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14. They spend the rest of the day

13. Jon has one other way to prove

12. Jon meets the girls at the bea

11. Jon swaps again with Zoe (Hope

10. Jon starts undoing the swaps

9. Jon swaps upper halves with Zo

8. Jon uses his Index Finger on Z

7. Jon uses his Pinkie Finger on

6. Jon uses his Pinkie Finger on

5. Testing the wish on Zoe

4. Testing the wish at home

3. Jon's Decision

2. Moral Issues (remastered)

1. You Are What You Wish

SS: Spending the day together

avatar on 2020-02-25 06:38:37

2351 hits, 184 views, 6 upvotes.

Herm MC Myth TF

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The trio made their way back to their stuff and grabbed towels to dry off. Jon took extra time to enjoy the sensation of towelling off his borrowed rack and perky feminine butt. After finishing drying off his lower section, he tugged on the rear of the bottoms to pull them out to stop the undergarments from riding up his crack. Moving on to his chest again, he patted down the bikini like he’d seen Karyn do a hundred times. Gently patting and rubbing his chest, losing sense of time has he focused on the enjoyable sensations of having his breasts massaged.

Karyn noticed Jon paying extra attention to his chest and remarked, “You know, if you really like them, you can always wish up a pair of your own”

Blushing, Jon pulled the towel down from his chest and wrapped it around his waist instead, “Just, uh, making sure they were nice and dry for you to take back”, he said sheepishly, looking down at his feet.

Karyn and Emily traded glances and sniggered while they finished drying themselves off and tossed their wet towels back into their various bags. The trio finished packing up all their beach gear, slinging bags over their shoulders, they headed down the beach.

Walking side by side, they traded stories of events that had passed in the few years since Emily had to move away, Karyn and Jon had plenty of tall tales to share on their classmates, more than a few catching Emily completely off guard. At the end of a particularly riveting tale about a former boyfriend of Emily’s, she lost track of her footing and started to fall. Jon reached out to scoop her up before hitting the ground, ending in a moment of Emily face-first in Jon’s bust, giggling all the while.

“well this certainly was unexpected”, Emily’s voice came out, muffled, “Nice balcony Kay”, she quipped as she pulled herself back upright, her bright green eyes briefly locking with Jon’s before she pulled herself back up.

“Oh, ever the gentlemen”, Emily said with a smirk as she stood back up to Jon’s side, reaching out and taking his crooked arm pulling herself close to Jon, “I suppose I can use you for support... Just in case there’s more thin air to fall over”, leaning into his chest.

Karyn laughed at the statement and pulled herself under Jon’s other arm, “Oh, well as long as he’s offering”, she said as she slipped her head under his other arm.

The trio walked to the boardwalk, Karyn on one side, Emily on the other, Jon in the middle. Jon couldn’t help but notice that while Karyn was arm locked with Jon and talking emphatically, Emily was leaning on Jon’s chest just ever so slightly, with her arm just a bit lower around his back. He could smell the salt in her hair mixed with whatever conditioner she’d used that morning, the beads of sweat from the afternoon sun gave just that slightest sheen to her skin which he could feel rubbing up against his side and back where their limbs met.

While they walked, the rubbing of Emily’s skin against his own was very oddly noticeable, not necessarily distracting but Jon was consciously aware of the body contact with his friend, but not really feeling it from both girls. He knew Karyn was there and could feel her there, but he was aware of every part of Emily touching him, her arm, her hand which seemed to be occasionally drifting down to his waistband, her head on his chest just next to his breasts. Jon could feel a bit of moisture in his pants that wasn’t there before, he shrugged it off thinking that maybe he hadn’t dried his underwear properly before remembering he’d felt this way before. The contact, the smell, the feeling of Emily against Jon’s shirtless chest, he was getting turned on.

Trying to shrug the feelings off, Jon continued to banter with Karyn, the two of them talking as they continued to walk, Emily occasionally quipped a smartass remark that they all enjoyed, but she was staying quieter than before.

Eventually they made their way to the shops along the beach front, Karyn pulled away from Jon’s arm as soon as she saw what she was after, “Oh, Ice cream!” She said excitedly, as she pulled away from Jon, racing off to the stand to see what options availed her. Emily however was a little slower, lifting herself off Jon while maintaining that briefest of physical contact as long as possible before finally pulling away to stand up straight.

“Wait up Kay”, Emily called out, with a quick glance at Jon again, before turning and heading to join her friend.

Wow, Jon thought to himself as he walked over to join the others, Where did that come from? Why did I never see that before?

Eventually settling on their various preferences for ice cream at the vendor, they headed back to the waterfront to enjoy their confections before it melted in the hot midday sun. Jon was taking his time enjoying his cone when a glob of chocolate fell off his cone and down onto his breast, slowly making it’s way down to the bikini.

“Damn”, Jon cursed as he tried to scoop up the wayward ice cream with his finger before it stained his borrowed bikini.

Emily noticed the mess, “Ohh, chocolate”, she said excitedly, “Don’t worry, I got this Jon-Boy”, she said with a smile.

Emily leaned over and opened her mouth, extending her tongue towards Jon’s runaway snack. Taking it slow, she started at the cusp of his bikini line and worked her tongue up his chest towards his collar, catching all the stray chocolate he could. A shiver shot up Jon’s spine as the feeling her tongue gently caressing his chest resonated through his body. Emily finally reached the start of the spill and pulled back slowly, leaving her tongue lingering on his collar for the briefest of moments before standing back, with a quick look in his eyes, she slowly licked her lips to get rid of the remaining chocolate, savouring the taste. In a blink, it was over; she had a cheesy grin on her face as she stared Jon.

“Ew, gross!” Karyn said with mock disgust, “that’s Jon you’re doing that to! Jon!”

Emily smirked and looked at Karyn, “Chocolate is chocolate, you should know, I brought you back a box”, as she went back to eating her ice cream, not even acknowledging what she did.

Eventually, they all finished their various snacks and sat down at the water front, gazing at the waves crashing out to sea. Jon had a lot to think about, it was hard to tell because Emily had been gone for a long time, but she definitely seemed to be actually interested in Jon in that way. Something he’d never picked up on before. But he couldn’t’ shake that this alternate reality where he had Zoe’s lower half and all accompanying elements from birth was in fact the cause.

Eventually, they headed back to the bus stop; Jon had slipped on his t-shirt again over his now dry bikini struggling slightly to get the t-shirt over his large breasts. Emily had slipped on a sarong around her swimming costume and Karyn had put on a loose fitting blouse over hers, covering her masculine chest.

“So”, Karyn said, “I suppose we should be swapping back now, huh? I can’t exactly go home breast less until school on Monday, despite how comfortable it may be”

“Why not?” Emily responded, “we’re the only ones who notice anything different and I think Jon looks great with a pair of hooters that size”, she added, ribbing Jon in the side with her elbow.

Jon looked down at his breasts, I probably should return them, he thought to himself.

“Karyn looked unbalanced like that, Emmy”, Jon replied.

Emily pouted, she was trying to be jovial about it, but something tickled Jon that she may have been a little more serious than she meant to appear.

Sighing internally, Jon looked back to Karyn, “You ready?” he asked.

Karyn nodded in reply, Jon simply spoke the reverse spell, twice, “You can have it back. You can have it back”.

And just like that Jon’s t-shirt was back to normal, Karyn now had two large mounds forming out under her blouse, she reached up and adjusted one of the straps on her top, fidgeting to get it feeling more comfortable. She paid no attention to the fact that Emily was standing behind Jon, looking visibly disappointed now.

“Damn these things are heavy”, Karyn said, still fidgeting, “When can I come over so we can fix this?”

Jon replied, “Not sure there’ll be any chance until school on Monday”

“Really?” she sighed in mild frustration, “we live right next door and can’t meet up any sooner?”

“You could sneak over after hours or something when everyone’s gone to bed or something”, he suggested.

“Nah, that’d be weird”, Emily replied, “Just do it after school on Monday Kay-Bee. I mean, you may get used to them”

“That’s what I’m afraid of”, Karyn replied with an annoyed sigh.

Jon tried to be helpful, “At least you aren’t worried about your hair any more”, he suggested.

Karyn’s eyes widened in surprise, she’d forgotten the long blond ponytail that was hanging off the back of her head, now looking substantially more frizzled than it did before. “dammit, thanks for reminding me about it”, she scowled.

Jon shrugged. The telltale sound of a bus pulling up drew their attention, it was time for Karyn to go, Jon and Emily’s wouldn’t be too far behind.

“You know, if your family didn’t have that thing on tonight, we could have all caught up at Jon’s later. Do you think you could get out of it?” Emily suggested as the bus pulled up.

Karyn shook her head, which was all the explanation she could offer. The trio offered farewell to each other as Karyn got on the bus and left. Not a second before the doors closed, another bus started pulling in, it was Emily’s. She looked at Jon with a resigned smile and reached for her bag.

Emily stepped into the bus and disappeared down the back. Jon just stood there watching, as she sat down and the bus drove off. He picked up his own bag, his bus would be here any moment, but he heard Zoe’s phone vibrate in his bag. Picking it up, he unlocked it and read it, it was a single message:

Emmy: Had fun today, would really like to hang out with you again soon. Reckon you’d be free tonight? Say, after dinner?

Jon typed his reply:

Jon-Boy: Karyn’s not free, remember?

A few trailing dots and the response came in:

Emmy: It’s ok, maybe just us instead...

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