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3. Chaos and Havoc ensue.

2. The Great Shift (for those who

1. You Are What You Wish

The pain and panic of a global switch.

on 2006-01-30 02:26:02

1232 hits, 47 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Body Swap Herm MTF Part Swap Part Theft SciFi

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instantly the wish took effect and panic ensued.

Planes fell from the sky, often crashing into populated areas as people with no piloting skills swap with the pilot and people with no knowledge of flight swap with air traffic controllers.

World leaders swap at a UN summit and no one knows who is our friend or enemy anymore.

A down on his luck man who just won the lottery loses millions and becomes down on his luck again just after as someone else swaps into his body with the winning ticket still in his old hands.

A post op transsexual contemplates killing herself as she swaps back into a male body.

The residents of a prison swap with guards, visitors, and the general public releasing theives, murderers, and rapists into the public.

meanwhile in the midst of this Jon and Karen swap with...

(sorry for the dark post, but I could never picture a global swap going good).

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