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9. Karyn's wish takes effect

8. Karyn gets the stone

7. Calm Karyn down

6. The Truth(Karyn gets mad)

5. Karyn comes over

4. Did it Work?

3. Gender reassignment WORLD

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

The Reassignment

on 2012-03-23 00:12:26

1124 hits, 91 views, 0 upvotes.

Anthro Aware Body Swap MC MTF Myth NBM Omni Part Theft SciFi Super Unaware

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Jon woke up that Friday morning, getting ready as if he was going to school, dreading what he knew was going to happen. He peed standing up, knowing it would be the last time in 6 months he could do so. It was strange, but he actually felt bad for his penis, as if it were an old friend he'd failed to save from disaster, and would now lose. After Zoe and Michelle were sent off to school, Jon's mom came back for him, and he reluctantly went.

On the way there, desperate for anything that could save him from being turned into a girl, Jon turned to prayer. Please God, just get me out of this; just let me have this one miracle. He begged I'll do anything! I'll give money to charity, I'll go to church every Sunday and read the Bible, I'll only vote for Republicans, I'll even wait until marriage before I have sex! Anything! He just wanted to live in a world where guys could be turned into girls, he didn't actually want to be one of those girls.

When he was at the hospital, the doctor began by saying, "Now Jon, I'm sorry for what I'm about to do to you, but the government gives us a list every day of who to reassign, and your name came up. I don't make these rules, I just enforce them,"

"Oh, it'll be okay," one of the nurses reassured him, "we were all boys once. Well, except for Alyssa over there, she's a natural blonde," she said, pointing to another, as all the nurses laughed.

"Well Jon, you're going to have to get naked for this. We need to make sure it works after all. He took off his clothes, including his underwear, and let them strap him into the chair. There was no use fighting back now, they could just knock him out like they'd done with Karyn. He knew his silent cries for help earlier had gone unanswered, as the head doctor came back, and injected him with the chemical that would change his gender. There would be no getting out of it now
First, he looked down and saw that he suddenly had a strong erection, possibly the strongest of his life, but as soon as he reached orgasm, he heard a slurping sound, feeling, and seeing that his shaft was being sucked into his body, leaving behind a clitoris and partially formed opening, with a scrotum beneath it. His testicles and scrotum followed shortly after with two wet pops, becoming ovaries, leaving him, now her with a tight, wet vagina. Jon cried out as she saw this happen, noticing that her voice had already changed. This made her try to scream even louder in fear, but the nurses petted her on the head and arms, shushing her, telling her to calm down, and try her best to enjoy the changes. She kept feeling sexual pleasure until it was all over, which was a good thing, as she didn't know if she could've dealt with the stress of it otherwise. Suddenly the hair on her head grew longer, while some of her body hair absorbed into her skin, and by the time the nurses brushed the hair out of her eyes, her face had finished changing. She then felt and heard her bones cracking, and other strange feelings throughout her body, as she lost about a half foot in height, the extra weight moving to her widening hips, butt, and thighs, and her muscles got slightly weaker. Finally, she felt her hands and feet compress as they shrank and became thinner, and knew it was over for now as her orgasm started to die down. From what she heard before, her breasts would grow in over the week, but her chest already felt sensitive.

"Well, ok, first of all your parents thought you should be called Jane from now on, are you okay with that name?" the doctor asked. The newly transformed girl nodded her head sadly, but didn't say anything, not wanting to hear the sound of her new voice this soon. When she thought about it, she wondered more and more how she didn't see this coming. This was the world she'd wished for, and now she was facing the consequences that went with it. The irony of the punishment Karyn devised for her was all too fitting.

"All right then, I'll inject your traits now. You probably already know this, but they'll come in the form of nano-bots, and form into the proper implants when your blood stream carries them into your brain. The ones I'll be giving you will make you want to wear more revealing clothes, be slightly submissive to men, and obviously, attracted to them. They're really more like suggestions or urges, rather than taking away your free will and you can resist them if you want, but they are permanent, and you'll have them with you the rest of your life. Again, I'm sorry about all this, it's not my call, and I'm required by the government to reassign people," he said casually, as if he told it to people every day, and had the lines memorized. Jane was still slightly disoriented from her transformation, and barely registered what the doctor was saying to her. With that, he gave her a couple of quick, but carefully aimed injections of an iron-colored liquid that obviously contained the nano-bots. "Now, these won't go into effect for 24 hours, so don't expect to feel any new urges right away " the doctor explained.

Next, they called a gynecologist in; giving the horrified and embarrassed Jane her first vaginal examination, to confirm it formed properly, which it had. Jane tried to struggle as if her life depended on it at this part, but the doctor put his hand on her shoulder, and warned her to let him complete the examination, unless of course she wanted to be sedated for it. She took a deep breath, and tried her best to relax.

They unstrapped her from the chair, and gave her clothes back, except with a pair of white panties and training bra instead of the underwear she came in with, allowing her to dress herself. She immediately noticed and hated the way her panties pressed against her newly flat crotch. Between that, and the fact that her jeans felt tighter now, she felt like she must be having a nightmare, and would wake up soon in her old body, but it was all real. The surgery had made her a slightly fatter, shorter, weaker, and most importantly, female version of her former self. She tried her best not to look at the training bra as she put it on, and couldn't get her shirt on fast enough afterwards.

After this, her mother was sent in, and hugged her, just as she'd hugged Zoe and Michelle earlier in the week, and Jane sobbed softly, a couple tears streaming down her face as she whimpered. Once they signed out of the hospital, and got in the car, they were mostly quiet on the way to Jane's school. She noticed her shirt seemed a little too big for her, but thought grimly about how that wouldn't be a problem once her breasts grew in. "Now Jane, I know you obviously aren't too happy about this, but you just have to be strong like I was, and move on with your life," her mother said eventually. "You can still do most of the same things you did as a boy, and I'm sure Karyn can tell you about the school's support group if you're interested,"

As they finally arrived at school, Jane's mom gave her a bit more advice, "You might want to fight the implants," she began, "and I don't blame you, I fought them for years, but I ended up regretting it over time. It's better if you just accept the mental changes, and be the best girl you can be, otherwise you won't really be happy with your life," Jane put on her backpack, which felt heavier than it ever had before, and bravely went off to face her first day of high school- as a girl.

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