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2. Sweet Dreams

1. The Drafting Board

Sweet Dreams

on 2020-06-19 00:11:14
Episode last modified by Blackbladder on 2020-06-19 00:11:50

953 hits, 52 views, 1 upvotes.

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On a red satin bed, Margaret was asleep. Her hair was down and now wore a red dress with string collar and shoulder wraps and matching slippers. She groaned as she began to wake up. She got up and sat up. She looks around but couldn't see without her glasses.

'Where am I?' Margaret thought. 'Where are my glasses?'

She gasped as a strong putrid odour hit her nostrils. It was cigarette smoke.

'Oh, no.' Margaret thought in worry.

Laughter was heard. Out of the shadows came a shadowy creature with red eyes. Black smoke smouldered around the bald grey monster as it moved towards the girl.

"Oh don't worry, baby," Fenrir said getting on the bed and went to her. He used his claw to hold up her chin. "I'll make sure I'll go easy on you." He let's go of her chin and uses his claw to twirl one of her hair strains. He used his other hand to hold her chin up.

“Lemme introduce myself. My name is Fenrir, and I am here to turn you into my latest smoking protégé…whether you like it or not. I am a corruption spirit, scouring Earth for disciples to share my addictions. Unlike my cohorts, I use people’s dreams to take over and enslave. You are my first, but certainly won’t be my last!”

"You look so lovely when you're scared." Fenrir smiled. "No matter, I shall have you no matter what. Now here."

Fenrir reached into his pocket, pulled out a pack of cigarettes, and placed a filter between Margaret’s lips. She spat it out in disgust. Fenrir noticed and got angry. He grabbed her and held his claw in front of her throat like a knife.

"Do it, you cowardly girl!" Fenrir yelled.

"You can not resist the urge to smoke. You can not beat me. I'm unbeatable!"

"Please..." Margaret begged.

"Do it!" He demanded.

Margaret sighed having no choice. She reached for the cigarette and put it in her mouth. He let go of her and turned his claw red. It touched the tip of the cigarette, lighting it up. He put his hands on her shoulders, massaging them.

"Inhale." Fenrir said.

Margaret just blew the smoke out. He kept massaging her shoulders, only harder. "Come on now, baby. Take a deep breath. A whiff maybe."

Having no choice, Margaret inhaled once more, as the smoke rolled in her mouth. Her face turned red because of it. Margaret's cheeks puffed and smoke came out of the corners of her mouth before swallowing it. Now her face red, her eyes filled up with water and she closed them making the water came out. She blew out a lot of smoke making weak rings. Fenrir insisted she repeated the process until the cigarette was only a stub.

"That's the spirit, baby." Fenrir said.

"But I..." Margaret try to speak in between a coughing fit. "…don't smoke... It stinks."

"You'll get used to it. Everyone does, especially after meeting me." Fenrir said.

Margaret sighed but fell out of Fenrir's grip. Her eyes swirled around as she felt disorientated from the abundance of smoke in the dark cavern. Fenrir watched in amusement, smirking to himself. He picked Margaret up, who was now pale with heavy eyes.

"Now we can have our time together. More smoke and you'll learn to love it." Fenrir said. "You and I are gonna be good friends, you and I. Because your mine! I'm unbeatable!"

“You need something to crave on." Fenrir said taking out another cigarette.

Despite being weak, Margaret slapped the cigarette away. Margaret then fell backwards on the bed, her body heavy from the invasive smoke, suffocating her pink lungs. Fenrir growled, clutching his fist in anger. He got up and went to go get another cigarette.

"You will smoke and you will be mine!" Fenrir yelled taking one out of his dresser. "So come here and smoke, you coward!"

Fenrir, unfazed, blew smoke right at her. It formed into a vertical swirl around her and lifted her into the air. Scared, she held her arms near her chest in worry. Fenrir walked over to her while she struggled. He used one claw to hold her chin.

Margaret struggled to get free from the smoke.

As Margaret struggled, Fenrir planted his black lips on hers, as she could feel his tongue gyrate in her mouth. Moments later, the bitter taste of Fenrir’s tongue dissipated, and she could feel her panic subside slowly. Fenrir stopped kissing and let go of her cheeks, chuckling.

Margaret's eyes dilated as she chanted, "Fenrir... Fenrir... Fenrir..." Margaret was unable to fend off both the cigarette smoke and Fenrir’s demonic touch.

"Ah, music to my ears." Fenrir said, as he placed a fresh cigarette between Margaret’s lips.

He lit one nail red again and touched the cigarette lighting it up. Margaret dragged deeply on the filter, hypnotized.

"You can't resist it, dear." Fenrir said stroking her hair. "You are now mine. I'm unbeatable!"

Without response, Margaret continued to take puffs from the cigarette, as thoughts of feeding her new addiction filled her mind. Taking each drag deeply, any thoughts of escape vanished into the air with the smoke clouds high above.

"So beautiful..." Fenrir whispered, watching his latest acquisition enslave herself.

As Margaret finished her second cigarette under his hypnotic spell, she ground out the butt on top of his dresser.

“Here, have another.” Fenrir insisted, offering her the pack of cigarettes.

“Keep it.” Margaret accepted the pack and placed a cigarette between her lips, eager to feed her new addiction. After a few attempts to flick the wheel to life, a flame burst and she leaned in, as Fenrir watched in awe. Suddenly, the once virgin lungs were blessed with the smoke, as thoughts of smoking filled Margaret’s spellbound mind.

Nicotine flowed through her veins, and her body was rewarded with its first buzz from smoking. Margaret’s posture relaxed as she looked lustfully at Fenrir, with new thoughts. Fenrir was no longer a threat, and she was reborn a smoker. After another long exhale towards the ceiling, she smiled at her superior, infinitely thankful for her new habit.

Fenrir sat next and watched Margaret smoke naturally, whilst implanting instructions into his slave's mind.

After all, Margaret would need to feed and help spread her new addiction once she was awake...

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