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3. Carpoolin' in the Transporter

2. Fun with a Transporter

1. You Are What You Wish

Oh Crap.

on 2007-06-18 09:49:45

2189 hits, 128 views, 1 upvotes.

Body Swap Herm Inanimate Magic Part Swap SciFi Size

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Jon's mother quickly corrected herself. "No, wait! Your brother and sister are going to 'carpool' with you to save energy, since you and Zoe go to the same school and Mikey's is close by."

The alarm bells went off in Jon's head at this, every old sci-fi flick involving teleporter mishaps flooding to the forefront of his mind. "Mom! Shouldn't we all go separately? Isn't there a chance something might... go wrong?" He shuddered at the implications of those last two words.

She pulled the door open and yelled for her other children to come in, and pushed them all into the transporter. "Of course nothing can go wrong, the.. DNA things make sure you all stay separate. Off you go, you're all gonna be late!"

She quickly punched in the code for Jon's school on the outside panel and pushed a red button, sending them all off in a blur of color and sound. The beeping error screen and slightly smoking "DNA thing", an identification chip, went unnoticed as she hurried off to her own duties.

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