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3. Jon fights for his body

2. Sleep Wishing

1. You Are What You Wish

"I wish... fighting girl over my body"

on 2012-05-12 03:19:15

1721 hits, 128 views, 1 upvotes.

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Jon mumbled incoherently for a few seconds. He was dreaming about his new wishing stone, and how he wanted to be so hot, he has girls fighting over him. Instead what actually came out was, "I wish fighting girl over my body..."

Suddenly Jon felt someone forcibly drag him out of bed, and stand him up on his feet. He opened his eyes awaking suddenly and saw himself? No wait, that wasn't right. He didn't have hair that long or breasts. Now that he looked closer at the face it was softer and narrower, with thinner eyebrows, and it was scowling at him. "What the heck?" he asked in shock. "Who are you?" though considering he'd been holding the stone in his sleep, he already had a general idea of what her answer would be.

"I've been with you your whole life Jon, I'm your inner woman," she stated simply.

"What?" he asked incredulously. He could tell that he wasn't dreaming, but what could he have possibly wished for to make this happen?

"You heard me right; I'm your female half. Even if they're not honest enough to admit it, every man has a female side in his mind his whole life, just as every woman has a male side in her mind," she explained. The more Jon thought about it, the more he realized she looked exactly the way he'd expect himself to look if he were a girl. She was even wearing the same pajamas as him, except with a bra covering her breasts!

"What do you want with me?" Jon asked, getting nervous. She was still holding him and glaring fiercely at him.

"I would think that should be obvious," she said coldly. "I want to be a real person, and make you the prisoner in my mind. You have no idea what it's like, being the helpless voice of a girl trapped in a boy's body your whole life, hardly ever being listened to, almost always ignored by everyone. It's an endless torture! But now you'll get to see for yourself, as a man's voice trapped in a woman's body," she declared. "Jon Gibson won't exist anymore, from now on; everyone will remember us as a girl named Jane! You'll watch through my eyes as I live out your life for you, marry a husband, and one day become a mother!"

"You think I'd just let you do that to me?" Jon asked. "You've got to be kidding!"

"Well, I know how we can settle this once and for all: a fight!" Jane said. "The first one who surrenders gets to keep the body and live how they want, trapping the other inside their mind. I froze time so we can have as long as we want- no weapons, no rematches, agreed?"

"A good old fashioned fight? That should be easy," Jon said smugly.

"Don't be so sure," Jane warned, "Even though I'm a girl, and a bit weaker than you, I'm faster, and I know all the moves that you'd try, so you can't do anything to surprise me. I used to be you, and from this day forward, you're going to be me!"

"I won't let you steal my body that easily. You'll have to beat me within an inch of my life," Jon growled.

"Yeah, well so be it!" Jane yelled, charging at him. In a second they were both on the ground grappling fiercely with each other, each struggling for the upper hand in the fight of their life.

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