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3. Body Swap?

2. Victoria

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon's a girl!

on 2007-05-21 23:08:53

1141 hits, 71 views, 0 upvotes.

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Jon gazed at her lustily and spoke to the stone, "I wish I could get in her pants."

Jon blinked and found herself sitting in Victoria's car, applying lipstick to her face. "Oh my God," she gasped as she realized what had happened. She had to change back as quickly as possible!

Meanwhile, Victoria suddenly found himself in Jon's body. "What the hell?" he cried as he realized he was now his neighbor. He looked at the stone he was holding, and muttered, "What the hell is this?" He heard the sound of a car door shutting and looked at the window to see his former body running for Jon's house. "I wish I knew just what the hell is going on!" Instantly, he did.

"I can't believe that pervert!" He spat. "I wish that Jon can't use the stone anymore," he wished, just in time for Jon in his body to run in the room.

"I'm so sorry, Victoria," she apologized. "It's that rock, it's cursed. Hand it to me and I'll fix it."

"You lier," Victoria growled. "You were going to use this to rape me!"

Jon's eyes widened, "No! I never wanted to hurt you! I just wanted to-"

"Have sex with me without my consent," he finished. "God, you are so lame. I wish I looked exactly like Jon, here." They blinked, and suddenly there were two Victorias in the room. "I wish that Jon, however, becomes an attractive teenage girl so she can learn exactly what it's like when horny perverts try to rape her." Another blink.

"No, you can't do this," Jon cried, now a shapely teenager. "I'm a guy!"

"All evidence to the contary," Victoria smirked. "Enjoy yourself." She ignored Jon's pleas and walked back to her car. Once out of earshot, she held up the stone again. "I wish that it is impossible for Jon to truly be raped, but neither she nor potential rapists will ever realize this. I wish that someone Jon thinks of as a friend will try to rape her." There, she thought. That should settle it for revenge. She had places to be. She fixed her make up and pulled out of the driveway.

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