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3. know how it works

2. Jon's Dad finds the rock.

1. You Are What You Wish

Peter gets the answers

on 2006-12-23 04:51:11

2645 hits, 109 views, 2 upvotes.

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"I wish I knew what this was." Peter said. A bright flash blinded him for a moment, and he suddenly knew. "I wish I knew how it worked." he said. A voice came up into his head. "I was trapped in here a long time ago, please help me." It sounded like a young boy. "I wish you out." Peter said. Suddenly, the rock cracked and split open, revealing a large black spirt. "Thank you mortal, now I shall take your body and begin my conquering of this place." The spirit surrounded Peter, and when it cleared, a 7' tall demon with large horns and a long tail wearing black armor was standing where Peter was a moment ago. "Now to bring my family here." Izafriel said.

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