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19. Jon's first swap with Emily

18. Jon is on board with this

17. Jon has a late night encounter

16. Jon swaps his family members a

15. Jon goes back home

14. They spend the rest of the day

13. Jon has one other way to prove

12. Jon meets the girls at the bea

11. Jon swaps again with Zoe (Hope

10. Jon starts undoing the swaps

9. Jon swaps upper halves with Zo

8. Jon uses his Index Finger on Z

7. Jon uses his Pinkie Finger on

6. Jon uses his Pinkie Finger on

5. Testing the wish on Zoe

4. Testing the wish at home

3. Jon's Decision

2. Moral Issues (remastered)

1. You Are What You Wish

SS: It's a start

avatar on 2020-02-26 08:13:31

3840 hits, 217 views, 8 upvotes.

FTM Herm Inanimate MC Part Swap SciFi Size

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A short Irish redhead with a fiery passion in her eyes was kneeling on the bed in front of Jon. The one problem, she wasn’t turned on by guys. Unfortunately, Jon was such a guy, male in all the wrong places for a petite ball of passion to really get excited over in the right way. Jon could still taste the aftertaste of Emily on his lips, the perfectly sweet taste of her tickled Jon’s tastebuds in all the right places. He wanted more, and he could tell she did too as she sat there expectantly.

Jon could feel his erection throbbing in his pants, straining almost painfully against the jeans he was yet to discard for bed. He wanted Emily, he could tell she wanted him too, if only he could think of a way to help this woman he’d just pronounced his love for and pledge to help. Then it came to him, leaning in towards Emily, he made the most subconscious of moves to trigger a reciprocal reaction, Emily closed her eyes, leaning towards Jon with her eyes fluttering closed, pursing her lips together in anticipation.

They locked lips again; Jon embraced Emily’s mouth with his own, tongue darting in concert with hers as they passionately reinforced their pronouncement of love. Jon touched Emily’s shoulders; caressing her neck with his hands as he worked to prepare for what came next, his cock, rock hard against his pants and demanding justice. He knew it wouldn’t be long before it had a chance to shine.

He could feel hesitation on Emily’s side still as they interacted with each other’s bodies, he knew she was trying to hardest against her own inner nature, but he had a plan for that. Jon distracted her with gentle caresses, tongue massages of her own mouth, hearing her breathing quicken as they continued. He wanted it to be a surprise for her, when he felt she was sufficient distracted – concentrating as it was, he made his move.

With both arms behind Emily’s back, gently caressing her shoulders as they continued to kiss, he released one arm, aiming a pinkie at Emily’s back, and he said the perfect spell, “Give me that vagina”.

Emily, lips still locked with Jon, gasped at the sensation that suddenly befell her. Having been completely distracted by Jon, she had not been fully prepared for a male erection to suddenly manifest under her panties or at all for that matter. She could feel a firm foreign rod attached to her, pulsing in sync with her heartbeat, a small sensation of moisture at the tip seemed to be forming. She could feel her clothes straining against the fabric of her pants, demanding release.

She wanted to pull back, but Jon wouldn’t let her, he continued to kiss her forcefully, keeping her attention on him, not giving her a chance to explore the new feelings she had between her legs. What she could feel however, was Jon’s hand snaking its way down her pants, unzipping deftly unbuttoning her pants and pulling them aside, just enough to free her prisoner. With a quick movement, Jon had freed her penis from its prison, exposing it to the cool air of the bedroom.

“Oh God”, she gasped, feeling Jon’s hands against her new hard rod, her own hand moving down to touch the foreign invader of her body.

Jon, for his part, while Emily was attempting to make sense of the changes to her body, as well as the sensation she’d never experienced before, was strangely now used to the feeling of a vagina between his legs. He could feel the, not correctly described void, where his penis used to be. He could feel the outer lips of his new vagina gently rubbing against his pants, the sensation of public hair tickling the top of his labia. His new clitoris starting to pulse in time with his own rapid heartbeat, growing from its hooded sheath.

Within seconds, he could feel moisture starting to collect on the soft lips of his labia, dampening his own underpants. Remembering this sensation from when he first explored his sister’s body, he reached down with his own hand, unzipping his fly and sliding his own hand inside to stroke the feminine erogenous zone that he had just received.

Jon could feel the sensation of growing, and heat within his pelvis, he knew that he was getting around but he wasn’t quite there yet. He’d had to get two motors running for this dance and it time to change things up. He hurriedly and expertly pulled his t-shirt up and over his head, minimizing breaking contact with Emily, she duplicated his actions too, breaking lip contact briefly to take her hoodie and blouse off, revealing a soft white bra underneath.

While continuing to embrace with their lips, Jon removed his pants, and then helped Emily remove her bra, taking it off and throwing it to the far end of the room. They’d managed to completely strip each other of clothing in such short order yet never breaking contact. Jon could see Emily’s penis, throbbing constantly, incredibly hard to the touch and leaking a slight amount of precum at the tip.

“I think you’ll need to help me the rest of the way”, Jon invited, gasping slightly for air and closing his eyes, he leaned back on the bed.

Emily crawled forward over to her naked, she wasn’t even sure what to call him, partner? Boyfriend? Girlfriend? Booty call? Her penis still demanding attention, desire strong to be used. But she knew women, and knew herself, and she knew Jon wasn’t ready yet.
With all the experience of a pro, Emily leaned down towards her former vagina, never expecting to see it this way. The tuft of trimmed red hair that perfectly matched her own hair colour, the soft and gentle lips of her former labia reddened and inflamed by their actions. Jon’s clitoris, poking from its hood, angry and red, demanding attention; she knew it all too well and knew exactly what to do.

With all the expert of a pro, Emily leaned down and gently rubbed her tongue over Jon’s labia, taking her time to slowly run up and down the outer lips of his vagina. Up and down, over and over, gently but firm at the same time. She knew it was working as Jon moaned in response, occasionally squirming at the feeling.

Emily was in the unique position of tasting her own vaginal juices, that slightly salt-watery taste that she’d tasted on her partners previously; never quite the same as it was from a man, always more diluted with a slightly sweeter taste. She knew that Jon was nearly ready as the taste grew stronger on her tongue. With an expert deftness, she switched her position, gently moving to position herself so much closer to Jon’s most demanding part – the clitoris.

Emily gently kissed the clitoris that was now fully emerged, Jon jolted in surprise at the sensation, the raw energy concentrated in such a small part of his body, so much more than the glans of his penis, caught him off guard. He clenched his hands, grabbing anything within arm’s reach as Emily’s tongue started her close, sensual exploration of Jon’s button. With one hand, she gently inserted her middle finger into Jon’s waiting vagina, causing him to roll his eyes back at the sensation, knowing exactly where her gspot was, she crooked her finger inside Jon’s moist love canal and massaged the one spot inside his body she knew so well.

Jon’s cry from the feeling was so loud, Emily expected to hear one of his family races in, they’d been so quiet but at the same time there was two people sleeping next door, but she didn’t care any more. With her other hand, she massaged her own erect member, savouring the feeling of having something warm stroking against her body. It felt so much like her own clitoris, but just longer with more to grab. Within moments, she learned the most sensitive part of her new member and concentrated there; flicking the glans of her penis with her fingers as she continued her two pronged assault on Jon’s waiting pussy.

It didn’t take long for Jon to get ready, gasping, flailing on the bed at the overload of sensation, Emily could feel his love chute was ready and she couldn’t wait any more. Withdrawing her fingers and her mouth, she quickly wiped Jon’s love mixture off her face onto her arm before receding, kneeling upright in front of a prone Jon, watching his chest rise and fall as he panted, trying to make sense of the sensations he was now feeling.

Emily carefully positioned her penis against Jon’s waiting slit, gently probing the labia with her tip, never penetrating. The feeling of soft tissue against her dick was almost enough to make her blow her load right then and there. But she wanted to make sure they were both ready.

“Just do it”, Jon whispered between breaths with his eyes open, meeting hers.

Emily didn’t need any more excuses, with a gentle pull back to just the barest contact possible between the man she loved and herself, she plunged inwards, filling him with her borrowed symbol of lust.

Stars exploded behind the two lovers eyes as they felt sensations they’d never experienced before. Jon had only the experience of using a dildo with his sister’s vagina previously; he was completely unprepared for the sensation of a real penis entering his pussy. He could feel every inch of Emily’s dick entering deep into his body, every rib, every vein, and every pulse rubbing against his inner walls. He could feel her heartbeat through the organ that had entered his very body. His vagina instinctively clenching against this intruder, not wanting it to ever leave.

Emily felt feelings that could not be described, the sense of flesh, so soft, so pliable against her dick. She knew what it felt like inside a vagina before, but not from this position, not from this depth. It felt like it could go on forever, and every inch of it was demanding she stay put. She could feel Jon clenching around her painfully erect member. But it couldn’t stick around; she started withdrawing her dick out of the hot, moist hole it was currently in. She could feel Jon trying to resist, contracting vaginal muscles around her dick in a desperate attempt to keep it inside, but to no effect. Her member slid back through the wet pliable flesh without resistance.

With a wind up, she plunged back in again, pushing as deep as she could, pushing her pelvis against his. Jon gasping in shock at the feeling, “Faster”, he whispered. She was happy to oblige.

Emily withdrew, again, and again, and again. Each time, pulling back just enough before pushing in with all her might, Jon’s vagina offering little in the way of resistance, clenching every time she entered him. Over and over, faster and faster, she pumped her member into Jon’s waiting pussy, a sensation building up in her balls as she did so.

They lost track of time, it felt like it could have been hours, pumping harder and faster, it finally happened. Emily felt a strong sensation of release, her penis contracted and shot a warm, sticky load deep into Jon’s waiting pussy. Jon felt his entire body explode with heat, radiating out from his vagina at the same time. Pulsing, throbbing, radiating, the only words left that could describe what just happened for the two new lovers. Emily fell on top of Jon, gasping, exhausted, her penis still somewhat erect and buried in her lover, spitting out the leftovers of the most powerful orgasm she’d ever experienced. Jon’s pussy still occasionally contracting around the intruder in its realm.

Whether from the effort involved, or the overload of sensations the two had never felt before, both promptly fell asleep in each other’s arms, Emily still buried in Jon.

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