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6. WW: Coming Home

5. WW: Granted, but...

4. Day Dream Jobs (2)

3. Wish website

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

WW: The first day

on 2012-04-14 09:56:49

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Adam McCormick felt he was in a rut. He had a dead end job at a law firm he didn't enjoy. After being overworked and unappreciated he would go home to his aging wife, and 3 children. While he loved them as any father should, their problems and annoyances got to him. His wife was a chronic spender, always stealing his credit card and putting him in Debt. His daughter Ashley had a wild streak, always sneaking out to party. He figured his son was a pot head, he had been slipping in his grades and not caring in the least bit, and his other son Doug always complained about bullying. He wanted to correct the problems in his family, but felt that he was too frustrated to figure out a solution. Worst of all, he almost never had sex. After Doug, his wife simply stopped wanting it. For over a decade he was in a sexless marriage. His only escape was internet porn. He'd search pictures and videos every night after his family had gone to bed. It was getting so bad that he would find time in his work day to surf the net for slutty women online.

That's when one day something caught his eye. He was at his office, alone, watching busty swimsuit models making out in a pool. He wanted to stroke his cock so badly, when his boss had come around. He tried as fast as possible to click out, but his boss noticed.

"McCormick, if I catch you watching smut again, YOU'RE FIRED!" The old man yelled.

Adam went to close out the window as his boss walked away, when he noticed a banner above the video. It said "Your greatest desired fulfilled. Add the magic back in your life." Adam was gullible enough to click it. "Maybe it was magicians in porn?" He wondered. Clicking the site brought him to a strange page. He could see no URL, just a blank space, not even a header. All it was was a simple forum labeled "Make a wish." There had been entries already, and after signing up rather quickly he was ready to make a post. It stated:

"I work a normal nine to five job, I have 3 great kids and an amazing wife. I have nothing to complain about. But I'm so horny, I need sex! And lot's of it! My fantasy is that I come home from work to find my family, including my sons, transformed into cute and sexy 23 year old girls. They would have amazing bodies, large pert breasts and be desperate for sex from me."

Adam thought it would at best just be drawn into a shitty webcomic, but clicked 'post' anyways. Driving home from work on that Friday afternoon something felt odd. It was like that feeling you get right before a storm begins. Adam drove into his garage, Parked his car, and began walking into his house.

"Honey, I'm home!" He sarcastically said as he put his stuff down.

"Sweetie, could you please come upstairs?" Rachel McCormick said. Adam thought it was weird her voice was a lot sweeter and soft than usual. He walked upstairs, ready to hear some bad news.

He opened his bedroom door to see his wife, sitting on the bed, but he was still shocked. She now possessed a bombshell of a body. Her face almost looked like it was plastered onto Pamela Anderson's body. Her frizzy old brown hair was now replaced with luscious blond locks. She had a perfect tan, which didn't match her pasty white face. Her legs were long and smooth and her waist incredibly thin. She must of had Double D cups being held back only a tight red one piece swimsuit, not unlike one from bay watch. She looked at him with concern.

"Baby, what happened to me?" She said in a voice that seemed quite seductive.

Adam's jaw nearly dropped. His wife's body was amazing! It seemed that his wish had been granted. Technically, his wife's body was 23, and smoking hot.

"Whoa, I didn't think it would....oh no, the kids!" He said out loud as he ran down stairs.

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