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4. Testing It Out

3. Clothing Influence

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Testing It Out

on 2009-03-17 21:37:43

5376 hits, 273 views, 3 upvotes.

Animal Aware FTP Herm MC MTF Magic Musc Part Theft SciFi TF Unaware

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After the stone glowed, Jon decided to test it out. He left the bathroom and snuck into his mom's room. He then borrowed one her bras and took it back to his bedroom.

He took off his shirt and put the bra on. At first, nothing happened. But after about a second, he felt something. When he looked down, he saw two mounds of flesh building larger and larger on his chest. They were breasts.

In no time at all, Jon had a pair of breasts that fit perfectly with his mom's D-cup bra. It felt so weird having breasts. He touched one of them and felt a jolt of energy run through him. They were so sensitive.

"Jon? Are you in there?" his mom suddenly said, knocking on his bedroom door.

Panicking, Jon immediately took of his mom's bra and tossed it under his bed. He looked down at his chest and waited for the breasts to disappear. But they didn't. They remained where they were. Panicking again, he wondered why he still had them.

"Jon? Honey, are you okay?" she asked, turning the doorknob.

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