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2. The Randoms!

1. The Drafting Board

The Randoms!

on 2020-03-19 21:26:39

1922 hits, 125 views, 6 upvotes.

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It was a world not unlike our own. A parallel universe with people as ourselves on an identical earth. While mostly everything was the same, there was one distinct different. This universe had a slight tear in it's fabric of reality, a bug in its coding, a slight hiccup with strange ramifications for the people living in this world.

This world, perhaps entire universe, was affected by something known to all as the Randoms. Quantum Probabilius, the scientific term, was a phenomena that was rare but very surreal. To put it bluntly, once in a very great while the 'Randoms' would strike one or a few people, and subject them to changes. These changes could be anything, minor, massive, mundane or mind bending. They seemed to completely disregard all known laws of physics, allowing the fantastical to happen. Its as if reality simply started going haywire.

While most people transformed in ways, there were also cases of mental changes, and entire scenes and situations being forced to play out. Luckily, its never been dire. As long as humans have recorded history there have been documentation of these rare occurrences. They rarely left any major changes, as it had a 100% rate of clearly up after a few days. Mostly life was unaffected, and played out. Still, once and a while some unlucky few would be struck, and forced to endure what ever strange circumstances they found themselves in.

One notes side effect was amnesia for some. Leaving them unable to remember anything from their episodes. That made it hard to truly gauge what was happening. There were those with their own answers, conspiracies ran amok, but considering it didn't really bother after it was done most people chose to ignore it. It seemed cosmically rare, and even as scientists and others tried to figure it out, no one really needed an answer.

Life continues on in this world, people go about their daily lives not in fear of the Randoms. Some even ignorant, or choose to ignore the whole thing entirely.
Still, it happens. And, it seems that it might be striking very soon. A new case of the Randoms was about to unfold. Quantum Probabilius had found another place to strike. That place had....

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