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6. Jon Uses a Lifeline

5. Thinking Quick

4. Testing It Out

3. Clothing Influence

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Phone a Friend... Karyn!

on 2009-03-19 19:26:43

4326 hits, 249 views, 1 upvotes.

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As much as Jon wanted to experiment more with his new breasts... it was still hard thinking of them as HIS breasts... he knew that in less than an hour, his mom would get him to come downstairs for dinner, one way or another, and that his two new friends would be spotted immediately. "Maybe Karyn will have an idea why these things didn't go away." It took him less than a second to grab his phone and dial up Karyn.

"Hey Jon!"

"Karyn, I need help with a wish I made." Jon then proceeded to tell Karyn about the wish he would that would change his body to match his clothes, but he conveniently replaced the part about trying on his mom's bra with trying on one of his dad's shirts.

"I don't really see a problem with this one, Jon. It's not like you tried on your sister's clothes or anything."

Jon shuddered thinking about just how close Karyn was to the truth. "She'll still notice the difference Karyn. I can't just walk out there like this."

"Well, did you try putting on one of your shirts? If you'll match anything, that shouldn't be an issue right?"

It was then that Jon smacked himself in the head for being an idiot. In his state of panic, he hadn't tried putting his shirt back on. Sliding the t-shirt over his head, Jon watched as the two large bumps that were now hidden by the cotton shirt slowly receeded into his chest.

"Your a lifesaver Karyn!"

Karyn just laughed for a moment at Jon's relief. "Look if you wanted to experiment with the stone, you should've called me earlier. I'll see if it's ok with my mom, and then I'll come visit you tonight. Your new little power could be fun to play with."

With that, Jon and Karyn said goodbye for now, and he breathed a deep sigh of relief for the moment. With the door locked and knowing that the effects were reversable, Jon pulled his mom's bra back out from it's hiding place and put it back on again...

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