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3. A Sleep Deprived Andy

2. The Magic Shop (For those who

1. You Are What You Wish

A Sleep Deprived Andy

on 2006-05-14 17:34:38

1504 hits, 72 views, 0 upvotes.

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Andy had barely slept in weeks, his girlfriend was an insomniac due to bad dreams and he stayed up with her to help her but nothing was helping. The sleeping pills the doctor gave her would work until the dreams came and then she was up again.
Andy was desperate to bring her peace. When he saw the Magic Shop he couldn't pass on the opportunity. So he went in.
Jon held up a finger and went into the back as Andy entered.
"I'll be right out. I have just what you need."
Andy stood at the counter confused. "but I..."
Jon stepped out carrying two pill bottles, one red and one blue. "These will help."
"Help what?" Andy stuttered.
"Christine is having nightmares and neither of you can sleep so...."
"How did..."
"Magic Shop. Catch up Andy.The problem is her nightmares are deeply rooted,the only way you can help her is to enter her dreams and help end the nightmares. These pills will let you do that."
"I don't know it sounds."
"Look, I'm not worried about the money just your health. You can pay me for them after the problem is solved. I trust you."
"Look, all you have to do is give her the blue pill and then take the red pill. When she falls asleep you will enter her dreams. You will be ble to move about in them and effect them."
"That's crazy."
"Of course you must be cautious because you will become a dream while you are there. You can be altered by her subconcious. You can slip away like a forgotten dream or change in many ways. It is not without risk."
"I become a dream? You're kidding"
"I never kid..... Just kidding" Jon laughed at himself
"Right now if it works it works. I don't believe in this...."
"You don't have to."
"But I'll try anything at this point."
Jon handed him the pills and turned him towards the door. "I know, now go forth and save your damsel in distress. Chop Chop. My number is on the label, call if you need anything."
Andy stumbled out the door dazed by this confrontation.
Jon ran back to the back room to watch the next season of LOST that he had wished up and was impatient to see. He set his crystal ball's DVR to record Andy and Christine's adventure. Hurley was running through the jungle with a gun looking angry.
Andy looked at the pills, shrugged his shoulders and headed home.

That evening....

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