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10. Karyn gets hit by a bus

9. Sarah's wish

8. Precaution?

7. Biff Taunts Jon (2)

6. AI-EB2: Decisions, decisions

5. AI: Overuse

4. The wishing empathy belly

3. The stone is no longer a stone

2. Switched Stones

1. You Are What You Wish

AI-EB2 Jenny is born

on 2015-12-30 11:30:35

846 hits, 52 views, 0 upvotes.

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It was the end of the day, grabbing the belly from his locker, Jon decided to find Karyn and head home. waiting for the bus he saw Karyn on the other side of the street, he waved her to come over.

Karyn saw her friend "Hi Jon, wait there" she shouted, and decided to run accross the street to meet him.


Karyn felt stupid, why had she forgotten to look, all the excitement of a wishing belly and now she would die in the street, the pain was unbearable, she could feel warm blood under her cold broken arm. He head felt light. Jon appeared in front of her, he looked red, but she guessed that was because of the accident. "I'm so sorry Jon" she said.

Jon sat crying in the road by his dieting friend, "what were you thinking?" He sobbed, the driver was knelt on the floor screaming "she's dead, I've killed her, why did she do it, I didn't see her, the ambulance won't arrive in time" he cried. A crowd had gathered.

Jon knew he had little time, and pulled off his shirt to put on the empathy belly, "no Jon" came his friends voice. "It's ok Karyn I know why I'm doing" Jon smiled pulling on the belly and quickly making a wish, he hoped he had time before it became real. "I wish Karyn would survive the accident and recover fully with no lasting damage" he cried holding his friend.

Everyone herd "She has gone mad with grief" one woman said putting a coat around the girl, "Jenny get over here, the ambulance is on its way" can the voice of Zoe, who was pulling at her arm. Jenny looked up she could see the flashing lights. "You will be ok Karyn, you will be ok".

Jenny sat on a bench with her sister and watched as the paramedics treated and then took Karyn away in amen ambulance. "Take that jacket off Jen, and put your bra and top back on, why did you strip and make a wish?" She said pulling the jacket off of her sisters shoulders and handing it back to the kind woman who had hung around. "I'll look after her, thank you" she pulled Jenny's arms up and pulled the bra over her breasts and fastened it, then the t-shirt. Jenny was still in shock, a hot drink appeared as if from nowhere, "thanks mom" Zoe said to someone and drank her own hot drink.

The streets soon cleared and Jenny's mother stood her up, "come on, we have to get you home, we can go and see Karyn in a few hours, I'm sure she will be fine" her mother said, she felt it would worried that her daughters best friend was dead, but she didn't want to show it.

At home Jenny lay on her bed, Zoe and her mother had got her home and put her there. Slowly she looked around the room, it still looked like Jon's room, there were no skirts or dresses, but there were bras and panties on top of a pile of clean laundry on a chair next to her bed. She knew she should be worried about Karyn, but she was also worried about herself, was she going to join Karyn in hospital soon but in the maternity ward, she gathered the courage to move and reached tentatively for her stomach. It was flat, well not flat, a small bulge beneath her belly button but not as pronounced as when she were Jon. Her hands explored up to two small breasts in a lace bra. They felt different but not the huge proportions of the empathy belly.

Then she noticed something odd, it was there, the breasts had a coating, she felt around the edge, a seam, very fine but separating her natural breasts from thin embathynbelly breasts. Her hand followed it round, down around her belly and round to two straps on her back. She arched her back up to try and undo them... Nothing her hand continued up to a strap. "Ah ha" she called and undid the fastenings. Feeling round she pulled off the belly and pulled it out from under her top. She held it up as the late afternoon sun shone through her blinds. "just a bra" she said realising she had just removed the bra. She sat up and removed the top.

Turning on the lights she looked at herself. Short, attractive but with messy hair and no make up. She didn't look much like Jon, more like Zoe's hot older sister. She was shorter then Jon, slimmer too, two perky breasts sat on the chest. She squeezed the end of a nipple, she had to be sure. Nothing, she felt nothing, she grabbed it hard and squeeked in pain as she roughly squeezed her own nipple under the fakes. Tears running down her eyes she realised she still had the belly on, only with no obvious way to remove it.

Someone knocked on her door, replacing the top she wore back onto her torso she opened the door. "mom asks if you want to go to the hospital, Karyns dad ran and said she is doing ok and can have visitors and that the damage was superficial and it looked worse then it was she didn't need much surgery just some broken bones, they say they are keeping her for observation but she should make a full recovery."

Jenny: I sighed in relief and followed her down to the car, mom passed me a jacket and we headed off to the hospital.

Why hadn't my wish worked I wondered, no that wasn't right, I was still in the costume and I'd still e the one to give birth after nine months. The question was why was I a girl and why wasn't the belly 9 mons pregnant anymore.what was the point of a embathynbelly that wasn't hardly pregnant at all. Well at least I can still make wishes I thought.

In the hospital I sat in the waiting room, three grown cheerleaders from the local football team were sat there waiting too, I marvelled at how pretty they looked. "Hey sweet pie, aren't you pretty are you waiting for a friend too?" A very attractive black cheerleader asked, her hair was immaculate as was her makeup and nails, however her hope yes looked saw like she had been crying. A tall very slim blonde cheerleader comforted a curvy short brunett cheerleader who was sobbing uncontrollably. "Yeah my friend was hit by a bus" I nodded. The attractive cheerleader came and sat with me while my mother spoke to a red headed cheerleader and headed to get everyone coffee, Zoe went with her. She stroked my hair and I couldn't help but cry as I waited for Karyn to be free for more guests, "I'm Sindy, the redhead is Molly, Sophie is the blonde and poor Jenny is the brunette, she gets a bit emotional when there is an accident. We are waiting for our friend too, another blonde named Dawn, Jenny dropped was holding her up when the ball hit her in the face. It wasn't her fault she dropped her." Jenny looked accross at me, "it was my fault and now she's going to die" she whales, I noticed she had one swallen black eye as well as a red nose from crying, her makeup a mess. She returned to crying as Sophie returned to stroking her hair. "No it wasn't, it could have been any of us" she whispered into her crying friends ear.

"Will she be ok?" I asked trying to cry, "yeah, she landed on her head and probably won't cheerleader again, but the doctors say her spine looks ok in the X-rays and they are hopeful that she should mostly recover after surgery, she should be out in a bit" Sindy said a tear escaping one eye, she bit her lip and dabbed it with a issue she grasped. I noticed the whiteness in her knuckles, she was obviously not as brave as she looked. "thank you, my name is Jenny too and I think you are all wonderful, Jenny I'm sure it's not your fault, I caused my friend ps accident by calling her accross the road, we should stick together, I wish your friend a full recovery, and I know she will be ok" I said giving the belly a rub to be sure. I stood and went to Jenny and hugged her deeply, inhaling the sweet smell of her perfume. She stood up too, not much taller then me and hugged me back, "I wish to be just like you when I'm older" I sobbed, "thank you" she said and calmed down a bit, we just stood there hugging.

Mom and Zoe returned with coffee for everyone, and the cheerleaders thanked her, and sat down. "Here" I said handing Jenny a tissue which she used to dry her tears. A kindly old nurse came in, "wow what pretty young women we have today, don't tell the male staff or they will all be in here asking for your numbers." She winked, "which one of you is Jenny?" She asked, me and Jenny both giggled and raised our hands. "Aw you are like twins she smiled, Karyn is asking for her friend so you should o in, also I am happy to say that Dawn is doing very well and should be out in a bit, the doctors have her in traction but she should make a full recovery." The cheerleaders all cheered and clapped and hugged it out, I joined them before saying goodbye, Jenny gave me a kiss and thanked me "Hope to see you on the junior team next year" she smiled, the others all agreed and also gave me a peck on the cheek or lips as I left, Sindy grabbed my mom on the way out.

Me and Zoe held hands and entered Karyns recovery room, passing Karyns parents as we went, her mom hugged me but her dad pulled her away in tears. Inside Karyn sat smiling, "hi Jenny, you are looking slimmer then I thought" she winked. Obviously she didn't know I was a boy called Jon anymore and maybe she didn't even know the time limit should have run out on the belly, she was just happy to see her friend. I sa on the bed and kissed her, before as Jon it would have been awkward and sexual, but now it just felt friendly. I sighed, "A lots changed, but I'm glad I saved you and I met some amazing girls outside" I whispered so Zoe couldn't hear. " Jenny the tom boys decided to become a cheerleader" Zoe blurted out, "can you imagine her learning how to do her hair and makeup and hanging out with the cool kids" she laughed hipugging Karyn. "No way, Jen is this true?, are you abandoning me" she smiled teasingly, she knew her friend too well, there was no way wishe was king to turn into Sarah and her gang.

"Yeah I thought I'd try it, they seem so nice" I smiled, "just to see what it's like though" I iggled, thinking about the girls. Mom walked in, "hi sweety" she kissed Karyns cheek and gave her a gentle hug. "Did Jen tell you, your not the only pretty girl to have an accident this afternoon, one of the regional football teams cheerleader had a bad fall, she is recovering in the room next door, I just popped in to say hello, I've got their numbers and they are sending you and Jen some memorabilia and some official cheerleader uniforms so you can look just like them, they have invited you to see them practice as soon as your better" she said softly to Karyn.

Karyn ps eyes rolled, "aw thanks p, but you know we don't like all that girly stuff. But I guess I'll go anyway if Jen is coming" she smiled. I stared at her, the ungrateful bitch, after everything the had been through tonight, I caught the thought, no it wasn't her fault, Karyns such a tom boy, maybe we are just more different then I realised. I felt excited to be getting stuff in the post and from such attractive and popular girls, Sarah would be soooo jealous at school tomorrow when I tell her, I thought and I'll get to see them perform, apmaybe they will teach me a routine I giggled. Karyn looked at me oddly, Jenny never giggles she thought, maybe it was just the pain killers. She would see her friend tomorrow and talk about why they would wish for with the empathy belly. She drifted off. "Aw she's sleeping, let's go, we will come again tomorrow." Mom said.

As I left I bumped into Jennifer outside, "Hey if it isn't Jen2, do you have time to visit Dawn!" Mom nodded and I let my namesake lead me into the recovery room. The girls all looked amazing in the pier uniforms, even Dawn looked good, her bruised face still smiling and vibrant, her lipstick carefully applied and her hair done up, she was probably the prettiest patient I'd ever seen, "I hear you want to steal my place in the team" she said as stern look on her face, my face took on a look of panic and she smiled all the girls giggling. "Quick let's et a selfie." Milky said finding a telescopic selfie stick and attaching her phone, "wait I'll do her makeup quick" Sindy said grabbing some items from a bag next to Dawns bed. Quickly she plucked my eye brows and applied makeup while Jen did my hair. "smile" they all called so I did, Flash, it was done. They showed me the picture, I looked amazing, just like one of the gang. "You best get going p, I'll send the photo to your mom with the other things," Molly said, "oil put it on my Facebook to" called Dawn.

I was soon in the car on the way home, I'd never felt so special or excited, I rubbed the belly happily. I couldn't wait for the things to arrive or to see my new friends again, or to tell Sarah all about it I giggled, she would be so jealous.

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