taken by someone who doesn't know what it is, we might have a chance. But, if that's the case, why would it have been taken in the first place? The stone, and only the stone? Not even the box it was in?" She shook her head.

"The only thing that makes sense is either someone in the house took it, for one reason or another, or someone from outside the house took it because they knew what it was, or suspected." She glanced at Jon, and the ball-girl nodded slowly, unable to refute any of her friend's thoughts.

Karyn slumped in the chair and crossed her arms. "Damn. Does any of that help at all?" Jon shrugged a little.

"Well, it at least gives us something to check. We need to ask everyone in my family if they've seen the damn thing." Karyn nodded, and stood.

"Right, then. I'll do that." Jon looked like she was about to protest. "Look, it's not like you can move around at the moment, is it?" She was forced to agree. "So it will be quicker if I just go and ask everyone. If I find it, we can get you back to normal, and fix everything. If not, well..." They shared a glance, then Karyn opened the door and left, heading for Zoe's room. Jon looked at the ceiling and sighed, one hand gently rubbing her ball. The sensation was soothing for some reason.

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