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16. Lunchtime

15. The Morning Continues…

14. Helping out the New Girl

13. Female Problems

12. The School day begins

11. The Search comes to an end.

10. A Friendly Face

9. Where Tom had went to.

8. The Office

7. Arrival

6. New Friends

5. The walk to bus

4. Monday Morning

3. The Day after the party before

2. Remembering Saturday Night

1. The Drafting Board

Uniform Swap: Lunchtime

avatar on 2020-05-08 14:07:58

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Susan had spent the morning worrying about her brother and now it was lunchtime. The feeling of worry had turned to anger. They had both agreed to turn up to school dressed as they were dressed today. He was the only one to chicken out. No matter how far he had made it he still did not carry out the deal. Boy was he going to be in trouble with Mom when he finally turned up at home that night.

Right now, she had decided to help Jody make the new girls feel welcome at their new school. Jane walked into the cafeteria a few steps behind Jody. The first thing that sprang to Jane’s mouth was a question and a predictable one at that. “Susan, why are you wearing the boys’ uniform? Which was then followed by “Won’t you get into trouble for it?”

Susan explained the reasons behind her uniform to Jane. This led to a huge smile appearing on her face as all three girls bursting into fits of laughter. “You mean to say that your brother is wandering around the school wearing a girls’ uniform. This I have got to see?” Jane said in between the laughter. “So, would I but he seems to have vanished earlier this morning and no-one has seen him.” Came Susan's reply. “He is probably gone home and is hiding there while you are here at school.” Jody voiced the thought that had been on Susan’s mind for the last hour or so now. “Well, he won’t be able to talk his way out of this,” Susan told the assembled girls

Meanwhile at the other end of the room was the other “new girl”. Tom had decided to find a dark corner of the room to sit with his lunch. He had spent the morning trying to ignore the strange looks he was getting from the boys. It had was making him feel uneasy, they had never looked at him like that before. It must be the uniform he thought. Why had no-one spotted that he was a boy? He had gone through half the day now; he had expected to have been the laughingstock of his year by now. Instead, the only thing he had noticed was these strange looks.

He finished his lunch and headed out of the cafeteria by the same door he had come in. It was only as he passed the toilets, he realized that he needs to use the bathroom. If he went into the boys' room he would be found out as a boy in a dress but if he went into the girls, he could suffer the same fate as Bob had. But he needed to go. Oh, to hell with it he thought as he pushed open the door to the bathroom.

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