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22. Arriving home.

21. At the Bus Stop.

20. The School Day Comes to A Clos

19. Free Period

18. The kindness of the almost str

17. Journey to a forbidden land

16. Lunchtime

15. The Morning Continues…

14. Helping out the New Girl

13. Female Problems

12. The School day begins

11. The Search comes to an end.

10. A Friendly Face

9. Where Tom had went to.

8. The Office

7. Arrival

6. New Friends

5. The walk to bus

4. Monday Morning

3. The Day after the party before

Uniform Swap: Arriving home.

avatar on 2020-05-28 14:20:31

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The bus stopped a street away from Susan’s house. She had not approached her cross-dressed brother during the journey back. She was pretending that she hadn’t recognized him at all but spent the journey watching him trying to fit in with the girls he sat beside. Laughing at their jokes joining in on their jokes. Sometimes he seemed to be a little behind them with the laughing. Tom got off the bus first to a chorus of see you tomorrow Tammy from the girls which he didn’t answer. Susan got off a little behind him mostly due to the other kids getting off the bus at the same stop.

Tom kept to a regular walking pace rather than running home. He didn’t want to draw attention to himself. He thought that he could get home first and wipe the makeup off his face before Susan got there. He would think of a reason that they hadn’t seen each other for the whole day and declare the experiment over and done with and that tomorrow he would go to school wearing his uniform and not his sisters. He just needed a reason that was all.

Susan was a few minutes behind her brother watching the way he was walking. If she didn’t know any better she would have sworn that he was just a typical school girl heading home. Once in a while, he would move in a way that told her that he was not what he appeared to be but that was happening less and less the closer he got to the front of their home.

Tom opened the front door and almost ran upstairs. He got to the foot of them after dumping his bag down when his sister opened the door and greeted him with a “Hi sis where have you been all day?” Tom knew that there was no way that he could go and wash the makeup off now and turned to face his sister.

“I have been at school Mrs. Mahoney told me to make my away to class just after you went into the office and wouldn’t take no for an answer. You know what she is like when she makes up her mind.” Tom answered her. Stick to something that is almost true that way she would catch him out and find out that he had spent the day passing as a girl. He was still coming to terms with that himself. “Oh okay,” Susan answered him. “You might as well keep wearing my uniform Mom will want to make sure you made it through the day. At least that was what say said to me before we left this morning.” She went on to say.

Dam there goes my chance to change Tom thought another few hours wearing a skirt wouldn’t be so bad. Mom would be back around six or seven then he would be able to change. Once he was wearing his clothes again, he would feel like himself again. Just a few more hours. He thought as he looked towards his sister who had a strange look in her eyes. Must be the fact that he was wearing her clothes yeah that must be it what else could it be.

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