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4. Mom informs Jon about an offer

3. Strange offer

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Mom informs Jon about an offer

on 2011-08-24 10:42:40

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Just after the light was gone, somebody knocked to the door. Jon quickly put the stone back into his secret stash.

"Its open" he said out loud.

The door opened and his mom walked in.

"There's something I have to tell you. You see Jon, I fully understands that you might be angry at first but its not THAT bad. You know that we really need money lately." Jon's mom stopped here, waiting for Jon to nod and then continued. " And there are people who have a lot of money,right? People who have soo much cash that they can afford they every desire, no matter how vain, selfish or stupid it is. And I got a very unique offer. Kim Kardashian offered me 10.000 dollars for changing your name to be the same as her. She said she did it to honour herself and she will feel better knowing that some boy has to live with such glamorous name as hers. In short words, Jon Madison is gone, you're Kim Kardashian now. Its your only name, I have already taken care of everything, your old name is erased and letters have been sent to the whole town to inform them about your new name. Now I'm going to the mall to buy some food."

With that words she closed the door, leaving Kim alone. Excited and curious how everyone would react to it.

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