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3. Extra sexy help

2. Staying After School

1. You Are What You Wish

Please teacher

on 2006-07-19 16:37:47

1294 hits, 54 views, 0 upvotes.

Aware Inanimate MTF TF Unaware

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"I wish..." but just has he was about to wish he heard some one coming. Quickly Jon hide the rock in his pocket. Ms Barnette his sixty year old spanish teacher. She was mean and ugly and all the students hated her. She gave Jon a distrustful look as she came closer.

"What are you doing Senor Gibson? Also what was that you just put in your pocket. Let me see it! AHORA!!"

Jon glared at her and then a slow evil grin spread across his face. He put his hand into his pocket and grasped the stone.

"I wish that Ms Barnette would become unable to move unless I say. I also wish that we were in a classroom with no one in it and that no one will be able to hear us or see us in there."

The stone warmed and they were instantly in Ms Barnette's class room.

"What do you think your doing mister Gibson? Release me at once!" she yelled.

"You can yell and scream all you want, but it's not going to help. Now then, lets have a little fun shall we? I wish that Ms. Barnette will be fully aware of all the changes I am about to do to her."

"What changes? What's going on?!"

"Let's see for starters I wish that Ms. Barnette would become 18 years old and that it will be both painful and pleasureable."

Instantly Ms. Barnette began to scream in pain. Her bones which time and age had crushed and weakened became strong and firm again. She skin was becoming taught and firm again and her wrinkles disappeared. Her gray, permed hair turned dusty blonde and grew in soft curls. Her dried breasts filled with milk again and stretched her old lady bra. Metapas had long since emptied her ovaries of eggs but now they re-filled expanding her hips again.

In a moment the transformation was complete and where Ms. Barnette had stood moments before was a young woman in old ladies clothes. The younger Marcy Barnette was not a particular beauty with her sandy blonde hair and her lank frame. She didn't have a sexy body and she was glaring at him with hatred and loathing.

Jon smiled, he was going to have fun with this. The new Ms. Barnette was a blank canvas, un- able to move, just waiting to be changed. But what should he do first? clothes? hair? body? There were so many possiblities...

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