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4. Jon wakes up missing something

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon wakes up missing something

on 2020-02-21 19:47:56
Episode last modified by User616 on 2021-01-04 19:46:05

3838 hits, 252 views, 4 upvotes.

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Jon awoke from his usual dreams of fighting off aliens in space. He felt groggy, he'd been up late worrying about what his errant wish for 'something interesting' had done. Probably, it had just made an update to his favourite video game. Yeah that was probably it. As his hand rubbed his face something felt odd.

It was smooth like he'd had a really close shave. This has to be it, Jon thought, switching back into the anxiety of yesterday. He sat up, alert, scanning for possible changes. As he got up, there was a noticeable difference between his legs...

'Little' Jon was gone! Bed covers thrown away, Jon inspected his 'new' nether regions. Like his face there was a distant lack of hair, a distinct lack of anything except for a small hole. A careful finger prodded it, it was wet, but that was it. No amount of poking or rubbing produced any other sensation aside from what he's feel as if he touched any other random part of his body like his forearm or stomach. Like any teenage boy, masturbating had become a dearly loved hobby, so this now greatly concerned Jon. Jon gave a curious sniff of said finger, which wasn't the best idea as it was now evident that this hole had one function and one function only, urine delivery.

The seriousness of the situation required serious investigating. So, Jon found his phone to scour the internet for clues. As he did so, he caught a glimpse of a strange reflection in it's black mirror. It was his usual average face of a Caucasian teen, with his messy brown hair and brown eyes but his face seemed more androgynous than usual. Jon had successfully shaved before but it hasn't made him look this feminine.

He couldn't stare at his face for too long though, he had to find out what the hell is going on.

Just then he heard his mother call from downstairs.
"Jon, hurry up, you don't want to be late, today's a big day. You'll earn your genitals, don't want to miss that!"

Earn his gentials?!?!? What the hell did she mean by that?

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